Poreuse: récit hybride avec trois personnages et labyrinthe (Temps Réel) (French Edition)

OPUS IX: Abode of Chaos / Demeure du Chaos 1999-2013

It was infiltrating the Fiat, understanding the weakest point in the situation to destabilize the organization of transmission of tools, knowledge, goods, everything… First project of yours I ever read about was DustyRelief , a project for a museum in Bangkok that would absorb the gray city around it, pollinate with carbon monoxide and grow an electrified shell that would continuously accumulate dust and particles from the polluted air.

There is a description on newterritories. What happened with the plans for the building of the museum? Irony of the history….. It contained radioactive uranium? It was for the Biennale curated by Sejima, the pope of the whiteness, the architecture bleaching cream for amnesic client …immaterial and intemporal… We worked with the Austrian company Zumtobel on a research for a project using the most paranoiac material created by the 20 th century, a radioactive isotope, that represents at the same time ideology of progress and its drama.

We found the way to buy 10 kg of uranium powder to jail it in glass beakers that had an extreme scary greenish after glowing in the dark. This after glowing could be used as the sensors of the intensity and specificity of the UV radiation crossing the atmosphere, from ozone depletion. So at the same time this matter became the detector of our past and future paranoia…this debate is collective, the step after the fossil energy is either sustainable either nuclear…. In these cases you use speculative fictions, myths and storytelling to create a narrative architecture.

So how does fiction and speculation work as an architectural practice, and how does it contrast with the expectation of exactitude and linearity? We started 5 years ago with a 7 axis robot in Bangkok, to develop with sensors a relation between trajectories of machines and physio-psycho relation…. Two algorithms are protocolized to be in conflict, where the result became an artifact, not predictable, a kind of battle between the sensor feed-back in real time, and the intrinsic logic of the machine code, meaning that all position are located in conditional….

It was with Camille Lacadee. Speaking of intertwining fictions, Bruce Sterling also wrote a narrative that functions almost as a film scenario extending from one of your projects? It was a report from … Cyberpunk are no longer storyteller, but sociologist. Bruce Sterling described a world in which a house is not reachable, just because it has been develop as a phantom, a stealth emergence.

An art collector asked me to make a house for him, as a representation of his collection and taste. No representation of its value, of the ego of the owner. The text written for it was from the position of an architect dreaming of the freedom which nobody actually wants. After this drape and video to across, the exhibition was a cavern of Alibaba, architectural models were all on the ground, which could have been effectively fragilized by the visitors, with all the texts, letter of ad-hominem fight, images, projections, since 20 years…including political statement, neighborhood protocols, bottom up design, machines and psycho-attitudes, human pathologies..

I grew up in the wake of all that, after structures and things had petrified. There was fierce debate between rear-guard Maoists, Stalinists, Operaists …. We sidestepped all that, we avoided getting caught up in the culture of conflict, but gave an ear to what those people had to say. None of them were absurd, but none were sensitive either… too much testosterone! They had good reason to take advantage of the opportunity to say things… but it was rare to hear anything that was really different, that went against the currents, or even got into conflict with them.

In my day the library at the Ecole de Versailles had purged from its shelves all the radical production of the 60s, hidden it under lock and key for fear it would corrupt the innocents we were then. All we had access to was post-modernism: That was what French Stalino-Marxism was about - a far cry from the Pasolini model. There was this gut-fear of innovation… of the unknown… even if we were free to dispute things, to seek confrontation… The whole show of the 60s was effaced, disqualified; so much so that at the Venice Biennale, when Gianni Pettena presented his book on the worldwide radicality of the 60s, there was esseffay in it for France!

We were like some terra incognita, a blank on the map as white as Moby Dick, not one progressive architect working in France made the list. Their disqualification in their homeland had led to their being invisible on the international scene. So I come from this sophisticated country that eliminates people, maybe not physically but ideologically… intellectually, and what is worse still - institutionally.

We used it as a mouth-piece for horny, disrespectful, embittered and half-crazy old geezers who had been lobotomized by the s. People who had turned their bitterness into a sublime downfall, a greatness of the soul. We interviewed Yona Friedman, Claude Parent, Ionel Schein… Some of them had experienced the beauty of defeat - the toxic beauty of defeat that had made their life into a sort of photo-novella, with all its dramaturgy and sublimation. We had no way of knowing that 30 years later people who are brain-dead would be holding the centre-stage… with Ricciotti and other idiots out in front, plagiarizing to keep the crowd amused.

Where do they come from, these mechanisms that disqualify and eliminate work so cleverly? The list is a long one, all our contemporary history is made up of censorship. From the frustrated petit bourgeois Frenchie at the bottom of the social ladder, under medication for neurosis and cast in the role of the leftist reactionary journalist, to the institutions whose job it is to censor.

There must be some sort of "synchroni-city" in play, there are similarities all over the place: How would you define immateriality? When I arrived in Paris in the 80s, the Immaterials were strung out all over the place, what with the implosion of post-modernism — in the philosophical sense, not in architecture of course.

It was a floating situation, in suspended animation, that heralded in contemporary practises. It sort of emptied the old cupboards, the glory-holes and even the WCs. It was fascinating to be part of it all, to feel you were on the verge of something, questioning the relationship to limits. Practises began to dilute too. Everyone had a place and was duty bound to define it in osmosis, in reciprocity. Sure, we put forward our own proposals, but they interlocked, crossed over and mingled with lots of other things, other substances, without the Agitprop.

Expertise was an insult. We were involved in relationships of osmosis, symbiosis. Membranes were porous and inspiration was shared. That was what immateriality was at the time, like a sequence of arrangements. The paranoia of politics and citizens came back into power. Everything shut down, withdrew, including architects who by nature need to legitimize their singularity, the professionalism of their practises, justifying them to activate story-telling as an exchange currency in the post-communist capitalist economy. It became necessary for them to justify their belonging to a territorial code, a delimited territory, a niche, a discourse, the discourse of the master, one that had been stamped and validated in due form to serve the economic transactions of the people who pay us to keep up appearances.

Uninspired ecology with its gaggle of green decorators, the socio-political moralists who are always gushing about the miseries of the world from their obese and capitalistic NGOs, the fetishist techno-geek neo-conservatives and so on. Going against all that, I continue to think that the architect has to work in interstices, in the voids and in-between spaces of power games, passing in dynamic dis-balance, schizophrenic by nature.

What place do machines have in your architectural thought and production? The aim is to enlist ways of breaking up tasks and time-scales between preliminary studies, intuition, design and execution. Between the project and its artefact! Growing in ; and from there to where the building becomes a machine echoing a situation that dominates, but which it can help control cf. Bangkok dusty relief ; then moving towards the emancipation of that same machine, which becomes both the vehicle for producing the working script and the building itself cf.

Olzweg for the Frac ; and on to the most recent phase, in which the machine works like a queen bee, correlating the species it has to perpetuate in habitat, like a prolongation, an extension of symptoms and pathologies in their resolution. All of that stinks of the same fake aristocratic democracy that Tocqueville heckled back in the 19 th c.

All those competitions do is reflect the philistinism of ministries of Kultur, who organize them as smokescreen events to mask performative malfunction. Just what do you mean by passing? We are all born amid passing time… I felt like an orphan pretty quick. The people who might have helped us get thru the 90s dropped out of the picture, so we had to face the mutation of technologies on our own.

In his ABC, Deleuze said creation had to do with defining the principle of a resistance-strategy to being alone, being able to pay attention to the esthetics of solitude… Because artefacts ooze. When he slings off at the Coke bottle as a prime example of the object-subject of desire and merchandising, all he does is betray his own gullibility in the face of the West, which none of us ever believed in anyway… So in place of Diogenes, all we get is a crumby clown who is drawing crowds in universities all over America, where I myself happen to have been teaching for the past 10 years in a Research Lab.

Well, we all live with contradictions. I have a vague recollection of the bad blood that was said to exist between Victor Hugo and Baudelaire. Prime-time TV news is a corral-full of snippets rounded up by cynical and clever little Hugo-ites! Baudelaire, on the other hand was a pre-Parnassian poet nursing his own downfall, the ultimate commitment, a pathological antidote to idiocy.

Something interesting and pornographic too. Laura Kipnis has written some good things on the same subject. Contemporary pornography as the last-stand space for transgression and what is possible. Maybe obscenity is something we have to face again in order to transgress. Transgress what, you say? What we need is a catalyst that will enable us to get up like the Golem out of the mud of general merchandising, the cult of objects, fictions, managerial storytelling, the routine of facebook and the selfie.

They compute and fabricate in small units, foxholes for experimenting with operative and discursive strategies. You know that song Girlfriend in a coma? I could give you a whole list of things we did 4 biennales in the international pavilion and not a single commission in France. I brought out a book with Negri in New York in , Reclaim resilience resistance - it sold out in three months but was never translated into French of course.

Is your re-locating to Bangkok like his folding? How do you see your architectural positioning on the world scene? Living in a capital is not an obligation, nor is it the only way of staying in touch. I set up a robot in the street, plug it in to a public power source and build a small place 3 to 6 m high in exchange-mode with locals, with the micro-economies, the people concerned, without delegation from the territorial authorities. Getting down into the dirt of Ruskin and the aura of Walter Benjamin, using the same tools designed to eliminate their traces.

Getting a rush, technological, computational spleen. Can you tell us more about the projects? Our most recent project consisted in removing from a slum built on poles the accumulated mud composed - among other things - of human shit that ran down the poles. There was no drainage system so we had to shift all this crap using robots, putting a small bookshop back in place of it. How can anyone talk decently about ecology without taking into account filth and trash? You can learn more about people by looking into their garbage can than into their fridge.

Technology is also about confronting what the world spews up, making it visible but also putting it back into the cycle as a raw material, even if it has a repulsive dimension. All the ones they had could do was prance about in front of the public, they were useless in a critical zone. What does it mean to be assigned to a territory, dependent on it and held hostage by it?

What does that kind of relationship to territory entail? A sophisticated play of synesthesia at the service of saying and feeling. It folds in and out as Artaud said, before Deleuze. Another one of our little projects under way is about testing platforms for crowdfunding. Are they new ways of experimenting? Letting that out instead of shutting people up, isolating them, calming things down, commanding silence. Human things ought to be shown in their smell and beauty, their psyche too with all its poisons… Architecture as the living vector of these things, shaken by spasms, questions that have no answers, absurdities… To wind up, can you be more precise about your relationship to technology and what is material.

Chinese universities rate their clout on hard sciences, they leave out the so called soft sciences — meaning political and human sciences. Look at the Kerviel case: The principle of a misunderstanding. An Asperger patient doesn't really take care of who and what, he is paranoiac by nature… in his own personal disorder… or trapped innocently in his pathology… delusional escaping by his attitude, works, strategies…as a blind point. For unfair trade evading billions in taxes in Irish fiscal paradise!!

I will, nevertheless, ask innocently, how this co-tenant consider the way to be a merchandise, a by-product doing by-product, selling merchandises in his secular temple of consummation What is the role of the architect today? Could we take the risk to talk about what we should not be, as a Parrhesia, and let ourselves be in the crack, in the negative territory: But both sides are just the two faces of the same coin … a Janus-like reciprocity of personal interest…! One as the temple of a neo-semantic-post modern architect and activist, located in the Community center of down-town Chicago.

Would you elaborate on these themes; do they intertwine how so? In a sense, It is a relation of time, to the arrow of the Time.. What is the main agenda s driving the mythomaniaS series? Ultimately, our NewT want to create — via architecture and design, myth literature , and psycho-geography — various conditions for schizoid passages between realism and fiction, expertise and knowledge, mind and built environment, narrative and topology, in order to bring about new strategic-tragic co-dependencies as forms of schizoid resistance to the usual identity regimes, and to also reboot architecture as a form of psycho-social praxis and non-necrotic speculation.

What does architecture have to do with myth? While operating in the overlapping folds of the architect and researcher, designer and story-teller, how do you mediate between the production of objects, and the intent behind them? The purpose of this flashback is to explore attitudes that show a correlation, a co-dependency with the forms they underpin, through their conflicts and reciprocities. Organized around the celebration of human-beast, or the beast-human, the critical and performative borderline is used as a weapon to corrupt the repetition of the conventional routines and discourses to operate, ultimately, a strategy of transformation, of transfiguration of what is politic, of what we should consider as politic.

We operate the robot with real sensor interface RSI using signals, inputs, analogue or digital. Introducing perturbations and stochastic positioning, in real time, where the trajectory of the nozzle is reacting to the robot's very noises machine clicks, inverse kinematics movement, pneumatic piston Those agents corrupt the programmed predictable work and modify in real-time the path of the fabrication, as a stuttering feedback coming from the intrinsic protocol of doing, increasing the intricate meanders of the tool in an ever permanent inaccuracy of positioning, introducing non-linear processes The stuttering of the robot described above, with double signal and conditional positioning is now something we use to produce a systemism closed to organic output but without mimicry.

We were very closed in with Rupert Soar and his research in Namibia about termite structures. It requestions the heritage, the hiatus between Villard de Honnecourt and Brunelleschi, between a middle age project manager and the Quattrocento architect. We should start with my friend Pierre Huyghe something related to the rumors by uncertainties and robotics in Japan, this year, small scale but scale one, with our own 7-axes robots from BKK.

Could you expand on the underlying ideas that lead to such a radical concept? Something shapeless grafted onto existing tissue, something that needs no vanishing point to justify itself but instead welcomes a quivering existence immersed in a real-time vibratory state, here and now. Tangled, intertwined, it seems to be a city, or rather a fragment of a city. Its inhabitants are immunized because they are both vectors and protectors of this complexity. The multiplicity of its interwoven experiences and forms is matched by the apparent simplicity of its mechanisms.

The urban form no longer depends on the arbitrary decisions or control over its emergence exercised by a few, but rather the ensemble of its individual contingencies. It simultaneously subsumes premises, consequences and the ensemble of induced perturbations, in a ceaseless interaction. Its laws are consubstantial with the place itself, with no work of memory. Its existence is inextricably linked to the end of the grand narratives, the objective recognition of climatic changes, a suspicion of all morality even ecological , to the vibration of social phenomena and the urgent need to renew the democratic mechanisms.

Fiction is its reality principle: What moral law or social contract could extract us from this reality, prevent us from living there or protect us from it? It is a zone of emancipation, produced so that we can keep the origins of its founding act eternally alive, so that we can always live with and re-experience that beginning. Made of invaginations and knotted geometries, life forms are embedded within it.

Its growth is artificial and synthetic, owing nothing to chaos and the formlessness of nature. It is based on very real processes that generate the raw materials and operating modes of its evolution. The public sphere is everywhere, like a pulsating organism driven by postulates that are mutually contradictory and nonetheless true. The rumours and scenarios that carry the seeds of its future mutations negotiate with the vibratory time of new territories.

Only fragments can be extracted from it. In , we added new paragraph in the dictionary concerning Somnambulism: Mental activity produce during the phase called waking sleep, or even heightened consciousness. Somnambulism can be characterized by the sensation of an indefinite, uncertain and problematic state, a state of unstable consciousness revealing a new relationship with the world, others and oneself. Historically, this unusual state of the consciousness labeled hypnosis in the first half of the 19th century has been an attempt to develop spaces of freedom, egalitarian social projects, that could not be perceived and explored except in this state.

It could be said that confronted by the impossibility of modifying the mechanisms of the real, tangible, political world, this pre-feminist movement strove, on the contrary, to create a different and distanced layer of existence somewhere out of reach. Although diabolized and treated as charlatanism, nevertheless all of premodern reformist thought drew on this movement.

In a world of instant gratification, I wonder if the complexity of your work is often lost on its viewers. Do you feel your work is understood? Yes… it is a part of the work to keep the relief as shadowing, unreadable…. When the glass bubble broke, some decade ago, it was a detective investigation to check the clues of fabrication, to redo it from its original way… and the AIR the Paris… was discovered as a trick.

Similar to this first example of maze logic, M. Duchamp sent multiple a postcards entitled 'landscape', with a kind of drawing stain on the back. A collector did chemical research to qualify the pigment and the medium, oil or acrylic, brush or roll, to in fact discover it was a semen ejaculation of the artist… How to call the Alice logic-illogic-absurdism of the logician Lewis Carroll, who articulates several simple mathematical problemas substitution of Variable, Shifting Base Counting, Integer modulo N, the symmetry.

The limit, the Infinite loop You commonly cite philosophers and philosophical concepts in your project texts. Was fascinated by the way Kubrick was only doing one movie, one by one…Only one by one, requisitioning all the procedures and all the reason to start… what is the beginning…again…a specific enterprise of narration, free of the previous and the next one…by nature singular.. So even if we didn't construct so much, as you know … we always try to make scenario in this condition of uniqueness and it is perhaps one of the reason… we are not so involved in industrial corporate repetition… What is missing in architecture today?

As a young person, who or what had an influence on your way of thinking? Don't like to be an architect, became just by coincidences and contingencies. One of the reasons why we created this androgynous queer avatar , in '93… was to escape from this French beaux-arts pathology, but also to escape from ourselves… Whose work is currently of interest to you? In the history of Art What advice would you give to young up-and-coming architects and designers today? Yes, we are only left with obscenity in order to say, to make, to make-say and make-know. Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth.

The Spectre is still Roaming Around! In relation to the debate between naturalism and artifice appealed by black ecologies, I feel part of the Eighteenth Century, when the automata of Vaucanson created a large polemic between vitalism and machinism. Nature is no great mother who has born us.

She is our creation. It is in our brain that she quickens to life. Things are because we see them, and what we see, and how we see it, depends on the arts that have influenced us ". One of our contemporary problems, because of the technological endlessness flight forward, is how debates are permanently being developed looking on the proto-relation between naturalism and artifice dictated by philosophical symmetry.

In this sense, we cannot ignore the co-dependencies, the correlation between nature and artifice, between human machines and its creation, from the Golem to the AI. The discourse about technological singularity, mainly about artificial super intelligence, that will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization, is a hoax: We have to face the role of media propaganda in all this issue, the eschatology as a part of a global merchandising, the manipulation of the fear as the main toxic junk bond.

I cannot help observing and participating in this accelerated society, both eager and powered with ever growing tools, to discover mental, emotional and physical wilderness. What we know, feel and see is never enough. Millennials, immersed in virtual and mixed reality worlds, cyborgs with augmented capacities and senses, or countries granting passports to AI humanoids I always find fascinating to enter the process of realizing the bi-directional effects and interdependencies of nature and artifice.

On the one hand, we are part of a reality of nature strong manipulation through technological agents, which in particular is starting to mutate human nature. Global organizations, scientists or other individuals all over the globe are focused on understanding even mapping how nature is affected by technology. Obviously this might be measurable or predictable, using numbers, indicators, statistics and algorithms, but what about the question on the other part of the equation on entropy?

Artificial intelligence is trying nothing more than to bring what is, in essence, coming from life and nature, into technological products or into artifice. The performance of AI or responsiveness technologies is ruled by norms of evolution, mutation and adaptability, paying no attention to any aesthetics. In this sense, as architects and space performances creators, we trigger social interactions; therefore we need, as well, to thoroughly investigate how technology is influenced by nature rather than just how nature is influenced by technology.

And fortunately to do this, the traditional knowledge of our discipline is not enough. Later, forgotten or revered, this world will be able to nourish with its sap anyone who has recognised it as one of the major telluric landmarks of our time: Symbolizes the oil war in the Middle and Near East.

La discussion sera longue, riche et durera jusque tard dans la nuit. D autres contacts ont eu lieu, toujours au travers de Marquis.

Catégorie : Textes

Thierry tape l adresse de Body-Art. Nos relations sont complexes. Nous parlions hier soir du ronin. Je pense que nous sommes tous les trois des ronins. Et ce soir, je suis heureux car je pense que nous sommes aux portes du chaos. J attends que le vieux monde bascule. Mais il faut replonger dans l histoire de l art. C est un pouvoir qui se substitue au pouvoir temporel, qui se situe entre le temporel et le spirituel. Et la Demeure, en fin de compte, c est une liturgie.

La Demeure est en dehors du champ. Il y a eu quelque chose d important dans nos vies: Avec Internet, c est le contraire. La culture des pionniers continue plus que jamais. Cette force a quelque chose d hallucinant. Et la Demeure du Chaos est aussi un incarnat sur Internet. Il y a aujourd hui 1 sites qui parlent de la Demeure.

Je ne fais pas porter la faute au collectif. Nous sommes avant tout des Punks, Voyous par noblesse. Nous sommes par nature des guerriers. J ai trop vu ces fils de pute, tous ces post-soixante-huitards devenir des suceurs de queue. C est la pire des choses. Et je ne suis pas certain que tous mes choix soient pleinement conscients. Il se trouve que je suis dans la marge. Elle n est pas dans le contrat. Le mythe de l ermite est une connerie.

L ermite n existe que parce qu il pense un jour redescendre au village. En biologie, la mutation est une constante.

Quantification et surveillance

A provisional composite chronology that merges the new and previously obtained moraine ages indicates at least five discrete glacial culminations from the Lateglacial to the late Holocene. Three new species of Eleutherodactylus Amphibia: Therefore, the likely increase of specific humidity in the upper troposphere, where the glaciers are located, is further discussed and we conclude that it played a major role in the observed massive ice loss of the Cordillera Vilcanota over the past decades. Investigation of a measles outbreak in Cordillera , northern Philippines, We have to renegotiate a degree of absurdism, in an Albert Camus or Lewis Caroll sense, including the possibility of being augmented, enhanced or reduced: Two models have been previously proposed to explain the occurrence of extension and the presence of this active normal fault in a compression setting but the Cordillera Blanca normal fault and the uplift and exhumation of the Cordillera Blanca remain enigmatic.

Au regard de l histoire, on sait que les mutations sont une adaptation naturelle. J adore les rats parce qu ils sont mutants. C est un vrai sujet. Je dis simplement que le 11 Septembre est le grand renouveau de l Histoire. Et donc le 11 Septembre, pour moi, nonobstant les victimes que je respecte, c est avant tout le grand retour de l Histoire. C est le Deus ex-machina qui se remet en marche et l Histoire qui se retrouve de nouveau dans le champ de tous les possibles.

Elle est simplement en marche. Le monde est en train de changer. La question est plus celle du choix de la mutation que de savoir si on doit ou non muter. Je vais me permettre de reprendre une expression de Lukas, du nom de l une de ses performances: On nous traite de tous les noms de la Terre. Nous sommes borderline au sens juridique du terme, pas uniquement dans le sens psychiatrique.

Finalement, le corps est le tabernacle intime de notre vie sur Terre. Le milieu de l art est frigide, atrocement frigide. Je dispose pourtant de mon corps comme je le veux. Je peux m implanter ce que je veux. Je pense que dans toute phase, il faut d abord consumer les braises. Il faut les ruines. C est la ville de Dresde sur laquelle tout se lie. Ce sont les ruines de Beyrouth. Dans une partie importante du monde, le noir est aussi le symbole de la vie et pas celui du deuil. En imprimerie, le noir est la superposition de toutes les couleurs.

D abord, il n y a pas un noir.

Une histoire longue

Poreuse: récit hybride avec trois personnages et labyrinthe (Temps Réel) ( French Edition) eBook: Juliette Mézenc: www.farmersmarketmusic.com: Kindle Store. Poreuse: récit hybride avec trois personnages et labyrinthe (Temps Réel) ( French Edition). 11 May by Juliette Mézenc.

La phase noire est obligatoire. Je pense que nous sommes de furieux optimistes. Plus que de la provocation, c est un questionnement. Au sens du premier mouvement, le vrai mouvement natif. Quels sont les pouvoirs en place qui se sentent en danger? Toute guerre est avant tout une guerre d information. Aujourd hui, l information effondre des empires. C est les barbares contre l empire, donc la culture de l autre qui arrive. Chaque lobby est en soi une conspiration… T.

L information aujourd hui, c est une guerre terrible. Chaque octet a une valeur. D abord l iconographie, l image homme dieu. Et je pense qu on va atteindre en Pour les profanes, peux-tu expliquer ce qui motive cette progression de l indice? Il y a une courbe de croissance exponentielle. En gros, achetez massivement l indice du chaos en On prend des coups, mais on leur dit: Tout le monde est libre de choisir, mais au moins c est en connaissance de cause.

La Demeure accueille au moins un millier de visiteurs par week-end. Il y a donc bien une ouverture. Le libre-arbitre est important. Les gens ne sont pas stupides. Nous ne sommes plus tout jeunes. Donc, les choses vont dans le bon sens. Nous ne pardonnons pas. Nous n oublions pas. We do not forgive. We do not forget. We are legion Borderline Biennale manifestation La preuve en est que je n en trouve plus. Ce qui me conforte.

Ce sont des miracles au quotidien. J aimerais revenir sur la question de la puce RFID d une contenance de deux gigas. A quoi pourraient servir ces deux gigas? La France, c est 65 millions d individus. C est un peu la vaseline de l histoire. Le principe classique du cheval de Troie… L. C est pourtant une technologie qui va arriver. Nous sommes sous un intranet gouvernemental. Cet Internet profond va donc exister parce qu on ne peut pas faire autrement.

On est en plein dans Minority Report. Le discours est de dire qu on ne fait pas le mal et qu on ne fait qu endiguer le mal. Quel est le lien entre les adresses IP et cette prescience des actes? Il disait qu il souhaitait mille fois le chaos, car le chaos signifiait le retour du Mahdi. Et ces algorithmes de traitement font qu on peut pressentir quelque chose qui est de l ordre du devenir proche.

En fin de compte, il faut aller chercher l information dans les sources primaires, la croiser et la recouper. Ils disposent en substance de beaucoup d information. Je suppose que ce n est pas anodin… T. Mais c est vrai, Kubrick avait une vraie vision. Nous parlions ensemble l autre soir de Warhol et de sa mystique. Andy Warhol allait prier tous les matins. Quelle est ton analyse de son film Eyes Wide Shut? J avais un petit temps d avance sur mes contemporains.

Peuxtu revenir sur ton enfance et ton adolescence? Je pense que le Vatican est toujours l Etat le plus puissant au monde. Peux-tu nous l expliquer?

Nous avons fait partie des grandes fortunes. Il ne constitue pas un acte d amour, mais c est un fabuleux moyen. Je me souviendrai toujours de ce que m avait dit un grand banquier. L argent est une ressource fondamentale dans un contexte guerrier. Si l argent n est pour toi qu un moyen, c est un moyen de faire quoi?

Que serait le Grand Oeuvre? Et la Demeure du Chaos en tant que nouvelle religion? Une religion commence toujours dans les catacombes. Pardon, mais comme contamination virale… rires Oui, il peut y avoir une religion du chaos. Ceci dit, quand on veut faire un effort, on peut. Rappelezvous des derniers jours de Hitler dans La Chute. Pratiquement tout le film se passe dans un bunker.

Le container, c est l arme de destruction massive. Quand on regarde son cahier des charges, c est hallucinant. C est vraiment universel. Pour moi, la guerre est un indice de vie forte. On ne se suicide pas dans les pays en guerre. C est aussi avec les emmerdeurs. C est ce que disait Clausewitz: Tout est guerre et aujourd hui plus que jamais avec les avocats.

Ce sont des guerres atroces. On y passe notre temps du matin au soir. Donc il faut faire en sorte que la guerre soit un rituel. Mais je pense aussi que la guerre permet de rester vigilant. Comment fonctionne l i-Bombe? Nous sommes en train de racheter une fortune certains vieux appareils analogiques. Maintenant non, parce qu il y a une cartographie qui dit stop, danger, on coupe tout.

Du coup, on se retrouve sans onduleur et sans retour secteur. L analogique a du bon. Il laisse des traces alors que l analogique n en laisse pas. Donc je ne laisse pas de traces. Une fois de plus, on rejoint la science-fiction. Et le renoncement actuel au verbe?

On m a dit texto: Ils n ont plus les moyens d assurer le service d ordre et il y a un renoncement au verbe. Et personne n ose plus rien faire ou dire. Parce que les gens n osent plus affirmer ce qu ils sont. Et les gens ne sont plus libres. Nous sommes au bout du sens. Tous les bilans biologiques sont au bout du bout de la nuit. C est archi faux. Tout devient monnayable, y compris les frais de pollution. Prenons comme exemple les performances de Lukas. Lukas est un artiste plasticien. Il se situe toujours dans le prisme de l histoire de l art.

Mais beaucoup de choses qui se font sous le label artistique ne sont pas de l art. Dans ce cas, qu est-ce qui n est pas de l art? Je l ai vu de nombreuses fois dans le combat autour de la Demeure du Chaos. Je pense que l art est sans concession. Avec le temps, tu es moins professoral, plus instinctif.

Il y a vraiment des choses qui ressortent de l art. Vraiment, l art est une passerelle vers le ciel. Je suis un homme de doutes. Dans le deux cas, je me barre. Pour raffermir sa foi, il faut chercher et tout le temps douter. Une phase d errance longue, sans partage. La mort est quelque chose d insupportable d un point de vue intellectuel. Cellesci ne sont que des excroissances cellulaires. C est un vrai boulot. Se demander ce que tu feras lorsque tous tes proches mourront et que tu perdureras? C est un supplice merveilleux. Ils jouent simplement sur l anticipation. L alchimie se produit sur toi.

Et ici, c est un peu ce qui se passe. Il y a des choses troublantes dans la vie. Tu attends encore quelque chose? On attend le sublime, on attend le merveilleux. Goya l avait vu. Les gens ne savent plus ce qu est la mort. Le toucher avec le mort, la descente avec le mort est importante. Eros et Thanatos sont deux choses importantes. Lukas, par exemple, a une attitude de dandy. Tu parles plus de douleur que de souffrance… L. C est David Le Breton qui m a permis de faire la distinction entre les deux. La souffrance a quelque chose de l ordre du spirituel.

J attends les temps nouveaux. J attends les accidents de l histoire au sens de Virilio. Je travaillais avec un CAC man. Et on l a su 16 minutes avant tout le monde. On a par exemple construit l A Il contient minimum ou personnes. Here we are gathered with Lukas Zpira and Thierry Erhmann around this last office, iconic Artprice and Abode Of Chaos tour tower, from which Thierry spins his web about overall digital networks. About 3 hours of recording to reach fourty A4 pages and dozens of hours to retranscribe.

As if we had reached some essential parameters of that XXIst century to become, making our contemporaries so shivering. There will be no backward step. Me and Satomi decided to go to the tribunal to attend the hearing. Marquis also introduced us to a number of other people. Hakim Bey has done a lot of work on the idea of a strategy of subversive chaos.

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Ah, tu as des gens autour de toi? And I thought "here is something interesting". Bearing in mind that we are at the beginning of the 21st century…something magnificent and tragic at the same time. Our relations are complex. As I have said on my blog, it would take a thousand years to describe Lukas. I think all three of us are Ronins. Even if we all want family life, a circle of friends and a clan, there is something of the Ronin in all of us. I haven t looked at it for ages, and it certainly does reflect the spirit of the Abode of Chaos. I didn t want my work or attitude to come across as that of an upstart who thinks he knows everything there is to know.

First of all, we learned to understand each other. Next to that is a more subtle internal struggle, a sort of 5th column. It is this endogenous path that we have favoured at the Abode. It s a little McLuhanesque, but in a "glocal" version, i. To paraphrase Reiser, I believe we are living a marvellous century. It is indeed a truly incredible era. And tonight I am happy, because I believe we are at the gates of chaos. I know that the "old world" is faltering. The Abode, it s a curious system that is itself at the heart of the State system.

We also believe in "Old Europe", in a kind of perpetual Kantian peace which contrasts with a Clausewitzian America. And I also think that art makes everything possible. But we must immerse ourselves in the history of art. People have quite simply forgotten that art is the ultimate power, far greater than political power. And the Abode, at the end of the day, is a liturgy. It does not have the reserve or delicacy to position itself in a conventional field. The Abode is "off the map". Lukas and I have known each other for nearly ten years now and we know each others personal histories and the paths that have led us both to our current thoughts and ideas.

An important historical event for us appears to have been the Punk movement: In your case, what were the cultural and intellectual accidents … or triggers? Should we be inside or outside the system to fight against it? It s a religion that cannot be practised just by being boisterous in front of a riot control vehicle.

This "dry path" was superb. The "dry path" is nothing short of illumination, contrary to the damp path, which is a slow and penetrating path. The Abode of Chaos is only the extremity of a period of constant struggle in all fields. And then there was the discovery of Internet. We began in … we were the first in France. Internet is a very complicated culture. Generally, there s a contradiction.

With Internet, it s the reverse. So based on Internet, I built another life. For many years I believed that going on a voyage was a way of leaving and escaping from reality. This is a truly remarkable power. Very often people compare Internet to the industrial revolution. We have moved on to an almost horizontal format of knowledge.

And the Abode of Chaos is also alive on Internet. Today there are 1,, sites that mention or talk about the Abode. The "we" is just a way of stepping aside because there are always people who shares with me and who, although perhaps not visible, are contributors to my acts and my progress. The "I" is only used in times of war. When I kill, I say "I". I don t make the collective carry the responsibility. But when we are talking creation, I say "We". The "I" is reserved for the supreme act, when you kill, quite simply. You cannot kill with the "We", you kill in the first person singular.

We penetrated the financial markets. And, in effect, it was in , after consuming the golden calf, that we noticed not so much the weight of sin, but rather that we still had to "return to Palermo". This "return to Palermo"… was to get back in touch with what we used to be. And then, it was like a complete split in which I burned everything. It also has to do with the romanticism of ruins, but ruins in which we cannot be trapped since we fought against them. That s the worst thing. When things have gone wrong, I am in favour of radical surgery… tearing out… with no stitches.

Because alchemy is perhaps the art of converting base metals into gold. Myself, I only have fragments of responses to the question of why I go in certain directions. And I am not certain that all my choices are completely conscious. How is it for you? It s not like that. It s just the way it is.

Being an "outsider" is not just a pose for the sake of being "remarkable" or remarked upon. You can agree and you can disagree. Between theology and law. It is not in the contract. The myth of the hermit is bullshit. The hermit does not do what he does because he plans one day to return to the village. Mutation is the survival of the species. That s a very interesting theme. It s history already written. I am not going to be drawn into a discussion of the Americans killed on that day; I respect their deaths.

I say quite simply that nine eleven was the start of the major now cycle in History. Nine eleven was the ultimate work of art in the formal sense of the word and it represented the dice of history being thrown once again. It is also the grand return of chaos, in the meaning of proteiform original matter, themateria prima, this matter from which all animate and inanimate things came from. Its not that a mutation is even "necessary". It is simply happening. The world is changing.

The world changed on September 11, The question is more "what kind of mutation" rather than "should there be a mutation". A page has been turned. We have finally arrived in the 21st century. Our Group also has scientists. We are borderline in the legal sense of the word, not just in the psychiatric sense.

I do not see why we shouldn t modify our flesh, our bodies and reflect on these mutations. That s also what interests me with Lukas. Today the body belongs to bureaucrats, both in Europe and in North America, and therefore to doctors, clerics and the State. And so it buys tokens, like Keith Haring s or Basquiat s street art. The art milieu has Orlan. I can do whatever I like with my body. I can implant whatever I like. I can decide to give it away, to open it and to disembowel it in full awareness of my actions. I am thinking particularly of the phrase that is inscribed all over the Abode of Chaos: Is this the idea of a first stage that must necessarily involve something obscure and dark?

Is the objective to expell the darkness and advance towards the light? Blackening nigredo is cremation. And whitening albedo is the return of the ether phase. You must have the ruins. It s on the ruins that a better future can be built. The ruins of Beirut. In electronics, black is molecular emptiness. And black is also supreme elegance.

First of all there in not just one black. There are millions of data states. The dark phase is therefore a necessity, but also a reflexion. The black phase is unavoidable. It s all there in the phrase you quoted: Donum Dei, "Be happy". A work of art that does not pose questions is not a work of art. So, more than provocation, what we do is ask questions through our works. A slightly violent finger up the bum. Provocation leads to questions without any concession.

What is fabulous for us artists is that when we create, we can ask the questions without having the answers. It s not even a part of the postulate. I ask questions pretending to be an idiot, but I know the answers fairly well. In the sense of the primary movement, the original "native" movement.

The punks cried "No Future" in the s. The punk movement was a revelation for each of us. But also by Lucifer, the bringer of light punished for having wanted to give knowledge to men. It is also the message that Christ wanted to communicate. What, in your opinion, scares people about information? Briand et thierry Ehrmann. Visite des lieux privatifs enfin! Toutes les infos sur: With Internet and Metcalfe s Law, the value of information grows proportional to the square of size of the network into which it is introduced.

Today, information is undermining empires. I believe that the conspiracy theory is almost true. But it is proteiform. He who holds the information has already won the war. We analyse and dissect information. Every octet of data has a value. I am studying and I try at the same time to teach an interesting rule. According to the Fourier transform infrared and 31P magic angle spinning-nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, the main species present in the samples was the [PW12O40]3- anion, which was partially transformed into the [P2W21O71]6- anion during the synthesis and drying steps.

Moreover, the samples with the highest TPA content exhibited band gap energy values similar to those reported for TiO2. These can be reused at least three times without any significant decrease in degree of degradation. This doping caused pore size modification of the H- ZSM - 5 catalyst. The reaction was carried out in a fixed bed flow type reactor. The ratio of produced para-xylene relative to its thermodynamic composition reached as high as 3. The overall activities of the catalysts were decreased with an increase in HF doping because of diffusion restriction.

Different metals were introduced into the ZSM - 5 catalyst by ion-exchange and by introduction of metals during the zeolite synthesis. To prepare bimetallic catalysts a combination of these methods was used. The highest conversion was obtained over a ZSM - 5 catalyst prepared by introduction of Pd during synthesis of the zeolite and subsequently ion-exchanged with copper.

Synthesis of ZSM - 5 zeolite from coal fly ash and rice husk: Prior being used, coal fly ash and rice husk were subjected to pre-treatment in order to extract silicate SiO4 4- and aluminate AlO4 5- and to remove the impurities. The result of FTIR showed peaks at cm-1 v asymetric T-O , cm-1 v symetric T-O , and at cm-1 confirming the presence of the five number ring of the pentasil structure. The SEM image showed the rough surface of hexagonal crystals from ZSM - 5 structure, indicative of mesoporosity in the structure.

The ZSM - 5 zeolites then was modified with cobalt oxide through impregnation method. The catalytic activity as heterogeneous catalysts in partial oxidation of methane was tested. The effect of reaction temperature, weight hourly space velocity WHSV , and addition of water and methanol, which are the potential impurities of bio-ethanol, on the catalytic performance was investigated in a fixed bed reactor. The catalysts were characterized with ammonia temperature programmed desorption NH3-TPD and nitrogen adsorption-desorption techniques.

C and WHSV of 0. Qi, Gongshin; Yang, Ralph T. Results are summarized for a study on the effects of poisons on the La-Fe- ZSM - 5 catalyst activity for the selective catalytic reduction of NO by ammonia. The deactivation is correlated to the amounts of poisons deposited on the catalyst. Poisons include alkali and alkaline earth metals, As and Hg.

The poisoning effects of these elements appeared to be additive. Thus, from the chemical analysis of the deactivated catalyst, the deactivation of Fe- ZSM - 5 can be predicted. Full Text Available Transesterification of used cooking oil was carried out over calcium oxide supported on mesoporous H- ZSM - 5 prepared from kaolin as solid base catalysts. It also related with the basic active site, when loading CaO increased, the basic active site also increased. All rights reserved Received: December How to Cite: For methanol and ethanol, the catalyst lifetimes and conversion capacities are comparable, but when i-propanol is used as the reactant, the catalyst Furthermore, when i-propanol is used as the reactant Zeolite-based catalysts have a crystallographically well-defined microporous structure.

In such microporous catalysts, the creation and accessibility of the active sites is often influenced The separation of low-concentration hydrogen isotopes from helium is a processing step that is required for ceramic lithium breeding blanket processing. Cryogenic adsorption is one method of effecting this separation. In this study live adsorbents were considered for this purpose: The first two adsorbents exhibit good equilibrium loadings and are shown to be quite effective at adsorbing low-concentration hydrogen isotopes. The latter three adsorbents display considerably lower equilibrium loadings.

This study concludes that by using either charcoal or 5A molecular sieve, cryogenic adsorption would be an effective means of separating hydrogen isotopes from helium. Radical cations of quadricyclane and norbornadiene in polar ZSM - 5 matrices: Radical cation photochemical transformations without photons.

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In polar ZSM - 5 , only one radical cation is initially observed below K. Increasing the temperature above K gives rise to the cyclopentadiene radical cation. The observation of cyclopentadiene radical cation implies the occurrence of the reverse Diels-Alder reaction. This is a thermally forbidden, photochemically allowed, process, which is made possible by the interaction of the polar zeolite matrix sites with parent NBD and Q radical cations.

Conversion of straight-run gas-condensate benzenes into high- octane gasolines based on modified ZSM - 5 zeolites. It was defined that the introduction of the binary system oxide-based Sn III and Bi III into the basic zeolite results in the 2-fold increase of its catalytic activity. High-octane gasoline converted from straight-run benzene is characterized by a low benzol content in comparison to the high-octane benzenes produced during the catalytic reforming. Small-angle neutron scattering studies of the template-mediated crystallization of ZSM - 5 type zeolite. Small-angle neutron scattering is a useful new approach to the study of zeolite crystallization from aluminosilicate gels and the action of template molecules.

It has been applied to gels for synthesis of zeolite ZSM - 5 using tetrapropylammonium ions as templates where the scattering length densities of the gel particles and their texture were determined using contrast variation methods. Gels formulated from soluble silicate incorporate template molecules promptly into an amorphous ''embryonic'' structure and crystallization ensues via a solid hydrogel transformation mechanism. Gels formulated from colloidal silica show different scattering behavior, and a liquid phase transport mechanism is inferred.

Waste crab shell derived CaO impregnated Na- ZSM - 5 as a solid base catalyst for the transesterification of neem oil into biodiesel. The prepared catalyst was tested for its catalytic activity by transesterifing neem oil into biodiesel in the presence of methanol. The influence of various parameters including reaction time, temperature, methanol to oil ratio, catalyst concentration and dosage were also investigated.

Produced biodiesel have also been tested using proton NMR spectroscopy. The optimum transesterification reaction conditions were identified as follows: Based on the above study, it can be concluded that the calcium oxide impregnated Na- ZSM - 5 can be a potential catalyst for biodiesel production. The characterization results revealed the Co-Fe alloy phase was formed in Co0.

The results of experiment demonstrated the addition of Fe species could significantly increase C conversion and H2 yield, and the formation of Co-Fe alloy effectively inhibited methanation reaction and improved water-gas shift WGS reaction. The conversion of biomass to light olefins on Fe-modified ZSM - 5 catalyst: Effect of pyrolysis parameters. Light olefins are the key building blocks for the petrochemical industry. In this study, the effects of in-situ and ex-situ process, temperature, Fe loading, catalyst to feed ratio and gas flow rate on the olefins carbon yield and selectivity were explored.

The results showed that Fe-modified ZSM - 5 catalyst increased the olefins yield significantly, and the ex-situ process was much better than in-situ. With the increasing of temperature, Fe-loading amount, catalyst to feed ratio, and gas flow rate, the carbon yields of light olefins were firstly increased and further decreased.

The maximum carbon yield of light olefins 6. Determining the efficiency of ZSM - 5 zeolite impregnated with nanoparticles of titanium dioxide in the photocatalytic removal of styrene vapors. Full Text Available Introduction: Styrene monomer is a volatile organic compound that has many applications particularly in plastic, rubber and paint industries. According to the harmful effects of these compounds on human and environment, reducing and controling of them seem necessary.

Therefore, in this study removal of styrene was investigated using photocatalytic process of titanium dioxide nanoparticles stabilized on ZSM - 5. Experiments were conducted at ambient temperature in laboratory scale. The results showed that by increasing of input concentration of styrene from 50 to ppm, photocatalytic removal efficiency are reduced. Also, adsorption capacity of the catalyst bed in concentrations of 50 and ppm was calculated The results show that the use of hybrid bed can increase the removal efficiency of contaminants.

And due to low cost of application of these systems compared to conventional methods, it is recommended that more comprehensive studies to be done regarding the optimization of the parameters affecting the process of photocatalytic removal. Bastiani, Raquel; Pimenta, Ricardo D. The main objective of the present work is to perform a qualitative identification of the main parameters of FCC catalyst which affect the ZSM - 5 additives performance concerning quality and composition of Dry Gas, LPG and Gasoline. The effect of ZSM - 5 on products composition was evaluated. The results showed that the ZSM - 5 additive cracks gasoline range olefins and isoparaffins into Dry Gas and LPG, favoring the formation of ethylene, propylene and butylenes, while the absolute yield of gasoline aromatics changes little.

Higher hydrogen transfer provides lower olefins higher than C6 formation, which are the most reactive species for ZSM - 5 cracking. Box , Dalian P. During the alkylation process, the catalytic activity decreases, some of the catalyst pores are blocked and the acid centers are partly covered by coke deposition. Influence of the factors such as catalyst particle size, temperature, etc. Characterization and kinetic studies. Box , AE Enschede Netherlands. The selective catalytic reduction of NO by propene in the presence of excess oxygen has been studied over catalysts based on Co-Pt supported on ZSM - 5.

The catalysts also showed high water and sulfur tolerance above C. Literature reports describe quantitative conversion of ethanol over zeolite catalysts but high C2 hydrocarbon formation renders this approach unsuitable for commercialization. Furthermore, the prior mechanistic studies suggested that ethanol conversion involves endothermic dehydration step. Here, we report the complete conversion of ethanol to hydrocarbons over InV- ZSM - 5 without added hydrogen and which produces lower C2 dehydration step is not necessary.

Thus, our method of direct conversion of ethanol offers a pathway to produce suitable hydrocarbon blend-stock that may be blended at a refinery to produce fuels such as gasoline, diesel, JP-8, and jet fuel, or produce commodity chemicals such as BTX. New insight in the template decomposition process of large zeolite ZSM - 5 crystals: A combination of in situ UV-Vis and confocal fluorescence micro-spectroscopy was used to study the template decomposition process in large zeolite ZSM - 5 crystals. Correlation of polarized light dependent UV-Vis absorption spectra with confocal fluorescence emission spectra in the — nm region.

The prepared catalysts were used to evaluate catalytic pyrolysis for the conversion of Eucalyptus urophylla to fuels and chemicals, Coke formation during the methanol-to-olefin conversion: During MTO, performed at and. Ga-species were observed in two different possible environments: TiO2 photocatalytic reactions not only remove a variety of organic pollutants via complete mineralization, but also destroy the bacterial cell wall and cell membrane, thus playing an important bactericidal role.

However, the post-filtration procedures to separate nanometer-levels of TiO2 and the gradual inactivity of photocatalyst during continuous use are defects that limit its application. In this case, we propose loading TiO2 on zeolite for easy separation and 13X is considered as a promising one. In our study, 13X-zeolite was prepared by a hydrothermal method and the source of Si was extracted from waste quartz sand. For comparison, commercial zeolite with different microporous and mesoporous diameters ZSM - 5 and Y-zeolites were also used as TiO2 supports.

The pore size of the three kinds of zeolites are as follows: In addition, the efficiencies of mineralization and photodegradation were studied in this paper. The effects of the loading ratio of TiO2 over zeolites, initial pH, and concentration on photocatalytic performance are investigated. The relationship between best loading content of TiO2 and pore size of the zeolite was studied.

The possible roles of the ZSM - 5 , 13X-zeolites and Y-zeolites support on the reactions and the possible mechanisms of effects were also explored. The results showed that the degradation and mineralization efficiency of Complete text of publication follows. The copper-containing zeolites and mesoporous silica, among other metals, are suitable for dehydrogenation of methanol. The catalysis mechanism and the catalytic property are concluded from the composition of methanol derivates over Cu-modified catalysts.

The 11 C radioisotope was produced at cyclotron and the 11 C-methanol was synthesized by a classical radiochemical method. After catalysis the 11 C-radioactive and non radioactive volatile products were identified by radiogas chromatography hereby radiolabeled compound and -derivates were distinguished from other participant natural, nonradioactive carbon compounds.

Along radioactive products dimethyl ether and small hydrocarbons products were formed by Bronsted acid sites of catalysts while formaldehyde and small methyl formate were formed by Cu metal over bifunctional Cu- ZSM - 5 , Cu-Beta zeolite and mesoporous Cu-MCM silica at deg C. The detection of methoxy methanol and dimethoxy methane confirmed the simultaneous presence of acid and basic sites of catalysts. In our previous works, methanol conversion to hydrocarbons was observed by dehydration.

Ultrasound assisted dispersion of different amount of Ni over ZSM - 5 used as nanostructured catalyst for hydrogen production via CO2 reforming of methane. The research deals with catalyst development for dry reforming of methane with the aim of reaching the most stable catalyst specifically over nano-sized catalysts.


Carbon dioxide reforming of methane is an interesting route for synthesis gas production especially over nanostructured catalysts. The present research deals with nanocatalyst development by sonochemical method for dry reforming of methane with the aim of reaching the most efficient nanocatalyst. Effect of Ni metal content, one of the most significant variables, on the properties of the ZSM - 5 supported nanocatalysts was taken into account.

Comparison of XRD patterns implies that the peaks related to NiO become sharper by increasing metal content over the support. Nano ZSM - 5 type ferrisilicates as novel catalysts for ethylbenzene dehydrogenation in the presence of N 2O. Nanosized ZSM - 5 type ferrisilicates were successfully prepared using hydrothermal process.

The ZSC catalyst is very effective for transformation of triglycerides to valuable hydrocarbons, particularly lower olefins. The superior catalytic performance of the ZSC catalyst can be attributed to the combination of its medium acid site amount and improved molecular transport provided by the bimodal pore system, which effectively suppresses the secondary reactions of primarily formed lower olefins. An optical fiber was mounted on the outer surface of the quartz wall of the.

We present a high-temperature and high-pressure gas adsorption measurement device based on a high-frequency oscillating microbalance 5 MHz langatate crystal microbalance, LCM and its use for gas adsorption measurements in zeolite H- ZSM - 5. Prior to the adsorption measurements, zeolite H- ZSM - 5 crystals were synthesized on the gold electrode in the center of the LCM, without covering the connection points of the gold electrodes to the oscillator, by the steam-assisted crystallization SAC method, so that the zeolite crystals remain attached to the oscillating microbalance while keeping good electroconductivity of the LCM during the adsorption measurements.

The results showed that the adsorption isotherms of these gases in H- ZSM - 5 can be well fitted by Langmuir-type adsorption isotherms. Furthermore, the determined adsorption parameters, i. In this work, the results for CO2 are shown as an example. The direct hydroxylation of benzene to phenol catalyzed by Fe- ZSM - 5 zeolite: B3LYP energy barriers of N2O decomposition to form active site, benzene activation to form C-O bond and proton transfer to form phenol are equal to Major differences in deactivation behavior.

Here we show that when the gallium containing zeotypes are employed in the MTH process, only insignificant amounts of coke are present in the deactivated catalysts, indicating distinct Titanium dioxide and zeolite ZSM - 5 are the commonly used heterogeneous catalysts in many chemical reactions. They have several advantages such as low cost and environmental friendly.

In this study, titanium dioxide and zeolite ZSM - 5 act as catalyst in the in-situ epoxidation of palm olein. The effects of both catalysts are studied to compare their efficiency in catalyzing the in-situ epoxidation. Surface area of the catalysts used were then characterized by using BET.

Encapsulation of ferro- and ferricyanide complexes inside ZSM - 5 zeolite synthesized from rice straw: Implications for synthesis of Prussian blue pigment. The modified zeolites exhibited smaller pore volumes and surface areas as compared with those of unpromoted ZSM - 5 , suggesting the inclusion of iron cyanides inside the interconnecting channels of ZSM - 5. While the ferricyanide complex enhanced the formation of highly crystalline zeolite, the ferrocyanide one resulted in a lesser effect.

Radioisotope tracer study of co-reactions of methanol with ethanol using 11C-labelled methanol over alumina and H- ZSM - 5. The transformation of methanol has been investigated over alumina and H- ZSM - 5 in our previous experiments by 11 C-radioisotope tracing. The main product in methanol conversion over alumina was dimethyl ether due to Lewis acid sites while over H- ZSM - 5 mostly hydrocarbons were formed due to both Lewis and Brrnsted acid sites.

With increasing temperature first the ethanol was dehydrated to diethyl ether followed by ethene formation over alumina and H- ZSM - 5. In this work, 11 C-labelled methanol as radioisotope tracer was added to non-radioactive methanol for investigation of co-reaction with non-radioactive ethanol over alumina and H- ZSM - 5. The 11 C-methanol tracer was used to distinguish the methanol derivates and co-reaction derivates of methanol with ethanol against non-radioactive ethanol derivates.

The yield of methyl ethyl ether as mixed ether and the influence of ethanol for the yields of C 1 -C 5 hydrocarbons were studied as a function of reaction temperature and contact time. The 11 C-methanol was formed by a radiochemical process from 11 CO 2 produced at cyclotron. The mixture of methanol and ethanol was added to 11 C-methanol and injected to the catalyst. The catalysis was carried out in a glass tube fixed-bed reactor after its pretreatment. The derivates were analyzed by radio-gas chromatography gas chromatograph with thermal conductivity detector coupled on-line with a radioactivity detector.

The comparative analysis of yields of radioactive and non-radioactive products as a function of reaction temperature gives information about the reaction pathways. Over alumina the yields of dimethyl ether and methyl ethyl ether co-product as radioactive and diethyl ether with ethene as non-radioactive main products were monitored as a function of reaction temperature and reaction time in the range of K. Alongside ethanol derivates the ethene turns into main product in contrast with methyl ethyl ether and diethyl. Lewis acid sites were generated, presumably from dislodged framework aluminium.

Collidine, which is too bulky to enter the micropore system of ZSM - 5 , could access Lewis acidity, suggesting that these sites were predominantly generated on the external surface or in the newly created mesopores Additionally, by first saturating the zeolite surface with collidine and subsequently adsorbing CO, we show that barely any Lewis acidity was uncoordinated post-collidine saturation while the Bronsted acidity continuously was protected behind the micropore system.

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It is hypothesized from the present study Cu- ZSM - 5 zeolite highly active in reduction of NO with decane - Effect of zeolite structural parameters on the catalyst performance. The deactivation of zeolite catalyst H- ZSM - 5 by coking during the conversion of methanol to hydrocarbons was monitored by high-energy space- and time-resolved operando X-ray diffraction XRD. Space resolution was achieved by continuous scanning along the axial length of a capillary fixed bed reactor with a time resolution of 10 s per scan. Using real structural parameters obtained from XRD, we can track the development of coke at different points in the reactor and link this to a kinetic model to correlate catalyst deactivation with structural changes occurring in the material.

The "burning cigar" model of catalyst bed deactivation is directly observed in real time. Full Text Available Dichlorodimethylsilane is the most important raw material for the preparation of organic silicon materials. Currently, the preparation of dichlorodimethylsilane is mainly based on disproportionation method. This method can turn wastes by-products into treasures but the mechanism is still indeterminate. The calculation results show that the rate-determining step is the reaction of the catalyst with trimethylchlorosilane. The activation energy of the rate-determining step of main reaction is: Full Text Available This research aims to investigate bio-oil yield of tobacco leave by pyrolysis at o C.

Pyrolysis was carried out in a semi-batch reactor with a space velocity of 1. The highest liquid yield of Furthermore, char and gas yields were Theoretical evidence of the observed kinetic order dependence on temperature during the N 2 O decomposition over Fe- ZSM - 5. The overall calculated path of N 2 O decomposition involves the oxidation of binuclear Fe II core sites by N 2 O atomic alpha-oxygen formation and the recombination of two surface alpha-oxygen atoms leading to the formation of molecular oxygen. Rate parameters computed using standard statistical mechanics and transition state theory reveal that elementary catalytic steps involved into N 2 O decomposition are strongly dependent on the temperature.

This theoretical result was compared to the experimentally observed steady state kinetics of the N 2 O decomposition and temperature-programmed desorption TPD experiments. A switch of the reaction order with respect to N 2 O pressure from zero to one occurs at around K suggesting a change of the rate determining step from the alpha-oxygen recombination to alpha-oxygen formation.

The TPD results on the molecular oxygen desorption confirmed the mechanism proposed. These findings were related to in situ It was observed that rapid deactivation at elevated temperatures was due to the fast formation of aromatics Intermediates, reaction pathway, mechanism and bio-toxicity. The possible degradation pathway of azo-dye Reactive Black 5 RB5 was investigated using gas chromatography—mass spectrometry and ion chromatography IC. The bonds between the N atoms and naphthalene groups are likely attacked first and cleaved by hydroxyl radicals, ultimately resulting in the decolorization and mineralization of the azo dye.

A comparative assessment of the characteristics of abiotic and biotic dye decolorization was completed. In addition, the toxicity effects of the degradation intermediates of azo-dye RB5 on cellular respiratory activity were analyzed. Full Text Available The temperature-induced desorption of methyl tert-butyl ether MTBE from aqueous solutions onto hydrophobic ZSM - 5 was studied by in situ synchrotron powder diffraction and chromatographic techniques.

This kind of information is crucial for designing and optimizing the regeneration treatment of such zeolite. The MTBE desorption process caused a remarkable change in the unit-cell parameters. Rietveld analysis demonstrated that the desorption process occurred without any significant zeolite crystallinity loss, but with slight deformations in the channel apertures. Therefore, although C-bonded species were always found to show a higher cation-CO interaction energy than O-bonded species, the difference is smaller in the case of dicarbonyls. Conversion of South African coal fly ash into high-purity ZSM - 5 zeolite without additional source of silica or alumina and its application as a methanol-to-olefins catalyst.

In the synthesis process, fused coal fly ash extract without an additional silica source was used in the synthesis Nitrous oxide decomposition, selective oxidation of benzene to phenol, and selective reduction of nitric oxide by isobutane. These findings were related to in situ. FTIR study of the relation between extra-framework aluminum species and the adsorbed molecular water, and its effect on the acidity in ZSM - 5 steamed zeolite.

Isernia, Luis Fioravanti, E-mail: Moreover, infrared spectroscopy of adsorbed pyridine shows the reduction of the densities of Broensted and Lewis sites, when treatment temperature rises, with contradicts the frequently accepted mechanism of the transformation of two bridged Si-OH-Al groups for each Lewis site generated. The gradual conversion of the octahedral extra-framework aluminum Lewis-associated in polymeric species with low acidity is the most probable cause of this behavior.

On the other hand, the apparent decline of the acid Broensted strength, with the increase in the temperature of the hydrothermal treatment, has two possible causes: The role of oxygen in suppressing catalyst deactivation by carbonaceous deposits. The difference in effectiveness is due to the different degree of catalyst deactivation by carbonaceous deposits: Temperature-programmed oxidation shows that above K the rate of oxidation of carbonaceous deposits by oxygen is significant. The amount of such carbonaceous deposits is, therefore, lower when catalytic tests above K are done in the presence of oxygen.

At very high temperatures, the in situ volatilization of the deposits by reaction with oxygen keeps the catalyst surface clean in the steady state of nitric oxide reduction. Catalysis Division; Quartararo, J. Leverhulme Centre for Innovative Catalysis, Dept. Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia; Vedrine, J. Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia; Magusin, P. Schuit Institute of Catalysis. This information was then correlated with their catalytic behavior for the ammoxidation of propane.

Ga species were observed in several environments: It was concluded that the redox treatment had a beneficial effect on its catalytic performance for the ammoxidation of propane, which occurs via a bifunctional mechanism. The main product was acetonitrile at high gallium and aluminium contents.

It was suggested that higher yields in acrylonitrile could be obtained through Ga-modified zeolites with a higher gallium and lower aluminium content. Soybean oil was pyrolyzed with various catalysts in a fixed-bed reactor under nitrogen flow at and o C. The gas products in all experiments were mainly methane, ethane and propylene.

The highest coke yield of 4. The effect of catalysts on product yield and composition was systematically investigated. ZSM - 5 zeolite and colloidal silica. Compositions of thermoplastic starch TPS reinforced by high surface area materials were produced, intending to study the variation in polymer properties, focusing on the permeability to water vapor. Colloidal silica surface area The results demonstrated that the addition of both materials was favorable to the TPS mechanical properties, however in higher loadings the quality of polymer interfaces and these properties were negatively affected, especially for ZSM - 5.

Scanning electron microscopy of Cu ZSM 5 sample set showed that the treatment in reducing atmosphere at grades C produces particle agglomeration and smoother surface texture that treatment at grades C, this effect was more pronounced for the sample with MR Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy elemental analysis reveals a heterogeneous distribution of copper as well other elements in each sample.

The micro-Raman spectroscopy shows some changes in the vibrational modes for the studied samples. Mexico ; Rodriguez I, I. Postal 14, Ensenada, Baja California Mexico. Characterization of Cu-exchanged SSZ Zeolite-based catalysts for hydrodehalogenation and hydration of pollutants in groundwater; Zeolith -gestuetzte Katalysatoren zur Hydrodehalogenierung und Hydrierung von Schadstoffen im Grundwasser. The task and goal of this part-project was to determine the potential of and limits to the reductive catalytic dehalogenation and hydration of aqueous-phase halogenated aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbon mixtures.

A further goal was to investigate the long-time stability of the noble metal catalysts developed in the project when used in the pilot plant set up in Bitterfeld under conditions of atmospheric pressure and groundwater temperatures. Aufgabenstellung und Ziel dieses Teilprojekts war es, in Laborversuchen das Potenzial sowie die Limitierungen einer reduktiven katalytischen Dehalogenierung und Hydrierung halogenierter aromatischer und aliphatischer Kohlenwasserstoffgemische in waessriger Phase zu ermitteln.

Darueber hinaus sollte die Langzeitstabilitaet der entwickelten Edelmetallkatalysatoren beim Einsatz in der in Bitterfeld errichteten Pilotanlage unter Atmosphaerendruck und Grundwassertemperaturen ueberprueft werden. Separation of lithium isotopes on ion exchangers; Separation des isotopes du lithium sur echangeurs d'ions. Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires.

A survey of the literature shows that little information has been published on the separation of lithium isotopes with ion exchange resins. We have undertaken a series of elutions using the ion-exchange resins 'Dowex 50 x 12' and IRC 50, and various eluting solutions. Formulae derived from the treatment of Mayer and Tompkins permit the calculation of the separation factor per theoretical plate.

For the solutions tried out in our experiments the separation factors lie in the interval 1. These values are quite low in comparison to the factor 1. Des formules derivees de celles de Mayer et Tompkins permettent le calcul du coefficient de separation par plateau theorique. Pour les eluants etudies, ces facteurs de separation se trouvent entre 1, et 1, Ces valeurs sont faibles en comparaison du facteur 1, trouve par Taylor et Urey pour les zeolithes.

The petroleum cut used is a mixture of linear and branched paraffins, and therefore a separation is needed. The molecular sieve employed, i. These post synthesis operations modify the adsorbent structure and consequently its adsorption and diffusion properties. After having obtained a range as complete as possible of samples of various exchange ratios and treated in various conditions, we have characterised these adsorbent structures by X-Rays Diffraction. A limited number of structures has been refined by the Rietveld method, on the basis of anomalous diffraction experiments at the Ca K edge.

Aluminium NMR was used as well. The formation of an Anderson-type alumino-molybdate compound upon impregnation of the support with an ammonium hepta-molybdate solution was confirmed for alumina, and also observed for the HY zeolitic support, with consumption of the amorphous alumina of the zeolite.

In absence of the latter, ammonium hepta-molybdate precipitates.

  1. Canard a Bascule une Vie Tourmentee dEnseignant Chercheur (French Edition).
  2. Les actualités - NRP Lycée.
  3. .
  4. Tag: _11_Parrhesia ____Schizoid.
  5. Scorched - Book Two: Revival (The Power 2).

The study of the cobalt-promoted precursors showed that the evolution of the molybdenum is the same in the case of co-impregnation preparation. Impregnation with cobalt-molybdate prevents the formation of the alumino-molybdate anion and thus enables the preservation of the Mo-Co interaction but, whatever the precursor, the leveling effect of the calcination-re-hydration steps was demonstrated. The absence of an observable Mo-Co interaction whatever the preparation of the promoted catalysts is consistent with the absence of promoting effect in toluene hydrogenation.

Altiplano Sur de Bolivia. Aunque cuentan con lucrativos nichos de mercado, los productores de quin Influence of de-aluminating techniques of Y zeolite on its physico-chemical properties and on its catalytic performances in N-decane hydro-cracking; Influence des techniques de desalumination de la zeolithe Y sur ses proprietes physico-chimiques et sur ses performances catalytiques en hydrocraquage du N-decane. De-aluminated HY samples with constant amounts of framework aluminium and varying amounts of extra framework aluminium have been prepared and characterized.

The influence of extra framework aluminium EFAL species in hydrocracking of n-decane at a hydrogen pressure of 60 bars has been evaluated. Several types of EFAI are detected, their localisation is proposed and their ease of extraction by the different reagents is investigated.