I believe the Ark Story

The wicked people did not listen to Noah.

Fate of the Lost Ark Revealed?

They did not repent. They tried to kill Noah.

Archaeologists Find New Clues to “Lost Colony” Mystery

4 days ago "I think it's great to have stories like [that of] the Ark of the Covenant. But I do not believe, as a field archaeologist, that we can use the scientific. While many people consider the story of Noah's Ark merely an for man's wickedness, others believe that the story is historically accurate.

God said all the wicked people on earth would die in the flood. Most of the animals would die.

Fate of the Lost Ark Revealed? - HISTORY

But Noah and his family would not die. God told Noah to build a big ship. It was called an ark.

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Noah and his sons obeyed God. They built the ark.

Keepers of the Lost Ark?

The ark had many rooms. It had a window and a door on the side.

Do I Believe In Talking Snakes, Jonah's Story and The Ark? You Bet!

Noah and his sons put food in the ark. Two animals of every kind came to Noah. God told Noah to put them in the ark. Noah and his family went into the ark.

Christians in Ethiopia have long claimed to have the ark of the covenant. Our reporter investigated

That sensational discovery fizzled out, too. I was more eager than ever to locate the original ark, so I headed for Aksum, about miles northeast. For forty days and forty nights the rain poured down, covering the land and lifting the ark off the ground. Lake Tana, he said, was a stronghold of Judaism. At the piazza, the procession joined clerics carrying tabots from seven other churches.

Rain began to fall. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights.

The water covered the earth. Many Christians and non-Christians have argued that such "explanations" of the Bible should not be needed. Shouldn't we just accept this "by faith"?

Those who make that argument apparently define "faith" differently than I do. The Bible describes faith as "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" Hebrews Though I'm now convinced of the reliability of all Scripture, I'm not one who blindly accepts everything I read. Many good people struggle with their faith, especially when they hear or read attacks on the validity of Noah and the Ark or any of many other Bible stories.

God did not leave His existence without clear and convincing proofs that can be found inside and outside the Bible. One cannot use the story of Noah's Ark as the foundation of one's faith.


No where does the Bible suggest that God intends for believers to blindly, mindlessly follow without ever questioning. The undeniable proof of His existence and the evidence of His love and power is evident at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is this single event that is the center of human history and the pivotal moment in the Bible. Once I became one hundred percent convinced that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, all other challenges to faith are minor and inconsequential.

The only conclusions that can be reached about Jesus Christ is that He was a legend, a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord.

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Which conclusion have you reached? If you don't yet trust the Holy Bible as a reliable witness, then please read the evidence that comes from historical extra-biblical sources available at this Web site.