God, I Feel Like Cinderella!

One wonders what will happen to that love when the spell wears off—not when carriages turn back into pumpkins at midnight, but when married life gets hard. Yes, I realize this is too much to ask of the movie. We all know, going into it, that Disney princesses never go to church. But in some movies they still discover truths rooted in the gospel, the way Frozen caused us to feel the ache of living under a curse and the power of sacrificial love see my take on that movie here. Cinderella never goes that deep. There is one excellent moment near the end of Cinderella that does reach a little deeper.

She worries he might not like her without her magical gown and golden carriage. Here we have a glimpse of the kind of love that echoes gospel love.

LuAnne Mast - God, I Feel Like Cinderella!

He comes to us as we are and loves us, and that is where we find our self-worth. Gone is the pressure of living like a fancied-up Cinderella whose gown is actually rags and whose carriage is really a garden vegetable. Our beauty comes from the fact that Jesus already loves us, not from any superficial trappings we try on to make ourselves look desirable.

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Shop My Account Cart Checkout. Cinderella is saved from a miserable life under her evil stepmother when she finds her prince at the ball, with help from her fairy godmother. If Pastor Driscoll is truly concerned about bringing the message of the book of Ruth to a twenty-first century audience, abandoning the Cinderella motif would easily expand his sermon series to an ongoing exploration of the riches of this brief but utterly relevant book. In response to your conclusions… I feel that Jesus was blunt and straight-forward, but the heart behind everything he said was genuine love for the person he was talking to. I suggest three topics: I would never want you to discuss this movie with my children. One wonders what will happen to that love when the spell wears off—not when carriages turn back into pumpkins at midnight, but when married life gets hard.

This is a message our kids need to hear again and again. If you want the little princess who sees the movie with you to notice it, though, you may have to point it out to her. So how do we talk about this movie with kids? I suggest three topics: Please share or comment below. Jack I had the pleasure of taking my daughter to see it and enjoyed it for the most part. I think your points are all spot on. There was also a small moment toward the end where Cinderella forgives her step-mother. I also saw that as a moment to teach my daughter the importance of forgiveness and how Christ forgave our sins despite all our offenses towards him.

Mark Driscoll’s Cinderella Story

Yeah, her forgiveness is a good element to bring up. VERY immodest dresses- this is the weird ongoing Disney princess thing- sweet even angelic faces combined with major cleavage- what is the deal with that? It is a confusing message…. How could you trash such a wonderful story about this kind, courageous and innocent girl Ella.

You should be ashamed.


I would never want you to discuss this movie with my children. We absolutly loved every moment of the story. Your email address will not be published. Don't subscribe All Replies to my comments Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Carolyn — thanks so much for this perspective on Ruth. And appreciate your scholarship and leadership in the Church.

Matt, my question is to CCJ directly instead of about her. I am not attempting to belittle her perspective but to question it, directly, to her. That was my intent, but I hope she lets me know if it did not feel that way! I went back and looked over the article again. Actually, the only comment about Driscoll that felt dismissive to me was the Disney one.

I appreciate your trying to follow the Scripture regarding the admonition and critique of others. Thanks for your response, John!! I honestly appreciate you explaining your perspective to me. In response to your conclusions… I feel that Jesus was blunt and straight-forward, but the heart behind everything he said was genuine love for the person he was talking to.

And sometimes he does feel cranky to me! I agree with you — love is the greatest goal. The world will know we are the real deal through our unity and love. So I want to maximize the things that unite us and leave the rest as disputable matters, with the exception of someone claiming that there is another path to God except that which is through Jesus which is actually what Paul was addressing with Peter.

Again, I do not have a problem with public disagreement when it is done in a spirit of grace and respect, which indeed should be quite possible and the norm among believers, and gracious disagreement can be a great way to grow and consider issues from different angles!! Whatever we do must be done in good conscience and our consciences will come out to different places on the matter!

No undocumented immigrants because there were no laws in that regard. Unfortunately, articles like these just give him more publicity and bring out his defenders. You are correct that there were no laws regulating immigration.

  • La mémoire du bourreau (Jai lu Thriller) (French Edition).
  • God, I Feel Like Cinderella! by Luanne Mast (2011, Paperback).
  • Cinderella and the Gospel.

But her migration across international borders still opens the door for the church to engage this contemporary issue. That makes Naomi an economic immigrant. They should be, in my opinion. And I definitely use this story in immigration advocacy.

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Sweeping the ashes out of the fireplace at my first job as a cleaning lady, I was overwhelmed. My husband of 23 years had left me for another woman, and I was . In frustration, I lifted my hands up to the Lord and cried out, "God, I feel like Cinderella!" You will be encouraged as you read this book of LuAnne's childlike faith and God's supernatural power. Barbara Wentroble LuAnne Mast and her husband are senior pastors at Destiny.

As I did here: Carolyn — I read Malestrom last year and it was one of my books of the year. Now I think I love you even more. Anyway — my other favourite book of the Bible is Job. Sometimes just one sentence is a jewel that stays with you.

Abandoning Cinderella for a Better Love Story

For me, from this piece, there were two such jewels — that the book of Ruth is a Job story, and that Ruth is the rescuer, not the rescued. And if anyone else wants a free 10k-word mini-book on Ruth, you can download it from tanyamarlow. Tanya, her book on Ruth is excellent! I love the affirmation of Naomi the book of Ruth. I think she should be patron saint of the grumpy — because she is bitter, but God sees her and blesses her.

I love your perspective on leadership being part of the image we bear of God, and agree. I agree — Boaz is awesome!! Interestingly enough, most of the Driscoll I have heard has been through hearing my husband listen to him years ago, and I found him humorous and engaging. I also appreciated that he was calling men to step up and not be passive. I do feel that his relationship with God is sincere and that he is striving to follow the Lord faithfully, but I hear your point on how that view can potentially leave women unempowered and feeling like a calling to lead that burns in their bones is rendered illegitimate.

However, I do hope that you can and do honor the Spirit in him that also lives in you and that you can give him freedom to disagree without invalidating or scorning his sincere attempts to live out his faith. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond and for empowering women to live in the fullness of who God created them to be and I so appreciate you for contributing patiently to my own thought process in working out what faithfulness looks like!!

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You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Username or Email Address. What he gets right and what he gets wrong. Sometimes all it takes is a tweet. I live and breathe the book of Ruth. Click To Tweet Naturally, my curiosity got the best of me, so I clicked on the link to see what Pastor Mark was up to.

Cinderella in the Bible? The Book of Ruth for Today If Pastor Driscoll is truly concerned about bringing the message of the book of Ruth to a twenty-first century audience, abandoning the Cinderella motif would easily expand his sermon series to an ongoing exploration of the riches of this brief but utterly relevant book. By commenting below, you agree to abide by the Missio Alliance Comment Policy. As such, Missio Alliance sets forth the following suggestions for those who wish to engage in conversation around our writing: Seek to make your own voice heard.

To her own master CCJ stands or falls, yes? CCJ has her own perspective, yes?

  • ☘️ Epub Ebooks God I Feel Like Cinderella Epub?
  • Cinderella in the Bible?.
  • Cinderella and the Gospel | Gospel TeacherJack Klumpenhower | Gospel Teacher.

Thanks so much for your teaching ministry. Redemption and Family Responsibility: April 8, Edition - The Junia Project. Boaz and Jesus - Marg Mowczko. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Theology On Mission The Trinity and Missional Theology: I'm Off to the Wheaton Theology Conference.