Field of Dead Horses

Field of Dead Horses
Red Dead Redemption 2 Horses - Everything You Need To Know

Although the story seems simple on it's face, it is layered great with good character development and you actually care for the characters throughout. It was a good debut, and I was happy to have read it.

I came into it not knowing what to expect and finished the story happier for having read it. I met the author in Costco where he was holding a book signing. I did not buy the hardback book that day, but I did talk to Nick Allen Brown about the book.

Councillor reduced to tears in field of dead horses and a starving foal

Later at home I ordered it on my Kindle. At first it seemed that the writer was just trying to hard. He used too many descriptive words too many times. I don't believe I could have read the entire book had he continued with that style of writing. But now for the good part.

In Lodge Grass, Montana, a field of dead horses angers neighbors

He told a wonderful story. I really enjoyed it. You pretty much knew where the story was going, but he told it in a wonderful way, which made you want to continue reading.


For both Ellie and Elliott, life under the same roof is a challenge--with the cantankerous Paul Chapel, Elliott's father who spends his retirement days drinking whiskey with his aging coonhound by his side. It would be good for young readers because it has no inappropriate content. While there could have been additional character development, I did enjoy the sweetness of the storyline. This discovery of the woman who is revealed to be the mayor's young wife, brings the ignorant and bullying Sheriff Crease to the property and thus begins a saga of mystery, love and intrigue which will captivate readers both old and young. Ellie pitches in and helps out when she can and helps change the mood of the busy farm with her sweet charm and culinary skills, even getting on the good side of the bad-tempered Paul Chapel. Returning to , Elliott Chapel recounts a tale of intrigue and suspense which unfolds on a small Kentucky farm which he inherited from his father. Surprisingly well written for a first novel, with a heart-warming twist at the end.

I read it quickly and felt it was great entertainment for a summer weekend. Had all makings for a great novel, but the jockey [i.

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This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Field of Dead Horses. We rated this book: Reviews 0 Reviews There are no reviews yet.

Interests Marketing Newsletter Special Offers. Even though I thought there were only one or two dead horses, I still couldn't sleep that night. Eamon McElligott is a young man in a hurry. At the tender age of 25 he runs the oil distribution business he inherited from his father, and has just taken over the running of a pub.

However, while he is passionate about his homeplace, his business and his community, all around him he is faced with rural decline. There was another lady there who even vomited at the sight. The field is understood to be owned by Nama, but the identity of the horses' owner remains unclear.

It is understood that they will be given new homes.