When You Can Walk On Water, Why Take The Boat? (The Lisa Diane Kindle Series Book 1)

Unputdownable: 17 books I read in 24 hours or less (because they were just that good)

I did the same thing! I also love this post and loaded up my library accounts with requests. Allison—I would hand it out to high schoolers, although probably 16 and older. I read it last summer and it was compelling, although I did not understand much of the science. It does contain murders in the story. I think older teens would love it. Thanks for this and other lists—I love your blog and have been digging into archives these past few days!

I really enjoyed it — and it literally took me 24 hours. I had a hard time getting into Guernsey. Finally I got it on Audible and that was the key. I keep meaning to start that Donna Leon series. Readers with good taste keep mentioning it in the same breath as books I love—especially Louise Penny.

Thanks for the nudge! Ones I flew through: Jones or Sarah Addison Allen. Oh my word, Second Chance Summer was a one day read for me, too. And then I sobbed and sobbed at the end! Well this list was dangerous to my TBR list! I spent last Friday night happy reading Maybe in Another Life.

I also loved the reading experience of I Let You Go. Oh how I love that book! A Man Called Ove was my most recent unputdownable. This was my experience with Allen, too. The former because it was reminiscent of To Kill A Mockingbird and the latter because I really just wanted to know what happened!! I read this last year it was amazing. I also love The Death series, but I have listened to all of them. The reader is awesome and she has done every one in the series. I keep hearing great things about Juniper.

The Greene book is not new-I read it years ago, but obviously it stuck with me! It is laugh out loud funny at times. I remember trying to read aloud some parts to my family and being unable to because I was laughing so hard! So well written both of her parents are award winning journalists , and so compelling. Great fiction that reads like John Grisham, but sheds light on an important, tough topic of sex-trafficking. This is well written and very good.

I love John Grisham, so thanks for the Across the Sun recommendation. I listen to audio books all the time so I can still cook, clean up, and take my dogs for a walk while still getting my book fix. Your post came at THE perfect time— we are leaving soon for a quick get away and I needed to load my Kindle. I bought 8 of the books you recommended. I just finished this at 3am this morning: An ownvoices title, it won the Stonewall Award in the YA category.

The Stonewall Book Awards are given annually to English-language works of exceptional merit relating to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender experience. This book is eye-opening and important to read. I loved Amanda and felt her emotions were wrenching and understandable. Brutal story with believable characters. Not for the faint of heart. This book received at least 6 starred reviews from different library journals and ended up on a few Best Books of It is very special.

Dark Matter is definitely unputdownable. I read Sleeping Giants, it was just ok for me. Excuse me, that seems rather unkind and uncalled for. Readers do not judge other readers. Have you never been so engrossed in a book that you do not move from the couch all day? If not, I am very sorry for you indeed. Is it in the length of the sentences? The number of pages? Even the simplest of prose can contain the most challenging of ideas. I am all for challenging and pushing oneself to greater heights of reading, but not at the cost of tearing others down. I hope they bring you as much enjoyment as my assortment will provide me!

But … but … Ethan Frome! Narrative of the Life of an American Slave! The Old Man and the Sea! But some amazing authors through the centuries have written works that they hoped and prayed and intended their audiences would consume quickly whether by reading or listening , in a day or two aka 24 hours or even in one sitting. I read to be entertained, to escape, or to be edified.

I have a couple of these books right now! Great list — the only downside is my Amazon wish list is getting bigger all the time! The Likeness is my favorite Tana French book. What a great post! Theres a couple there that ive gone and added to my amazon wish list! I love reading and this post has just fueled my addiction! I am choosing this book for my April book club selection, because it will definitely make for a terrific discussion. What a fun post topic! Reading is personal… so personal. The Alex awards go to ten books written for adults that are considered great crossover books into the YA world.

I read Small Great Things in 24 hours….. It was painful but in a good way. I am so glad I read this one and hope the lessons I learned stick with me as well as continue to develop. Love, LOVE this list! Great book that I highly recommend. Read it this year as part of my PopSugar Reading Challenge! I just saved a bunch of these picks, so thank you.

Also, I need to say that The Sea of Tranquility is absolutely nothing like Eleanor and Park with the exception of the two main characters starting off as unlikely friends. Not sure where you saw that comparison. I love this list, and have added all but 2 to my TBR! She has become a fast favorite. Tana French is one of my favorites, too. I read the first two Murder Squads and agree that The Likeness is a little farfetched, but it captivated me none the less. Just let go and enjoy the ride. Oh boy, now I have to request some of these at my library!

I read Behind Closed Doors by B. Based on what you said, neither is overwhelming with profanity or gore, although both are certainly present in each. You have to read Bird Box by Josh Malerman, I am not usually a fan of books that scare me but this book I could not put down!!! It was so good! I love your list! Now I know what to get next time I go to the Library, Thank you!!!!


Like Liked by 1 person Gary recently posted How to cook the perfect chicken maryland. Anything by Bill Bryson. Came out in the s, but I reread it recently and it still holds up. Portrayed complicated people with kindness. There is a ship with a mate named Toby.

It felt too modern at times for the a s setting there was one mention of a woman being out and about in tight jeans, which would have a been a major fashion faux pas and not even how jeans were made! Towles has said that he values story over historical accuracy although he was specifically referencing Moscow at the time, not rules. I think sometimes authors painstakingly check their facts, much more than we give them credit for. I just finished When Breath Becomes Air.

You will need a few tissues for this. This is about a young doctor who is diagnosed with lung cancer. Simply amazing how he became such a big star of a great show. Thank you Anne for this wonderful post!!!

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There are three books in this series, each one I loved and devoured. None of these are my cup of tea.

The funniest book you ever read

I stayed up way too late reading it! I can sit and read the day away! I read Good As Gone last night in under five hours! I am excited to try some books on your list. I love Unputdownable books. I have started listening to Audible while I cook and drive and am reading way more than I used to. Excited to try a few of yours. It was probably my favorite of the year. Both of these last two have a common thread and I feel entertained and dare I say, educated at the same time.

All three of these are excellent. If you are struggling with only one audiobook a month, hoopla has a good selection available and you can access them through your local library! I was just going to suggest checking with your library for downloadable audiobooks. Beth, I was extremely happy to discover that there are now several apps that are free that allow you to check out audio books from the library.

They seem to accept any library card in the country. That allows me to listen to many more books than I could afford to otherwise. Would have been one but one but it was during the week and I had work. Such a fun read. Races, long odds, war, shark attacks, and starvation. Lovely post, and great recommendations! Such an interesting list! I made a note of 14 of these — will definitely be checking them out! I love a good nail biter!

They are different than books listed here, but a fun escape to worlds only imagined. I ended up staying up all night because I could not put it down. I love all Neal Shusterman! His newest book Scythe, YA dystopian adventure did not disappoint. Set in a society where death, war, hunger have been conquered…His Unwind trilogy are my favorite dystopian novels. I read Scythe in less than two days! I could never read a real book in 24 hours no matter how good it was. Too many kids to give me that kind of nice quality time with a book. I completely agree with the Nightingale being an amazing book.

Another one that I would say was just as good and in this category of historical fiction is The Orphan Train. It is a very well-crafted book and fun reading. It is also a very good book for a book group discussion. I find myself thinking of Jeannette Walls frequently and I wonder if her story will, in fact, be made into a movie as mentioned.

An inspirational, yet sad story. TY so much to all the contributors—have added these titles to my list as well as some of the other suggestions. I cant believe no Colleen Hoover book was included on this list! Colleen Hoover is my favorite author. However, just be warned she writes about unhealthy relationships so some people may not like her books. We were on vacation a few years ago and it was a suggestion on my kindle. I was raised catholic and religion is such a touchy subject!! But I bought it!!!

Read it in less than 24 hours. Gave me a new perspective on my faith!! Thank you for the blog!!! One of my favorites. I was reading it at work and i would finish a chapter and so oh he did it.

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I drove my co-workers nuts! I started reading Defending Jacob on the flight to our D. Same kind of different as me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. Check it out before you see the movie. The Nazi Officers Wife. For me this was beyond belief, I was half way through the book before I realized it was a true story. We have no concept of what people went through during WW2. I always forget about that author yup loved what I read. Still alice was so good and inside the obriens was also good. I still need to read her Anthony book. I have recently fallen in love with Susanna Kearsley.

I forgot about going to sleep and finished the book around 2: I loved it so much, I read it again on Saturday! What a great story! Through a Glass Darkly, Karleen Cohen. Literally read the book in 24 hours, did not sleep. I love that book! I might need to read it again!

That was one of them! I have read a lot of books that I wanted to keep reading but they were too thickl to finish in a day. Also an all time favorite for me is Midwives by Chris Bohajalian. Empty Mansions was great. He even makes you feel a little sorry for him. May I send you a complimentary copy?

Anything by Elena Ferrante. I could not put down the Neopolitan novels. The story of Lila and Elena through the years was captivating. Another one that I just could not put down. Replay, by Ken Grimwood. Came out in the s, but I reread it recently and it still holds up. I read this the first time when I was supposed to be studying for a final the next day; I intended to read a couple chapters, but read the whole thing and never did get any studying done.

After the final which I did well on, whew! I went home and read Replay all over again. I finished it feeling informed, empathetic and inspired. One of my best reads in my entire life. Sea of Tranquility, yes!!!! I recommend Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult. Danielle-I agree about Jodi Picoult. I have pulled some all-nighters because of her-so much fun! To go along with the Jodi Picoult theme of these last few comments, I read the entirety of Small Great Things yesterday. It was incredibly riveting and eye-opening — it provides a sharp acknowledgement of contemporary racism and its effects.

Look forward to books on your list! I second The Nightingale! And love this list. Just having trouble deciding where to begin! I agree that there is value in reading books by authors from a wide variety of backgrounds. That said accusations and shame rarely achieve the desired result — they are more likely to make people defensive than affect change. You and Laura are exactly right. I should have responded differently. With less of a throwaway comment, and more along the lines of attempting to be helpful.

Thank you for pointing that out. When we choose to erase race from the conversation, we have a default to whiteness. It means that People of Color are excluded. In terms of suggested titles, I will happily provide some. I will get back with some others. Thanks again for the suggestion.

When You Can Walk on Water Why Take the Boat?: How Ordinary People Achieve Extraordinary Results

I appreciate you taking the time to respond. Here are some books by authors of color that fit this blog post theme. It was absolutely delightful. Not sure if we can post URLs in a comment or not… http: Hope others chime in as well. I have some serious reading to do. Not a 24 hour read—but well worth the time. People are loving this Facebook post and all the great shares.

SO many amazing books. Thanks for inspiring it: Jemisin Person recommended pretty much anything the author writes How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America by Kiese Laymon Said it was her best read in all of As someone said on the Facebook post, that is one badass list. And folks can alternate, if they choose, to take in more of the richness of writers in America. Thanks to those who are actually open and interested in doing this. I hope you find some great reads on all these lists.

I can never put her books down and tend to reread them! I highly suggest it! You are absolutely right. I responded above to Brandyn, but wanted to make sure you saw that comment. I totally agree Sarah D. If a book sounds good I read it. The color of the author never even crosses my mind! I read for the story! Add to this Girl on Train. The movie was good but the book is incredible. I love this list and will look for these. I feel the same way! Loved Girl on a Train. A must-read and one I hope they make into a movie. I loved this book! Both are amazing books!

Talk about plot twists! I was reading the same ideas over and over. I pay more attention to the authors I choose now, and my reading lists is much healthier because of it—and my world view more complete. I promise this is my very last comment. And how smart you are, Criss! I just tripped over this post that listed 34 books by Women of Color. And from that piece: Inclusion has real consequences. They are all new releases for Added them to my long long TBR list. This list is may cause my TBR to topple over! A few years ago I read The secret keeper by Kate Morton and loved it!! Well written and suspenseful right to the final chapter.

The Secret Keeper was very good! My all time favorite is September by Rosamunde Pilcher. Like most of her books it makes one long to be in the Scottish countryside. More of a character study than a driving plot. Also excellent was Shell Seekers. I loved Shell Seekers too. Pilcher is an excellent writer, well able to reel you into a new world. I think her The Secret Place is just as good.

Both are about friendship—it seems to be what she does best. I just joined today so I will be adding more titles that I love. This novel managed to break my heart then patch it up only to make my heart get back in the ring for round two. I read this books years ago and still I recommend it to everyone. Definitely one of those that touch your heart and linger near your soul.

Oh how I loved this book. I listened to it and the two readers were amazing. A must read or listen!! Portrayed complicated people with kindness. Also listened to the audiobook. Frederik Backman is a magical writer! I cannot stop thinking about Ove! I just came across this page from someone that shared this on Facebook, and boy I must say I am so happy to have stumbled upon that link and your blog!

What a homey and cozy feel you have here, and I will be sure to check your entires day after day. The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls. The writing style and the story of this memoir make it absolutely un-putdownable. Just saved your list to come back to. Also, not a mystery, but gripping, is my memoir about fighting cancer during my first pregnancy: Tiger in rather Dark. Liked reading many of the comments on the different selections. I may have to try a few.

I love to read books relating to Holocaust and that sad era. If anyone knows of any plese tell me titles. The boy in the striped pajamas. From Cardinals to Crows by T. The author is a personal friend of mine. The Girl in the Train — Paula Hawkins.

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You are right-on about these — I read 3 of them in the last 5 days! And have another to pick up at the library tonight. I just picked up that book from library yesterday to read for my mystery books for March. Hope I like it. Behind Closed Doors by P. I definitely finished it the same day that I started. I was like this with Summer Sisters by Judy Blume. I recommend it to everyone! It was unputdownable by many reviewers on Goodreads and Amazon!

What a great list! Not only were half of these book already on my list, but almost all of these books are written by women! I would add these to the list: Love this list — great books for my daily walks in the woods. Hopefully that means you get credit for recommending them. Super Powereds and Red Rising are my all time favorites. Time just flew by listening to these books. I found it at a thrift store. Available via bookstores or Amazon. Amazing story of a family on a journey of grief and healing. Perhaps the best description is given by Sister Helen Prejean, C.

A heart-wrenching and ultimately redemptive family drama of forgiveness, destiny, and the true nature of justice. This family drama is a must-read that teaches us about the true nature of justice and our very humanity. I was left breathless by the end. Not only was this an amazing read, it revolutionized my life, as well. I could not put down The Bookshop on the Corner by J. Colgan and Murder at the Brightwell by A. Looking forward to the others in this series.

The Gifting by K. I got it free from Amazon but will definitely be buying the other books in the trilogy. Think Frank Peretti or Stephen King but not as heavy. I have found almost every single one of the Ian Rutledge mysteries by Charles Todd to be un-put-downable. I rarely sit down and read a book in one sitting but yesterday I almost finished The Dry. I think you recommended this book on one of your podcasts. You said Reese Weatherspoon bought the movie rights before it even went to press.

In the my comment I was using voice text. Great list, read 3 on this list and put 3 more on hold at the library. My 24 hour reads are always Michael Connelly and Karin Slaughter. Yellow Crocus, Laila Ibrahim — historical fiction about a Southern black woman working for wealthy Plantation owners. Could not put down! And although it took me a little longer than that, because of work, I tore through The Royal We, too. Great book quick read.

Can not put it down. Something that I cannot stand is when chapters alternate between different characters points of view. You should try Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King…. An oldie but a goodie. Each has been memorable. Took me longer than 24 hours because frankly, it often made me uncomfortable. Very timely subject matter, exploring racism and white supremacy with an unforgettable story. Months later… I am still pondering this book. It will leave you with a respect for our Military. Love,Water,Memory by Jennie Shortridge.

Reading this was a wonderful way to get lost in a weekend spent turning pages! Have read it at least 10 times and shared with many friends over the years. Reading again this weekend. I Love, love, love the Proud Breed. I too have read many times and passed along to friends. I currently have two hard copies one to keep and one to give away. I called her Sombrawolfdog. Both excellent in their own right. The ending is so totally unexpected! Natchez Burning by Greg Iles is amazing!!! Your suggestions, and those in the comments, have helped me put my summer reading list together!! Just did not like it at all.

Stunningly beautiful prose,and I actually learned things about the Russian Revolution. I like this Second Towles better than Rules. A Gentleman in Moscow was my favorite book last year. Have you started savoring Dickens yet? Did anybody feel the same? One of my many favorites of last year. Thanks for the recommendations. I wish there was more of it! It is a classy classic horror story unlike anything you have ever read.

Very well written and full of Southern lifestyles and elegance. He knows his setting well, too. This is one of the best and most unsettling books I have read. He is or was one of the ten or so masters of the genre. Not sure how I stumbled across this post, but thanks! I had read a few of these and enjoyed them, so downloaded a couple of these as audiobooks and have loved them!

I only listen to books or I would never get anything done. I too, came across this site and am downloading as many books as I can. Listening to What She Knew, which someone on here recommended. Hi Sandy, I use Overdrive a lot. I have several library cards. I also find a lot online at torrent sites. Keep your head up there for a while longer and keep looking.

The rest of us will have a civilized conversation. The Hearts of Horses by Molly Gloss is very good. Of course it depends on what you like. I found it touching and interesting. She meets a lot of people and the experiences she has help her grow. You can check it out on Amazon. I like stories about horses and that surround horses or contain horses and stories about other times and stories about women who do things differently.

I hope you give it a try! But the books… until 3am reading for sure on the first 2 or 3 in the series. Unfortunately outlander took me months to read! I found them very slow reads and not one you can read in 24 hours. Even switching to audio it took me weeks to finish the book. Well, different strokes for different folks, I always say. The first book was good but the 2nd book just dragged for me!

Hated the second book of the series…took me forever to finish. Finally, just skipped parts. The rest of the series is great. Many readers had some trouble with book 2 and stopped reading the series. They are missing out on a great epic story. They are thick books…. I found them very compelling…and hard to put down though, even then it does take more than a day to read. But I read the first one in about 3 days which is quick for a page book! I did find a couple of titles on your list I will try though! I always like to see what others put on their great reads list. Have your read any Jodi Picoult?

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Jodi picoult what I read were very good. I loved the storyteller that was the first one I read by her. I did like the tv show though. My Sisters Keeper is one of my all time favorites. So different from the movie. I love how all her books have a surprising twist! The Storey teller was a great book! I just finished SmalGreat Things by the same author. I found it to be a good read. I have also been hooked on Jojo Moyes and enjoyes reading all the books I could find by her. The first Outlander was amazing.

To me, they got steadily worse and repetitive after the first one. Funny, I was able to put Dark Matter down. I agree the Fault In Our Stars was great!

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Since you enjoyed that try Picoults My Sisters Keeper. You will laugh you will cry! The whole series is amazing. Have you read Memoirs of a Geisha? Compelling, tragic but so satisfying to read! I reread it every few years-so good! I find Chris Bojalian books to be hour page turners for sure. They are though provoking, suspenseful, but very sophisticated and detailed.

I also love that most of his books are set either in rural Vermont or the hip city of Burlington, VT. I just read The Wonder by Emma Donoghue in 24 hours and came to this post to see if it was on the list. I thoroughly enjoyed it! Francine Rivers is my absolute favorite Christian writer! Read in 24 hours or less. And any book by Laine Moriarty. Every one of hers I can never stop!! SO FUN to come across a list like this. Though The City, also by Dean Koontz took a few days, it was an excellent read!

My newest unputdownable was very long, but so good. Edgar and Lucy by Victor Lodato. I just finished A Man Called Ove. It was one of my favorite books of all time. Go read it or listen to it on Audible…the narrator is fabulous! All three I have read and I highly recommend all. We discussed A J Fikry at my book club. Read Guernsey a long time ago but I liked it. Listening to A Man Called Ove right now and love it. Find myself chuckling outloud as a I am out walking the dog! My sister and I executed a one week, self-planned trip to Guernsey based on our total enjoyment of this book!

Not even sure if I took a bathroom break. Read any book by Edward Bunker. My list of authors: Once I finish up this series I plan to read some of her others, she has written many. The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. By far my favorite read in a long time. Completely un-put-down-able Loved Ove as well! I read it a few months ago — mixed the title up with another one!

Had to get through to stop worrying and feeling scared, and every other emotion! Read in 24 hours — I could not sleep until I finished it! It chronicles the life of a gal named Lucy, whose parents marry her off at 15 in the year to a 50 year old Civil War vet. Favorite of all time. I started 23 years ago. The audible versions by Davinia Porter are amazing. My husband would never read them, but we are now listening to book 5. Fate Ball by Adam W. Jones Fantastic debut novel about love and loving someone with an addiction.

A quick read and a powerful story. Aw I love this! Not a traditional book club but one for chitchat about books being read! I have read everything she has written but Three Wishes touched home for me the most followed by Big Little Lies. Nothing better than a good book. Anything by Charles Martin is awesome! What an incredible story!!!! I listened to this book!! The readers were two women and did an unbelievable job.

Not to mention that the story was incredible.

Top 100 best Kindle books of all time

Editorial Reviews. Review. It is fantastic, tremendous, wonderful, educational, inspirational, When You Can Walk On Water, Why Take The Boat? (The Lisa Diane Kindle Series Book 1) - Kindle edition by Lisa Diane. Religion & Spirituality . How Ordinary People Achieve Extraordinary Results [Lisa Diane] on Amazon. com. When You Can Walk on Water Why Take the Boat?: USED (1) FROM $ Shop Kindle books to add the perfect companion to your summer fun.

I felt like I was in the car with them. Another incredible listen is Story Hour. Speak by Lauri Halse Anderson. My daughter had to read it for school. We ended up with an extra copy. I started reading it before I went to worked and finished it that night. A Man Called Ove — I listened to it on audiobook and then reread it because it was sooo good. I am reading Beartown, the latest book, read the first three and the short one on saying goodbye…had no problems with the others. This one is more difficult, the theme is much deeper than hockey, but all the hockey references slow me down!

Loved Little Big Lies…and anything else by Moriarity. Just finished Hillbilly Elegy—a must read about a very poor segment of society. Also like The Girl in Cabin Ten. Some books I could hardly put down: BTW, there was also a movie made, and I was surprised at how good it was. Lots of details were left out, but whoever wrote the screenplay did an amazing job.

One of my all time favorites as well. I loved this book, but hated the ending to the movie. I thought the ending of the book was perfection. Wow, three of the four you have above are also my all time favorites. I still miss PK and Owen! I listen to my books, a long commute. I received it as a gift from someone who knew I loved to read but not sure what I liked to read.

Same person gave me The Power of One. She is now my source of must have books. She is now my source for must have books. Some great books on this list! Another author I breeze through because their just that good is anything by Jessica gadziala. Both are so good but I could not put Shifting down and I have a hard time getting into anything else. The Art of Racing in the Rain, is probably one of my all time favorites! Love dogs, loved the story, cried a lot.

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern was so compelling that I read it for two days straight, hardly taking a moment to sleep! Oh to be loved like she was!!! I raced through Inconceivable by Tegan Wren. Would these books be good for a 16yo? Mainly avoiding graphic sexual content and super strong language? It's right here waiting for you! Do you still have a dream? Dreams are the substance life is made of, and ac There is nothing in this world that you cannot accomplish, if you know the secret.

Dreams are the substance life is made of, and achieving them is a process that anyone can learn regardless of age, experience, IQ, education or financial standing. You can have dreams grander than you have ever had and see them come true right before your very eyes! Let Lisa Diane, the Ambassador of Inspiration, show you how to put the past behind you and start experiencing life to its fullest. There is nothing in this world that you cannot accomplish if you know the secret! Paperback , 75 pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia.

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