Spanish for Surfers

132 Spanish Surf Vocabulary

Wave size and quality range from average to epic , with an assortment of reefs and beach breaks that cove whole range of surfing skills, from beginners to experienced. Our International surf staff is prepared for teaching people from beginners to advanced, the surf lessons language will be english in average groups of 5 students per instructor. We offer surf lessons all week long and on weekends surf trips to different beaches north of Montanita. Our Spanish program is designed to help you become proficient and comfortable communicating in Spanish, while enjoying a relaxing and fun environment conducive to learning.

We offer beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. Our class sizes are small and our experienced instructors keep learning fun and relaxed!

Spanish Courses

Spanish for Surfers [Dave Rearwin] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Not your ordinary Spanish book. backwash, rip current, closeout. Over words and expressions dealing with surf, surfing, and some of the things you may need to say when you're on your own in Spanish.

Our lessons cover new material for two hours in the morning, then students meet again with an instructor for another two hours in the afternoon. We reinforce the lessons covered in class through games, outdoor trips, and fun nighttime activities. Our daily yoga classes are organized around our surf schedule and have been designed to be suitable for all levels of knowledge and experience.

Surfing In Playa Tamarindo & Surrounding Areas

Yoga is a great way to stay in shape, prevent injuries, warm up before paddling out and to stretch out the body after a long surf session. Our yoga classes are taught by highly experienced, accredited instructors , who will help you improve your practice. Yoga complements surfing perfectly as it builds strength, flexibility and balance. The Camp is located close to the center of town and is just a few minutes walk from the beach , dozens of great restaurants, bars, grocery stores , and everything else you could need.

Buses leave every hour from the bus terminal in Guayaquil. CLP is located on the top floor. I honestly couldn't ask for more! And what is even more important: I learned a lot of Spanish with them. Miguel talked a lot with me and corrected me all the time. During my two weeks I took 4 hours of Spanish and 2 hours of surfing. Surfing and Spanish was the perfect blend!

The teachers are extremely helpful, friendly and give their best effort.


I enjoyed the classes very much, the teachers are great and I really learned a lot! Instead of surfing I signed up for the daily yoga lessons with Michaela!

  • Blind Spanish surfer says sea sets her free, goes for world title.
  • Climate Dynamics: Why Does Climate Vary? (Geophysical Monograph Series);

She is an amazing teacher and her yoga lessons were my favorite part of the day! Thanks to everyone for a great time! I am very satisfied with the quality of the teachers, the structure of the lessons, the surf breaks in Montanita, the activities outside of class that help build community, and the cool and chill vibe of the community of Montanita.

I can highly recommend it.


Very well organized and the staff is always on time we are in Ecuador, that's not the rule here. Highly experienced surf instructor that cater to all levels. Private surf lessons with Aydin and Kainoa were really helpful. My highlight were the yoga classes with Michaela at the top of the property with the view of the point. The evening yoga class was phenomenal!

Yoga Schedule

Surf and yoga, que mas! SURF Here our goal is to teach you how to become a better surfer regardless of your level of experience. SPANISH Our Spanish program is designed to help you become proficient and comfortable communicating in Spanish, while enjoying a relaxing and fun environment conducive to learning.

YOGA Our daily yoga classes are organized around our surf schedule and have been designed to be suitable for all levels of knowledge and experience. Variety of Yoga Classes: In this sequence, poses flow together, creating sequences that incorporate a variety of styles of yoga. This dynamic class is ever changing with a variety of poses and sequences.

  1. Spanish & Surf Program.
  2. Private (Kindle Single).
  3. String Quartet No. 11, Movement 1 - Score?

The progression of poses varies and is a class meant for those who like to move. This is a strength and energizing practice, aimed to open and cleanse your mind and body. We build heat, flow quickly, strengthen our core, and engage all muscles. This class balances and detoxifies your entire body as you move through challenging postures and flows.

A yoga practice that seeks to relieve mental, physical, and emotional tension through longer, deeper holds in fewer postures. With the use of props, this class is designed to heal the nervous system and release deeply held tension from the body and mind. This practice is intended to be healing and nurturing for the body. A Vinyasa style of class, focuses more on flowing with breath and working the body on all levels.


Get in Touch The Camp is located close to the center of town and is just a few minutes walk from the beach , dozens of great restaurants, bars, grocery stores , and everything else you could need. Arenal provides a unique language experience. We reinforce the lessons covered in class through games, outdoor trips, and fun nighttime activities. Do you consent to the use of cookies? Anonymous on Stan Lee December 28, — N….

Spanish Institute believes that the best way to learn is to immerse yourself in the true culture of Costa Rica, which is why we offer many ways to make learn Spanish in Costa Rica. C offers full immersion Spanish programs at three unique campuses located in Costa Rica. With the most diverse locations in all of Costa Rica a truly unique, immersive experience awaits.

English & surf

Our patient and nurturing teaching staff and our world renowned adventure staff create lifelong learning experiences for all who attend. Our accredited Standard and Intensive language…. The goal of the AEC Medical Spanish program is to build better communication with patients and is the longest running medical.. This program will give nurses the ability to converse with Spanish speaking patients in a hospital or clinic environment. The most immersive language experience in all of Costa Rica for children ages Your kids will learn language alongside….

The program was designed by US school-based agricultural education teacher educators and global learning specialists.

Surfing Popup en español - Tutorial

We have three campusues located throughout Costa Rica. Arenal provides a unique language experience. A truly one on one language program surrounded astounding beauty of Arenal. Experience full language immersion in Turrialba. Live in an area that only speaks Spanish and experience the real Costa Rica.