Rossetti]; tacent satis laudant [Lat. Musician [Performance of Music. Musical Instruments -- N. O dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon [Milton]. Optical Instruments -- N. Absence or want of Intellect -- N. Meredith]; go speed the stars of Thought [Emerson]; in maiden meditation fancy-free [M. Inquiry [Subject of Inquiry. Incomparability [Lack of comparison] -- N. Evidence [On one side. Taylor]; anything is possible; in theory possible, but in practise unlikely.
Heaven knows; who can tell? OK, all right, might as well, why not? God knows, Heaven knows, the Lord knows, who knows, nobody knows. Jonson]; that unlettered small-knowing soul [Love's Labor's Lost]; there is no darkness but ignorance [Twelfth Night]. Intelligence, Wisdom -- N. Davus sum non [Lat. Correction [Correct an error of information; distinguish from correcting a flaw or misbehavior] -- N. Ambush [Means of concealment].
Various Qualities of Style. Eliot]; to try thy eloquence now 'tis time [Antony and Cleopatra]. Soliloquize; say to oneself, talk to oneself; say aside, think aloud, apostrophize. Browning]; craignez tout d'un auteur en courroux [Fr.
Smith]; Dichtung und Wahrheit [G. The Drama -- N. Nor all thy piety nor wit shall draw it back to cancel half a [Rubayyat of Omar Khayyam]. Absence of Choice -- N. Habit [includes commonness due to frequency of occurrence] -- N. Absence of Motive -- N. The road to hell is paved with good intentions [Johnson]; sublimi feriam sidera vertice [Lat. Webster]; fortuitous combination of circumstances [Dickens]; le jeu est le fils d'avarice et le pere du desespoir [Fr.
These hundred tales leave out no genre and will amuse, inspire and delight booklovers who dip into the collection when they have five minutes to spare Readers will enjoy getting a quick entertainment fix from these tiny gems when time is limited. The book will make a great gift to suit an extensive diversity of tastes and will prove the saying Do not miss this book! His exploits cause many lobsters to be bamboozled and occasionally grateful. He ends up being the object of desire for the lovely Octavia. She is a bashful octopus. Explain, give a reason, show the consummate, compass, carry, carry in reason, render a reason, assign the to effect, carry through, carry out, get cause, make explanation.
Accountableness, out, turn off. Finish, end, conclude, terminate. Fulfil, realize, effectuate, bring to Accountable, a. Book-keeper, expert consummate, ripe, thorough-bred, in accounts. Polished, refined, polite, elegant, Accoutrements, n. Credit, give trust or conconsummation, fulfilment. Acquirement, attainment, profi- ceive as an envoy, receive as commisciency, stock of knowledge, mental re- sioned, empowered, or authorized. Growth by accessiou Accord, v. Grant, concede, vouch- of parts. Gradual accumulation of agree, tally, quadrate, be in unison, be soil, as at the mouth of a river.
Result, proceed, come, Accord, o. Accord, concord, agree- added, be derived, be gained, be got, ment, concurrence, concordance, con- come in. Pile, amass, agAccordant, a. Agreeable, agreeing, gregate, collect, collect together, gather suitable, consonant, congruous, sym- up, pile up, heap up, bring together, phonious. Consequently, as a natural conse- lay in, set by. Increase, grow, be or the occasion. According to, By, in accordance with, Accumulation, n.
Collection, pile, heap, conformably to, agreeably to. Address, salute, greet, Accuracy, n. Exact, correct, precise, Accoucheur, n. Record, register, inven- Accurateness, a. Bill, charge, registry of debt and unholy. Detestable, execrable, hateful, 3. Reckoning, computation, calcula- abominable, odious, horrid, horrible, tion, enumeration, tale, count.
Description, statement, narration, Accusation, n. Crimination, impeachrecital, rehearsal, relation, narrative, ment, arraignment, indictment, charge. Charge, impeach, arraign, sentation, portrayal, detail, word, ti- indict, criminate, inculpate, incrimidings, report, nate, tax, inform against, call to ac5. Consideration, regard, motive, rea- count, take to task.
Habituate, inure, use, tion, note. Esteem, regard, deem, Accustomed, a. Usual,habitual, wontthink, hold, consider, view, reckon, rate, ed, customary, familiar, common, freestimate, look upon. Render an account, Ace, is. Single point in cards or in answer in judgment.
Particle, atom, jot, iota, bit, tittle, Acquaintance, n. Familiarity, fawhit, grain, scrap, mite, corpuscle, miliar knowledge. Friend with whom one is not intiAcephalous, a. Roughness, astrin- Acquainted with, 1. A friend of without being intimate 2. Acrimony, severity, harshness, with. Yield, comply, subrancor, crabbedness, churlishness, mo- mit, bow, rest, resign one's self, be roseness, sullenness, ill temper, bad reconciled, be resigned, be satisfied, blood. Assent, consent, agree, accede, Ache, n. Aching, pain, continued pain. Be in pain, feel or suffer in, go with the stream, go with the pain.
Be painful, give pain. Accomplish, perform, mission, resignation. Assent, consent, agreement, conconsummate, effect, realize, bring currence. Complying, yielding, carry out, work out, bring to a close, submitting. Gain, obtain, achieve, 2. Obtain, acquire, procure, gain, attain, procure, earn, win, get, secure, win, get. Performance, ac- of, get into one's hands. Master, learn thoroughly, make realization, consummation.
Exploit, feat, deed, work. Escutcheon, shield, ensign armo- ing, gaining, mastery. Accomplisllnent, attainment, acAching, n. Pain, ache, continued pain. Absence of color, Acquisitive, a. Acquiring, disposed to want of color. Love of acquiring, Acicular, a. Aciculate, aciform, desire to acquire. Discharge from an accuAciculate, a. Sour, tart, sharp, pricked. Sourness, tartness, acidness, quit, set free. Acquit one's self Act, behave, conAcidness, n. Sourish, somewhat acid, one's self. Discharge, release, deAciform, a. Recognize, take Acquittance, n. Receipt, receipt in full.
Admit, grant, concede, allow, ac- Acrid, a. Sharp, biting, pungent, cept, indorse, subscribe to, agree to. Express gratitude for, give thanks 2. Own or admit the validity of. Sharpness, pungency, Acknowledgment, ai. Admission, avowal, concession, Acrimonious, a. Corrosive, allowance, acceptance, indorsement. Expression of thanks or gratitude. Severe, harsh, hard, acrid, sarcasAcme, is.
Summit, top, apex, zenith, tic, bitter, virulent, malignant, censopinnacle, utmost height, highest point, rious, crabbed, snarling, snappish, tesculminating point, climax. Inform, apprise, tell, notify, make ness, causticity. Severity, harshness, sourness, tartcommunicate to, signify to, give notice ness, asperity, virulence, bitterness, to, send word to, write word to.
Player, performer, comedian, traAcroamatical, j secret, private, acro- gedian, stage-player. Real, veritable, true, subAcroatic, a. Athwart, over, from one aginary, not supposed or fancied, not side of to the other.
Present, now existing, now in in action. Behave, conduct one's self, demean Actually, ad. Really, truly, absolutely, one's self, acquit one's self. Do, perform, execute, car- Actuate, v. Induce, impel, move, ry into execution. Personate, play, simulate, enact, upon, prevail upon, work upon. Influence, effect, have inAct, n. Deed viewed as a single exer- fluence upon.. Abide by, conform to, perment, turn.
Statute, enactmefit, ordinance, Acumen, n. Acuteness, shrewdness, edict, decree, law, bill.
Fact, reality, actuality, real exist- nuity, perspicacity, discernment, peneence. Deed, performance, AC- Acuminate, a. Acuminated, j pointed, cuspidate, 2. Personation, representation, sim- cuspidated. Keen, shrewd, discerning, know2. Deed viewed as requiring a con- ing, quick, sharp, smart, bright, sage, tisnued exertion of power , performance, sapient, sagacious, intelligent, astute, exploit, achievement, -procedure, pro- ingenious, subtle, penetrating, piercceeding, acting, turn, ACT.
Severe, violent, intense, poignant, 4. Battle, engagement, conflict,'con- exquisite, pungent. Acumen, shrewdness, penetration, 6. Subject, fable, plot, series of sagacity, sagaciousness, astuteness, events. Suit, process, case, prose- cernment, ingenuity, mother-wit, quick cution. Severity, intensity, poignancy, vioActive, a. Practical, operative, liv- lence. Proverb, saying, saw, dictum, 2. Busy, diligent, assiduous, indus- aphorism, apothegm, maxim, by-word, trious, indefatigable, unremitting, la- sententious precept. Diamond, crystallized hard at work, diligently employed, carbon.
Adamantine, hard as 3. Alert, nimble, agile, supple, brisk, adamant, very hard. Adamantean, very hard, hard as ited. Enterprising, energetic, strong, Adam's-needle, sn. Yucca, bear-grass, efficient, in earnest. Drastic as medkcise , powerful, Adapt, v. Alertness, agility, nimbleness, Adaptability, n. Intensity, energy, strength, force, appropriateness, aptness, adaptability, power, vigor. Join, subjoin, annex, affix, Adherent, a. Adhering, sticking, clingappend, superadd, tag, tack.
Sum, sum up, cast up, add to- Adherent, a. Increase, augment, make dependant, vassal. Addition, appendix, clinging, tendency to adhere. Sticking, clinging, Addict, v. Accustom commonly in a tending to adhere. Sticky, tenacious, tough, viscous, apply habitutally , give, give up. Accession, increase, augmentation, well, God bless you. Appendage, adjunct, appendix, taking. Fat, fatty, unctuous, oily, Additional, a. Superadded, adsciti- sebaceous, greasy.
Nearness, vicinity, extra, more. Adjacency, I vicinage, neighborhood, Additive, a.
Putrid, corrupt, spoiled Adjacent, a. Adjoining, conterminous, as eggs. Barren, unfruitful, fruitless, abor- contiguous, in proximity. Be contiguous to, lie near Addle-headed, a. Foolish, stupid, dull, to, lie close to, border upon, be adjacent doltish, brainless, shallow, soft, sappy, to. Postpone, defer, dewitted, thick-skulled, addle-pated. Appeal, invocation, Adjournment, n.
Postponement, petition, entreaty, request, imploration, delay, putting off. Discourse, speech, oration, ha- Adjudge, v. Determline, settle, decide, decree 3. Skill, art, adroitness, readiness, by judicial authority , adjudicate. Manner in speakiing to anzother. Address one's self to, Direct one's Adjudication, n.
Sentence, decision, speech or discourse to, speak to. Advance, offer, pre- ment. Name, cite, quote, introduce. Master, proficient, genius, addendumn, something added. Entreaty as if to one good hand, master hand, capital hand, bound by oath , solemn charge. Entreat as if under oath , Adept, a. Skilled, versed, experienced, conjure, obtest, beseech, pray, supplipractised, proficient, good, at home, AU cate, beg, conjure, implore, invoke, FAIT. Sufficiency, competence, Adjust, v.
Arrange, dispose, reccompetency, enough, adequateness. Sufficient, commensurate, set to rights, put in tune, put in good proportionate, correspondent, equal, trim. Settle, compose, reconcile, make Adhere, v. Stick; cling, cleave, up. Fit, adapt, suit, proportion, ac2. Be faithful, be devoted, be at- commodate, measure, make conform, tached, stand by, be true.
Attachment, constancy, fidelity, justing, putting in order, putting in devotion, adhesion. Regulation, setting, putting right. Advise, counsel, caution, forewarn, 3. Settlement, reconciliation, pacifi- enjoin. Instruct, inform, teach, apprise, 4. Fitting, adapting, accommodation, acquaint, notify, make acquainted, making suitable or conformable. Assistant qf a su- Admonition, on. Hint of a fault, perior officer. Advice, counsel, caution, warning, Administer, v. Direct, manage, conduct, control, Ado, n. Trouble, difficulty, labor, superintend, preside over. Bustle, stir, flurry, fuss, noise, Administer, v.
Contribute, con- tumult, turmoil, pother, confusion, duce, be helpful. Youth, juvenility, Administration, n. Dispensation, minority, juniority, nonage, teens, distribution. Management, conduct, direction, life. Executive department of a gov- young. Appropriate, take to istrate and cabinet. Management of an estate 2. Approve, espouse, support, main of an intestate. Affiliate, father, treat as one's surprising, striking, astonishing.
Excellent, incomparable, inimita- Adoption, ic. Approval, espousal, support, mainperfect, first-rate, worthy of admira- tenance. Divine, to be adored, surprise, astonishment, amazement. Liking, love, high regard, high 2. Estimable, venerable, worthy of opilion.
Like much, think highly of, have 2. Revere, venerate, idolize, honor, a high opinion of, prize or value highly. Lover, gallant, suitor, Adorn, v. Dexterous, expert, sikilful, Admnission, n. Admittance, intro- apt, handy, ready, quick, clever, able, duction, access, entrance, initiation, masterly. Allowance, avowal, concession, mental, supplementary, superadded. Flattery, fiummery, exAdmit, v. Receive, grant entrance cessive praise, extravagant compliment. Flattering, smooth, oily, 2. Concede, accept, grant, acknowl- full of compliments, servile in compliedge, own, confess, take for granted, ment.
Mature, grown up, full grown, 3. Permit, allow, bear, admit of, be of age, of mature age. Person of mature age, grown Admit of, Admit, permit, allow, bear, up person. Debase, corrupt, Admittance, n. Access, means of approach, liberty Adulteration, i. Spice, dash, infusion, sprinkling, solute. Violation of the marriagetinge. Reprove gently , Adumbrate, v. Shadow, forecensure, warn of a fault. Typify, represent, symbolize, show, 3. Event, incident, occurrence, transdenote, stand for.
Hazard, venture, risk, distinct image. Type, image, shadow, symbol. Crooked, hooked, bent, Adventure, v. Dare, venture, take curved. Promote, aggran- Adventurous, a. Bold, daring, dize, exalt, elevate, dignify, raise to courageous, venturesome, venturous, preferment, raise to higher rank. Forward, further, promote, im- 2. Rash, reckless, precipitate, headprove, strengthen, make better, en- long, foolhardy, full of hazard. Allege, adduce, propose, offer, remarks, note-book, journal, commonassign, propound, bring forward, lay place-book.
Pay beforehand, supply before- nist, opponent, adverse party. Increase as price , enhance, aug- Satan. Contrary, opposing, unAdvance, v. Proceed, progress, propitious, counteracting, conflicting, make progress, make way, get forward, HEAD, not propitious. Unprosperous, untoward, unlucky, 2. Improve, grow, thrive, make im- unfortunate, calamitous, disastrous. Misfortune, calamity, Advance, a. Progress, progression, affliction, trouble, suffering, woe, dismarch, way, moving forward.
Improvement, growth, advance- luck, broken fortunes, hard life, frowns ment. Payment beforehand, anticipated Advert to, 1. Observe, remark, regard, payment. Tender, offer, proposal, proposi- heed to, take notice of, pay attention tion. Increase ofprice , enhancement. Refer to, allude to. Promotion, preferment, elevation, Advertency, ] gard, observance, obexaltation, aggrandizement.
Favorable opportu- Advertise, v. Announce, publish, nity, vantage-gromud, superior situa- declare, promulgate, trumpet, protion or condition, -best estate, best claim, make known, spread abroad, plight. Superiority, ascendency, pre-emi- the public, bring to the notice of the nence, upper-hand. Benefit, avail, profit, gain, emolu- 2. Announcement, weal, service, blessing. Behalf, behoof, account-, interest. Privilege, prerogative, conven- Advice, n. Benefit, profit, serve, tion, warning, caution, exhortation. Intelligence, information, notice, of advantage to.
Beneficial, profit- Advisability, is. Expediency, advisaable, helpful, useful, convenient, ser- bleness. Expedient, proper, fit, good, well, for one's advantage, for prudent, desirable, fit to be advised. Counsel, admonish, sugAdvent, n. Arrival, coming, ap- gest, recommend to, give counsel to, preach. Inform, acquaint, apprise, make Adventitious, a. Accidental, inci- known to, give notice to, send word to, dental, extrinsic, extraneous, foreign, write word to. Confer, consult, deliberate, Adventure, 1s. Chance, hazard, for- take counsel, hold a conference. Hazardous enterprise, bold under- purposely, by design, with considera-.
Consultation, delibera- edness, mannerism, assumed manners, tion. Counsellor, instructor, Affected, a. Assumed, feigned, unguide, director, mentor, monitor. Defence, vindication, sup- 2. Assuming, pretending, pretenport, countenance. Defend, support, vin- priggish. Moving, touching, paAdvocate, ni. Counsellor, counsel, thetic, impressive.
Feeling, passion, incliattorney-at-law, limb of the law. Defender, vindicator, supporter, mind, cast or frame of mind. Attribute, quality, property, ac3. Intercessor, comforter, paraclete, cident, modification, mode. Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth. Love, heart, attachment, kindness, 4. Aeriform, gaseous, vaporous, ethe- Affectionate, a. Loving, fond, attached, real, airy, empyreal, light. Nest of a bird of prey. Brood of birds of prey. Testimony in writing, Aeriforlm, a. Gaseous, ethereal, vapor- signed and sworn to before a mnagistrate, ous, airy, aerial. Balloonist, aerial naviga- Affiliate, v.
Adopt, treat as one's tor. Connect, associate, unite, join, ing. Relationship by marX-sthetics, it.
Resemblance, likeness, relation, of the beautiful. Far off, long way off, afar larity, similitude, parallelism, correoff, wide away, a great way off, at a dis- spondence, parity, sympathy. Sociability, sociable- Affirm, v.
Declare, aver, assert, ness. Courtesy, courteousness, complai- allege, say, profess, protest, pronounce, sance, condescension, civility, polite- predicate. Confirm, ratify, approve, estabity, amiability, good manners, good lish. Assert, declare, aver, say, Affable, a. Conversable, communi- state, SWEAR, testify, depose, bear cative, free, unreserved, open, sociable, witness. Courteous, complaisant, civil, po- Affirmation, n. Assertion, declaralite, obliging, urbane, debonair, famil- tion, asseveration, word, averment, iar, easy, gracious, mild, condescend- protestation, avowal, predication, testiing, well-bred.
Business, concern, matter, Affirmative, a. Event, occurrence, incident, trans- 3. Join, subjoin, annex, attach, 3. Battle, engagement, combat, con- connect, set to, unite to the end. Inspiration, supernatural Affair of honor, Duel. Influence, act upon, Afflict, v. Grieve, distress, trouble, work upon. Concern, interest, regard, relate harass, wound, exercise, grind, perseto, bear upon. Touch, move, impress, melt, sub- Afflicting, a. Grievous, painful, disdue, overcome, pierce. Crave, yearn for, aspire to, aim at. Assume, feign, arrogate, put on, lucky, wretched, dire, deplorable, sore, make a show of, pretend to.
Pretension, airs, affect- bear. Calamity, adversity, After-birth, n. Grief, sorrow, distress, woe, tribu- Afterpiece, i. Subsequently, after ness, gripe, griping, broken heart, Afterwards, later, thereafter, in the heavy heart. Wealth, riches, opulence, Again, ad. Again and again, Repeatedly, often, Affluent, a. Opulent, wealthy, rich, moneyed.
Supply, furnish, yield, Against, prep. Opposed to, in oppoproduce. Confer, impart, grant, bestow, 2. Facing, fronting, off, opposite to, offer, lend, give, communicate, spare. Bear the cost or expense of. In provision for, in expectation of, Affray, n. Brawl in a pusblic place , in preparation for, in anticipation of. Against the test, altercation, strife, row, fray, broil, fibres of wood. Against the natural disposition, break, RujmPus. Frighten, terrify, alarm, Agalloch, s n. Lign-aloes, aloes scare, daunt, appall, dismay, fright, Agallochunl, wood. Wondering, gazing eagerly, Affright, a.
Terror, fear, fright, alarm, staring with open mouth. Offend, displease, irritate, pro- Age, n.
Period, date, epoch, time. Century, a hundred years. Old age, decline of life, vale of Affront, s. Insult, abuse, contume- years. Maturity, mature years, years of ill-treatment, ill-turn. Old, elderly, stricken in Affusion, it. Preparing, forthcoming, in prepa- 2. Having lived, of the age of. Said before, aforemen- 2. Charge, direction, management, tioned, before-mentioned, fore-named, superintendence, supervision. Actor, doer, operator, perAforethought, a. Premeditated, pre- former, executor. Deputy, attorney, factor, repreA fortiori,. Fearful, haunted with fear.
Anew, newly, again, over 3. Gather in a ball or Aft, ad. Abaft, astern, behind, mass, gather together, lump together, back, rearward, in the rear.