Truthfully,yours: The Golden Years Begin (Mini-Series Book 5)

The Little House Books

Then they will remember One of the best lessons of life! The final reference to modern Israel appears to be particularly touching! Although TV movies often show they are just that, this four-part series, despite the talky atmosphere at times was really excellent. It had a great and talented cast, though notably, the Americans were the good-guy Zealots and the British the bad-boy Romans. It was formally a Herodian retreat. Even though Judea is under Roman rule, the last vestige of a free Judea is atop a rock and must be dealt with.

The first major fight the Romans have on arrival is the heat of the daytime desert, which is telling upon the Romans, much to the amusement and gloating of the Zealots on the rock. Silva lays claim to a slave girl as his mistress, Barbara Carrera arguing the morals of her people's just cause to have a free Judea, at the same time as stating she hates the Romans, she hates the Zealots too. Anthony Quayle as Rubius Gallus plays the brilliant part so well, as Silva's chum and wise engineer, 'the only man for the job'.

He informs Silva that the only way to assault the fortress is to bring a large part of a rocky outcrop over and place it against the Masada fortress as an assault ramp for a siege tower to move up against the fort walls. Silva trusts his friend and implements the plan. He makes sure it's built out of sight of the Zealots though, in spite of Gallus's mention that Eleazer wouldn't be able to do anything about it even if he saw it coming.

He's actually trying to take the glory, being the Emperor's sycophant. He informs Silva he has the Emperor's stamp to end the siege, at least more quickly, or to accelerate himself quickly up the ladder more like! Silva though, shows his mettle and ousts the little worm, after Falco has barbarically - get this - put jews in the catapults and fired them up the mountainside! With all the main distractions dealt with, Gallus, on his death-bed managed to utter a few last words to his engineers to complete the task. So much so, that the ramp is completed and the siege tower ready to ascend it.

The main feature of the siege tower is, that it has a battering-ram mounted at the top of it, with metal plates in the front for protection. Gallus informed his men that the tower must be sent up the ramp at a certain time of day, so that the Zealots would have the sun in their eyes as the tower approaches them. On the day of the assault, the tower ascends the ramp and the scene, with special effects is very well-handled with the suspense, action and incidental music.

One thing that amazes you is, that the Romans have the slaves 'pull' the tower up the ramp. Blocks are sunk into the ramp and with pulleys, the tower is 'pulled' up the ramp - it seems a major engineering feat of the day and shows the Romans' resilience and determination in the field.

As Eleazer and his 'rebels' are astounded by this shocking new tactic, he seems dumbfounded and unable to grasp the situation. Then he informs the rest of the Zealots to strip beams from Herod's old palace and put the earth between the beams, behind the stone wall that is the ram's target To absorb the blows like a sponge. After a battle between Roman archers on the tower and Eleazer's, the ram reaches the walls and is pushed against it.

There is little wonder THE GOLDEN ERA was met with an under-performed box winning BEST FILM in the Hong Kong Film Awards (5 wins including BEST. East of Eden (TV Mini-Series –) on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more ABC's Golden Age of great miniseries, which began with Roots and ended with War Do try and find the uncut version of this film-it is well-worth your time. I enjoyed the full depiction of John Steinbeck's book. . 5 out of 6 found this helpful.

Eleazer's new wall is absorbing the blows well. This stops the wall from shattering. The Romans are now perplexed. After much debating, they set fire to the exposed beams of Eleazer's wonder walls. But then, the wind changes and it blows against the assault tower. The Romans sound the recall, intending taking the fort in the morning. The Zealots rejoice, but Eleazer knows, that it may only be putting off the inevitable for a while.

The Zealots have all taken their lives rather than be taken or killed by the Romans. This had a good script, though it is part-taken from a book, 'The Antagonists', some heady wheeling and dealing and corruption from the Roman side whilst, quite rightly, really, showing the Zealots as spirited and stubborn in the face of aggression.

So much so, that Masada now serves as the 'swearing in' ceremony of the Israeli Defence Forces. Honor is due all around. First, credit must go to Joel Oliansky, who developed Gann's slender book into full-range drama with wit and wisdom. Boris Segal directs a huge cast so well, and so unobtrusively You never wonder where you are, or which side you're listening to; there are so many characters that are memorable, even if they only have two lines It's the best performance of Peter Strauss's career, and one of O'Toole's crown jewels.

Jerry Goldsmith can furnish haunting melodies and epic marches. In short, nobody in this miniseries has fallen down on the job Except for ABC, who took more than a decade to get it out of the vault and onto videotape, and still hasn't gotten "Masada" put on DVD. The strongest kind of drama is when you can sympathize with both sides; Silva has been saddled with irrational orders for a military conquest sound familiar?

Eleazar knows only one thing for sure: Rome cannot allow defiance to succeed; the Jewish zealots cannot submit to Roman enslavement. Gregorso 10 November Peter O'Toole who starred in another great desert epic, Lawrence of Arabia is wonderful as the general who knows peaceful negotiation is better than war, but is forced by political wrangling above and below his rank to try to crush the Jewish resistance group.

The Romans learn that it is one thing to conquer a country, but it's altogether another thing to occupy it. And don't we still see that to the current day? I recall a bit of controversy when this film came out. Some critics worried that the mass suicide at Masada was too evocative of Jim Jones' cult suicide in Guyana. There's lots of interesting historical detail about ancient social classes, technology, military strategy - even an example of early political satire shows!

This is not just "Hollywood spectacle".

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The characters are realistically portrayed going through real human struggles. Josephus supposedly got the inside story from one of the few Jews who didn't commit suicide. Even so, everything supports the main story and brings the event to life. The only bit that is too exaggerated is the opening credits in the first part, set in the present day, which comes across like nothing less than an advertisement for the Israeli army.

Oh, and the musical score is fabulous! I remember faith-healer and Christian evangelist Maurice Cerullo had a massive fund-raising campaign to help produce this film. For an adequate donation you got a commemorative bronze movie medallion. Eagle 11 April This story brings out the idealist and the need for faith in me whenever I view it. The historical accuracy and the sheer information provided about the Roman Empire, the province of Judea circa 70AD, and the Roman Legions, are truly astonishing. Every semester, whenever I teach World Civilizations I at Essex County College in Newark NJ, I always include a classroom viewing of the 2 hour version for my students and lament not time enough to show the full saga.

Peter O'Toole's performance as the competant but troubled Flavius Silva I humbly believe is his masterwork and the life he places in his character is thought provoking and emotionally stirring. The music, the material, the true story and the detail from building the ramp to the costumes and location re-create what actually happened better than any textbook or lecture could. By the way, Barbara Cararra almost steals the show from Peter O'Toole and her acting performance also deserves special mention. This is a must-see for anyone interested in Roman, Israeli, or general history.

Peter O'Toole and Peter Strauss were both great. This is probably one of O'Toole's better performances. Great story, excellent cast, spectacular locations, great performances from Barbara Carrera, Anthony Quayle, and David Warner. This mini-series is definitely well worth your time. This is based on the book, The Antagonists, by Ernest K. I read it, and the "sequel", The Triumph. Read both books, if you can find them. The Triumph is the story of Flavius Silva after Masada. Almost as entertaining as the movie. Masada is an average epic that has been treated generously.

It's not horrible, but it could have been better. A good review must look at, aside from the basics, the film's themes, symbolism, and the quality of the plot. The film is inaccurate, but why?

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What is the film's message? And does the film's message and inaccuracy make it worth buying, renting, or ignoring?

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But first, the basics. The plot is simple: No clever twists, except in the end perhaps, and nothing original for its time. The setting is the Jewish Revolt of AD. The Romans have just captured Jerusalem, but a handful of zealous freedom fighters escape to the fortress Masada. It is a spectacle in the mold of Spartacus and Ben-Hur, one of the last films of that style. The plot unfolds well but is not engaging or intellectual. The acting is mixed. Americans were cast to play the underdogs, the Jews, and Englishmen were cast to play the Romans.

As a result talent was concentrated on the Roman side which made for uneven cinema. Peter Strauss who played the Jewish leader is an exception, but the rest were nonentities. O'Toole is a real actor. He has actually gotten on stage and performed Shakespeare. In other words the bad guys are not cardboard stands, unlike Star Wars for example. However, the film is heavily biased in favor of the Jews.

The film is poor history, but good propaganda. Becket and Lawrence of Arabia were epics that had good history but were still enjoyable. Masada is nowhere near their caliber. Issues have been raised about the mediocre costume and armor of the characters. In my opinion this is a non-issue, there are far more important problems with the film, and that is coming from a Roman military historian.

If the film had a better script it would have been a better film regardless of what armor the Roman legionaries wore. Masada and the film's message should be placed into context. The Jews had religious freedom in the Empire, and this is indicated in several passages of Josephus, a Jewish historian Roman procurators in Judaea also attempted to accommodate Jewish custom, especially towards Jerusalem and the Temple.

What the Romans would not give was political freedom. But that status was true for all of Rome's subjects, and only some Jews actively sought independence.

When Pomponius Falco takes over the leadership and occurs to be brutal, Silva tries his best to prove that this way of dealing with the enemy is "not Rome! Not only are they exposed to the work of a very skilled writer and story teller, but they get a very vivid look at life as it was several generations ago, through the eyes of a child. Aliette de Bodard argued that there was a risk in the categorization that authors' work would be dismissed as not being, "proper," SF. In winter there is wood to be chopped and great slabs of ice to be cut from the river and stored. Retrieved July 27, New York City, New York:

I say "some Jews" because the desire for violent resistance against Rome was not universal. There were, however, a number of self-proclaimed messiahs that were stirring up the masses. The film's message is that it is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. The Jews bravely or foolhardily attempted to throw off Roman yoke and suffered horribly as a result. A better philosophy is to live on your feet than to die on your knees, as the rest of Rome's subjects did. The film does not discuss this complicated dilemma, as I said it is anything but original.

The Jews did not stand a chance. Whatever one thinks of the Romans they produced a superb fighting machine. Opposition against it was largely futile, or extremely costly, as the Germans learned earlier in the century. The film is neither creative nor enlightening. The goal of propaganda is not to be truthful.

The film is Israeli propaganda. The cast and production were American and British, Israel is America's most important ally in the Middle East, and the film had complete support from the Israeli government. At the beginning and end of the film it shows Israeli soldiers climbing Masada, raising Israel's flag, and claiming Masada will never fall again. Did the Romans only represent Romans? Of course not, just as Jurassic Park was a not movie about dinosaurs. The Jews faced a vastly superior force in the revolt against Rome.

This was also true for the Israeli Defense Force in against the coalition of Arab states. It is symbolism, but unimaginative. It is highly melodramatic. Silva is also overly sympathetic to the Jewish cause, and there is no evidence that he an Eleazar had any sort of contact. This is also not surprising. It was based off a fictional novel and not the ancient authorities. It perpetuates the national myth that Masada was garrisoned by the Zealots. It was not, it was garrisoned by Sicarii. The Sicarii were terrorists, or freedom-fighters, depending on your perspective. They murdered women and children at Engaddi 4.

They actively murdered and plundered the property of Jews that accepted Roman rule 7. The same is true for insurgents against the U. So are these people freedom-fighters and heroes as well? Another interesting dilemma that the film could have explored but did not, for obvious reasons. If you asked the Palestinians, who are held in an economic stranglehold by Israel, the new Romans are ironically the Israelis.

The Sicarii most resemble the Kach party in modern Israel, the criminal, antidemocratic, racist party that wants all Arabs expelled from Israel. The film was released in , the same year Israeli aircraft destroyed a multi-story apartment block that contained PLO. The attack killed around civilians and resulted in worldwide condemnation and U. Thus governments can also be terrorist groups. To return to Masada, I own the film because I enjoy watching the Roman army in action. That is the only reason why I own it. CinefanR 7 March Brilliant historical epic, and one of the finest productions I've had the pleasure to watch.

Dealing from multiple points of view with perplexing issues such as honor, courage and patriotism, the series gets into the intricacies of military strategy and politics. O'Toole is the main star in any setting; he steals the show and his presence is overwhelming. O'Toole's Silva is so complex and believable, it's impossible to match.

Excellent script, with strong character development and psychology, historical detail, complexity of themes and good dialogues.

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I was also impressed with the tact and sensitivity displayed given the subject matter, an intelligent approach that didn't diminish the emotional impact whatsoever. Six-hour long series, and not a single minute to get bored. A cleverly built anticipation will keep your eyes on the screen. Good 2-disc DVD release for its price. However, it's about time for a properly restored and subtitled edition, and maybe some extras. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, additional members of the Sicarii fled Jerusalem and settled on the mountaintop after slaughtering the Roman garrison.

According to Josephus , the Sicarii were an extremist Jewish splinter group antagonistic to a larger grouping of Jews referred to as the Zealots led by Eliazar Peter Strauss , who carried the main burden of the rebellion. Josephus said that the Sicarii raided nearby Jewish villages including Ein Gedi , where they massacred women and children.

The Roman legion surrounded Masada, built a circumvallation wall and then a siege ramp against the western face of the plateau. This is an interminable , but still good version , adapted from Ernest K. The series is formed by 4 episodes , but there is an abridged rendition from the original TV presentation.

This is a sort of would-be Jew epic with propaganda and jingoist overtones. The main cast is frankly well , though they give rating interpretations. The Jewish leader is well played by Peter Strauss , he is nice and as tough and two-fisted as a brave Zionist guerrilla should be ; while the Roman commander who feels of the loneliness colonial administrator , finely performed by Peter O'Toole , ponders the badness and goodness of the attacks.

Support cast is pretty good , plenty of known and prestigious secondaries , giving enjoyable acting , as American actors are playing the Jews and British actors are cast as the Romans , such as: And an evocative cinematography by Paul Lohmann , being shot on location in Israel, where the historic events took place.

The series was compellingly directed by Boris Sagal. Masada is an ancient fortification in the Southern District of Israel situated on top of an isolated rock plateau , akin to a mesa , being the Zionist headquarter for a group of Jews freedom fighters. It is located on the eastern edge of the Judaean Desert , overlooking the Dead Sea 20 km east of Arad. Herod the Great built palaces for himself on the mountain and fortified Masada between 37 and 31 BCE.

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After the sack of Jerusalem Jews fled to Masada to get their freedom and their homeland. According to Josephus , the siege of Masada by troops of the Roman Empire at the end of the First Jewish—Roman War ended in the mass suicide of people, the Sicarii rebels and their families hiding there. One of the best mini-series ever! Scott 15 November This is quite simply one of the grandest epics you can see. I first saw this on TV when I was young.

Every night it was on I was glued to the TV, completely enthralled by the story. When I finally got the multi-tape set recently, I wasn't sure if I would still be affected the same now that I am older, but it was everything I remember. Incredibly moving musical score.

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Incredibly realistic set because it was actually filmed at Masada. A drama centered around the employees of a Nanjing massage parlor who share a common trait: Cheung and her teenage son Ka-on living in the troubled housing estate of Tinshuiwai, a suburb regularly featured in the news for all the wrong reasons. During World War II era, a young woman, Wang Jiazhi, gets swept up in a dangerous game of emotional intrigue with a powerful political figure, Mr.

In the years after the Revolution that overthrew the Qing Dynasty in China and established the republic, China broken up into fiefdoms held by warlords, who are busy fighting each other. An ex cop and his ex partner decide to follow up on investigation of a series of murders that ended their careers and shamed them, when identical murders begin again. The Suns are a typical Hong Kong family: May, forty something, works for a trading company; her husband, Bing, works as a low-grade civil servant, and Allen, their teenage son, is still at The love of the author's life, newspaper editor Xiao Jun and the inspiration she drew from him as well as the surrounding literary scene in creating some of China's most enduring masterpieces is explored against the backdrop of a turbulent time that included the formation of the Chinese Communist government and World War II.

Written by China Lion Film Distribution. A film that could be even longer. A masterpiece, made by all those who cares. There are so many things well done. I appreciate it for it shine,for all scenes and street views, for costumes and interiors,for narration,because not insist over horrific scenes. All story only seems to be lighty but it have a hide loaded ,,weight'' meant for more wise people.

Who can to not like this film when it start with shine of the sun and ends in the same manner? Among thousands of insignificant movies with fights, battles, horrors, juicy stories, juicy lovers, this film shows shining. Hard to find one flaw To see more Japanese guys or battle scenes; or more love? To see more political conflicts? No, it's not the case,all story is perfect for me so , as it is presented.

Start your free trial. Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet! Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. The life story of Xiao Hong, one of China's most famous essayists and novelists, who reflected the progressive thinking not frequently seen during the s. Venezia71 - seen Venice Film Festival Share this Rating Title: The Golden Era 6. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin.

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