Letting Your Property (Pocket Lawyer)

This saves tons of time and forces prospective tenants to really think about what they want. It would be smart to check the state you live in for this site. Also, when I am pre-screening, I always as for contact info. When I do this I ask the spelling of their name, even if it is a simple name.

This allows me to plug into casenet the exact spelling so I get good info back. If I find numerous judgments, felonies, or garnishments I automatically eliminate them from a showing. Save discrepancies or disagreements when returning deposits. All they have to do is get a stamp. Hope some of you can use these tips. Thanks so much for offering those ideas — they are all excellent.

Are you over on the Forums yet? Superb article and written diligently. I went through the entire article, and had a smile on my face when I realized that I had followed your many of the guidelines pointed by you. I made all the long term improvements, had a realtor do the screening, managed my rental property, and after a year am moving back to my home….

I think that final pience would be a good ending to your detailed guide…. Thanks again, very useful even as a post moretem report for me: Hey Ani, thanks for reading and commenting! It has like items on it. This way, they know exactly what to clean and the penalty for not cleaning.

Then we walk through the property together and just go over the move in checklist which has the move-in on the left, move-out on the right. Sometimes the tenant will choose to remedy the item right then, but usually not. Then in 14 days the max time allowed by my State I send them back their deposit less any damages. The reason I wait 14 days is because sometimes it takes a little time to find problems like Urine stains from pets so I want the max time to ensure I know all the problems. I really appreciate the detailed information.

I will one day have numerous investment properties. I am working hard 6 days a week to save up for my first property, a duplex with tenents on the other side. Anyway my favorite Starbuks coffee is a venti white chocolate mocha with whole milk and no whipcream. I think you are very smart beginning with a duplex. I kinda began the same way after a quick live-in flip, before I knew what I was doing!

And good choice on the Starbucks drink — but why no whip!? We got in at a fantastic time; bought a beautiful home for a low amount, so we have a very reasonable mortgage. We have to act quick if we want to pull it off; we understand that the rental market drops off after the school year begins. Today, we could set a rental rate where we need it to make a profit. Two months from now — probably not.

Starbucks — all I ever really get is a caramel macchiato. Here Sarah, thanks so much for the comment! Thanks for reading through this whole thing! I may have to expand my horizons soon! My question deals with our pool. Should we rent a house with a pool? Should we require pool maintenance as part of the rent?

Successfully Letting Your Property | Private Property

Would you suggest dealing with an agency to help with renting? Hey Amy, thanks for the comment! Just get some good references from local landlords as to the best company to use. Yeah, that is pretty terrible. Thanks for the comment! Looking into renting out my starter house in order to purchase a bigger better opportunity for my future wife who is carrying our future baby!

I will most definitely be book marking this page for future reference. Really excellent article, and comments too. We are fiirst-time landlords — with lots of questions. Further market research indicates that we under-priced our rental. Can we ask for more, for example at the showing, or in writing as part of the application process before application is submitted? Excellent article, very informative. My husband has been transferred out of state for a year. We own our mobile home, but not the land it sits on. The person who owns our land is fine with us subletting, provided they keep the yard clean.

At the end of this time, we intend to return. How do we handle renting on a temporary basis? Should we rent at all? Hey April, thanks for the comment! I think that is the perfect situation to rent your house out in. I would just rent it on a month-to-month basis which is how I rent all my properties out now so all you need to do is give them a month notice or whatever your state specifies and you can have your place back. A lot of good information here. My girlfriend and I are looking at a potential property to lease.

Our current lease requires 30 days notice to move out, and our potential future landlord wants us to move in to the new property in just over two weeks. Is there anyway to talk sense into him? Hi Nate, You mentioned that he is looking at a move in time of two weeks from now and you must give your current landlord 30 days notice to quit the lease, right?

From what I can make out you guys have still to view the property and I think your right not to give your notice until you view the property.. You need the landlord see that by not choosing you he is making a big mistake. Gather up all your references, credit check, bank statements etc and show the landlord your a great tenant.

Perhaps you could offer the landlord the option of you guys showing new tenants around or better still you guys market, show and find interested tenants for him. If its a private landlord and he has used an agent he might be happy to make a saving of fees and a quick move in. If its an agent you are dealing with he might be happy with the help. I hope this helps and please let us know how you get on.

Thanks for the advice. Thank you so much for putting this out there for people to read. My husband and I are in the process of buying a bigger house and need to put my house bought before marriage up for rent. You have given me great perspective and priceless advice! I cannot tell you how much I really appreciate this! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Hey Nikki — thanks so much! But jump over to the BiggerPockets Forums anytime you have a question and I and many others will be there to help you out for free! Here is an example of the form you should be giving, when you receive the Holding Deposit: Holding Deposit Receipt and Agreement.

Should the Applicants be approved to rent this dwelling and meet all four of the conditions above, this entire deposit will be refunded or put toward move-in monies owed. Should the Applicants be approved to rent this dwelling and not do so or not meet all four of the conditions above, none of this deposit will be refunded. Thank you for this Hold Deposit sample! I like Starbucks Mocha Grande.

You say it is important to know if your prospective tenants have ever been evicted or sued a landlord. You also say to go through SmartMove for background checks. Not sure if they check on previous court cases between the tenants and landlords. Or, am I wrong? If not, can you recommend a background check site that does these things in addition to the things SmartMove does? Hey Cynthia, thanks for the message! In Washington, I get my eviction report from the Washington Landlord Association, so I would check with your local landlord group or a property management company nearby and ask what they do.

I just rented my house and am building a new one. I wish I had found this site before because I now know I have made more than a few mistakes. A big part of real estate investing is on-the-job-training, so mistakes are inevitable! Learn and move on, making the next time even better. Best of luck to you! We are in the process of upgrading quite a few things. Our question is, for tax purposes, do we need to form a corporation or dba? Any input you can offer would be great! Hey Sue, thanks for the comment. Feel free to jump over to the forums and ask questions, and get answers from dozens of seasoned investors for free.

And after reading this I would never rent anything from anyone like you. I would like to see your privacy policy etc. If this is some kind of a training manual for prospective landlords, then god help us… I mean no disrespect, but this is just horrible. What part is shocking, Mike? What do you think nearly every landlord in the world does? Would you refuse a job opportunity because they asked your social security number to do a background check cause they almost all do!

Anyways, good luck Mike!

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Thank you so much for all of your valuable insights, particularly about how to screen tenants. Hello all, this is an old post, but I am interested in making sure I select a realtor who will rent my properties fast and to a good tenant. See that you selected a good realtor, could you or someone else share tips to find a good realtor and not waste time or lose income with someone who takes too long finding a tenant?

Truly a great article worth reading! I have a couple of questions though. Should the same be applied when considering family or friends as tenants? But — if you do — hold them to the same, or higher, standards. It only puts both of you in a worse position later. Often times, friends will subconsciously expect leniencies because of their close relationship with you. I have only rented to a dear friend of mine and her two daughters. For 8 years it has been wonderful except for the fact that we are only breaking even LOL.

But we didnt intend on making any money off her but hoped that the property would increase in value… then that went to the dogs when the value of homes fell.. I found this site because now she is moving.. I hope we pick a good one out of my applicants. I am currently seeking a good renter for my home. I have only received one application in over a month and am desperately needing a good renter. The one applicant has bad credit and has lied on their application about making their current rent payments on time. They are not out of their one year lease with current landlord but have assured me they will be able to move out by the end of this month.

They gave me 3 payments on their deposit and still owe one more. They are very pushy about moving in and this has made me feel very uneasy about the whole thing. Can I do this and what reason can I give them? They seemed like nice people but their bad credit and dishonesty about payments of rent to their current landord has made me uncomfortable about renting to them. Go with with your gut feeling. Lying on their application is a legitimate reason to reject an application. Everything about your situation says that they will give you trouble for months to come.

It takes months to process an eviction. Then, try to increase your advertising by posting every 3 days on craigslist with some really great photos of your property. Hi, thanks for the great article! Is this something I would note on the lease? On a lease addendum? Is there a sample document you could share that shows what kind of verbiage you use to present this arrangement?

Hi, Thx for a great article. Hey Laurie — great question. You may try asking in the forums for ideas, but my first thought, though an expensive one, is to hire an outside landscaping company to do it for you. The water you could set on a computerized system, but the rest could be done on a schedule from a landscaper. Is there a name I can search for that you can suggest. How can I find out about my housing history? How can I find out? I have no rental experience and am looking to purchase my first investment property. This website is fascinating and incredible helpful!

The neighboring tenant owns the other side. Since this is an attached house, the roof is shared at least in part. For those in a similar situation, how do you handle roof and siding repairs? Do you create a legal agreement before purchasing? There is no HOA. Hey Ben — to be totally honest, I have no idea! Though — I totally recommend asking that in BiggerPockets Forums, so we can see if anyone else has an idea! Thanks for a great post! I am looking for my first investment of a unit building which I will live in at least for the first year to save up for the next one.

I am in the SF Bay area and the market is so hot right now listings have over 10 offers the first day without walk-thrus! I will be using BiggerPockets forums — such a great resource when the internet is filled with low-grade content these days. Hey Nikki, thanks so much! Definitely jump into the forums, introduce yourself, and start growing!

This was a great article and I learned so much.. This will be my first rental property and I am wondering if the tennants should get renters insurance, if I should make it a clause that they show proof of having it?? Last tenants destroyed the carpet, which was brand new and trying to not have that cost on us again.

Hey Jaime, I think it greatly depends on what your competition is doing. I would prefer to ask for first, last, and deposit — BUT no one in my area is doing that, so to stay competitive I only ask for first and deposit. Thanks for the info! Looking to rent our condo because selling just does not financially make sense right now. I went on their site and it states that its good for the renter since they can keep their SSN private. However, how can we confirm they are actually using their SSN then?

I would assume this service asks them questions to confirm its them. Whatever you agree on and write in the lease! I typically make my tenants responsible for landscaping on single family homes, but in multifamily properties I hire a landscaper. For townhouses with very I mean very small yards — I usually plant some hardy flowering bushes, and mulch the rest. This way, no one has to take care of it.

I have been put in a position to potentially lease the townhome I just recently purchased. It is new construction in a great area of town, but I have been transferred to another city. The realtor I used for the purchase suggested leasing to build up equity. My concern…I am a Very responsible pet owner, and grab a smoke now and then when out with friends, and my kids have always been respectful of our property and others.

However, I do not want to lease to a pet owner, smoker or someone who lets their kids rule the roost. Great post Brandon, this will certainly come in handy got a tenant moving out Nov 30th, will follow this to a T, thanks, Happy Thanksgiving!! I work with a landlord that has 5 apartment buildings. So many or your ways to screen out a person or take care of other problems is similar.

I own a house that I am thinking of renting. Your information really helps. A big to watch out for is discrimination whenever renting to somebody. Is it a good idea to purchase a house and rent it as long as the rent will cover mortgage and insurance costs?

How To Start A Buy To Let UK Investment Property Business Or Portfolio - Property Market Tips

Just thinking about investing in a small home or a duplex.. There are a lot of other expenses other than the mortgage and the insurance — like taxes, maintenance, vacancy, utilities, capital expenditures the big items like roofs and furnaces that need to be replaced every few years and more. So yes, it is as simple as subtracting expenses from income — but make sure you account for all the expenses! This is the kind of detailed information you expect to get from a book or paid for course, not for free! These are answers to my un-asked questions.

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  • Successfully Letting Your Property?
  • How To Rent Your House: The Definitive Step by Step Guide.

It gives me much more confidence that I can do this. Thanks so much Brandon. Glad you liked it. Very good guide for the first time landlord like me who may want to rent out their home, furnished or unfurnished. Very important to treat this as a business and to be business-like. As for Starbucks, I hate coffee!

My land lord just informed me they are selling the house I live in, but he wanted to give me first dibs at buying it. I am contemplating buying it, living here for a few years, and then turning it into a rental. Could this be a good opportunity to maybe get my foot into the renting business?

If not, then there are tons of other properties out there you may be able to get a better deal from, so I would be careful about jumping on this one just because it was convenient. That said… pursue it and see where it leads you! I have someone wanting to buy my house.

We agreed that there was no rush and we planned on a day window to closing. In the meantime, I found a foreclosure and had to pounce quickly. Because I will close on the foreclosed property before I close my property, the bank has requested a lease agreement. What should I consider in my lease contract? They will be ready to close within a month of moving in.

Thanks for the great information…due to an interesting situation we are facing renting our house and had many questions…you answered them all except how much to rent the house for…I mean the exact price…I do have to do some of the work right?? As for finding out the price, I think Craigslist is the best way.

Just look for similar houses nearby. Call up the number and ask how much rent is. I have been a landlord with only a few units over the last 20 years. I do very close to what you recommend. I learned the hard way with money orders a few years ago. Knowing that checks are no guarantee, I have found that IF you have screened the tenants up front and the income criteria is met, especially when they are well qualified, then why have them hassle with something other than a checking account they already have.

However, I had well qualified tenant originally and due to some late pays and him letting a girlfriend and her kids rule his life, he became a risk. So, since my tenant had paid, I had to wait. It showed up with a correct postmark of the 1st and I received finally on the 20th.

I say if they are not border line income to rent, let them pay with a check since it is only good business and border line risk, show up or meet if you can until you can get a better tenant. Have sent them both to friends who were having trouble with their rentals, because they were missing things covered here. Excellent advice — thanks. I am on the point of renting my home for the fist time and this article answered many of my questions — and others I had not contemplated.

I will manage the rental myself but have hired an agent to do all of the pre-rental work — money well spent. My question is around converting a house into a rental property and dealing with the city ordnance. Some towns have different rules for rental properties than owner occupied. Is there a way to check out which towns are more difficult than others? Love this write up saving it under my favorites to refer back to …. My husband and I are considering renting out our home and moving to a better area.

If that makes since … Could you give me any advice? Thanks for the message. That can be tough, when the house is nicer than other ones in the area. Typically, people DO pay a little more for nice, but not a lot more. So, look at the nicest comparable rentals on Craigslist and see what they are going for — and maybe try to push it a little higher by emphasizing how nice it is.

Hope that helps some! Thank you SO much for this post! My husband is being relocated for his job to an area where the homes are not appreciating, so we want to keep our current home and rent it out. This is all so new to us and this covered all the basics and answered a lot of me questions. I am looking into renting out my townhouse and buying a single family, so this answered a lot of my questions, especially about the deposit fee and background check. I can even furnish it.

Can you please give me some ideas on how to go about it. Would really appreciate your help. You posted this on my newbie page today, and this is a transparent way to show someone new to the scene how much thought and detail must be put into renting. As a recent college grad with no credit, I like how you mention that credit is not important as the other things.

Has all the information for me to feel i can do it myself without going with property management company. First I would love to say that this article is fantastic and I wish i had read this before starting. I have a question about Child Support and Spousal Support. One woman brought me a copy of the court order. It shows she receives quite a bit of money from her ex, but should that money even be considered income? What if the ex stops paying her. Would that be a reason to deny her application? Thanks for a very informative article. I have never rented property before, and the task before me is daunting, to say the least.

Her home was built in ; and she lived in it until about a year ago, when she had to move closer to me. Also, a silly question, maybe: Am I supposed to go in and paint all her walls white, like they have been in every place I ever rented? She has a single kitchen sink, with no garbage disposal. Is it necessary to install a garbage disposal? Thank you for valuable information. I am new to renting houses. It was my parents home and decided to use it as an investment property. I plan to come back to your site often. I have so much to learn about being a landlord.

Brandon, awesome and helpful post bro! I was thinking of leaving washer, dryer, dishwasher, and fridge all are in good condition. How about plumbing, would that be our responsibility too? Also — some tenants, because of the cost, will refuse to report problems because of it, which can lead to greater problems later. So, yeah — you could do it, but there is some risk.

Great article, really helping me get ready to be a Landlord. I really like how you pre-screen possible Tenants too. Everyone can easily follow your tips because these are so simple, easy and informative. I am so inspired to read your points and I will follow it practically. My question is if i have multiple people who qualify on paper but there is one applicant i like over the others how do you deny the others since they all have ability to pay and good credit?

First of all, I am so happy with all the knowledge shared in BP! I have been actively reading since last week and am addicted to this site because of the shared knowledge. I am a venti coffee Starbucks plain Jane gal because that helps me count calories! I feel guilty when I get the fun extras…. Today I found a new duplex and called to inquire about price etc.

In talking with the builder I expressed interest in renting the units duh and then I asked about recommendations on prop management in area, local TX Real Estate lawyers, and so forth. She was extremely helpful. In conversation, I told her that I would be the property manager and she asked if I belonged to an established association so that I could legally run credit checks when screening applicants.

Typing this out, does my management company need to join an association? What are the renters responsibilities and what is the landlords? How can they keep out of each others personal space? Does the landlord have the right to enter the rented house? How is the rent divided for the separate living spaces? Who is responsible for maintenance, upkeep, and repairs?

If there is no existing contract, and this is a future situation, then you can add guidelines and address those questions in the contract. I live in TX and called the state to ask and gather state specific info. I hope this helps. Thanks so much for the article! What about the realtors that ask to help rent your home? Is that a good idea?

Do you both screen the applicants? If I accept them as tenants, the screening fee is applied toward the 2nd months rent. Postlets a Zillow subsidiary, I think lets me create nicely formatted listings with pictures and descriptions, and then post to Craigslist and cross-posts on Zillow rentals. This article is top notch! You need to get the lease signed a month or more before the tenant is moving in, and probably while the old tenant still lives there.

Otherwise the new tenant can bail out and you have a vacancy. Thank you for sharing this article. It helps me a lot and the other people who wants to learn some basic tips or ideas about how to rent my own home. Keep up a good work and very helpful articles like this. If not, what would you suggest as a better multiplier? I found this extremely helpful. This is odd because this is the poorest neighborhood in the city.

Average income is no where near 3 times this amount. And credit checks would be a waste of time. I am so relieved to have found this article tonight! My husband and I are working through different options we currently have on the table; one of them involves renting a house out! I had absolutely no idea what we would be committing ourselves to.

I am going to print up your wise words-of-advice and if we decide to rent out then your words will be at my fingertips! Hello, we recently rented out our second home to a family friend in September of this past year. We agreed on a lower rent then we wanted due to their personal situation of medical bills and their house was on the market to sell. We had a verbal agreement that they wanted to purchase our house when their house sold, so we were not worried about the low rent. It is now December and they sold there house at the end of October- with no offers to purchase our house.

We are on a month to month rental agreement as our main priority is to sell the house not rent. My question is, with a month to month contract do we have to wait until the one year anniversary date to increase the rent or can we do it any time? So, if rent is due on the 1st, the earliest you could raise the rent would be Feb 1st. Granted, this also depends on your state laws. Some states allow changes with only 7 days notice colorado while others require a full month. What state are you from? Vanilla shake, is all it is.

How To Rent Your House: The Definitive Step by Step Guide

Thank you for being comprehensive and thorough, with the extra links to additional resources. You provided some great points and items to consider. This info will help us in our quest for financial independence. I wish I had read your article before I rented out my property few months back and got a horrible tenant, I had to eventually get a rental management to take care of it. Thanks for detailing the process so that other people wont have to learn the hard way like I did!

Although a lot of the advice is common sense, I never knew about My Smart Move. They seem like they are a great source for background checks, and I am excited to use them in the future. Further, it is nice to have a list of questions already in front of you that were listed in this article. Thank you for posting. Your instincts are right, particularly if you live relatively near the rental property.

You can advertise on Craigslist, Zillow and Trulia and show the property yourself. You can call employers and previous landlords yourself, and you can get screening reports from National Tenant Network or a similar service. In my admittedly limited experience, a property manager will not do what you really need, which is occasional minor maintenance, cleaning between tenants or just figuring out what really needs to be done when a tenant reports a problem. In the last month I rebuilt a broken kitchen drawer at one property and fixed a leaking water line and a dripping shower valve at another.

If I had not had the skills or inclination to do those things, I could have found handymen or plumbers, and I could have shopped around for reasonable prices. For rent collection I use an app called venmo. It links directly with the bank account. But for the up front money I take checks. Does anyone else have any experience with venmo? This is an extremely comprehensive guide to renting out your home. I like one of the first things you address, though, and that is hiring a property manager.

An experienced property manager can not only do the things you listed, but may be able to help guide you through all of the steps in this article. Wow, great information Brandon on home rental… This article is amazing, this is for sure the definitive guide how to rent your house. Not everyone can manage properties themselves. Hiring a professional property manager is also tax deductible.

On top of that I am a real estate attorney who provides free legal services for my clients — all inclusive. I have to say I read the first time we rented out our residence because we bought another house. I found myself back here again just to be ready for the process again and I hope we find as good of tenants as we did the first time around.

Thank you for your honest and very informative post. I look forward to implementing your strategies as I have a tenant moving out at the end of this month. I have a better understanding of the complete renting process now and your post definitely simplifies things. As a relatively new land lord, I greatly appreciate the wisdom you have shared and the comments posted from other readers here at Bigger Pockets.

How to Rent Your House: Questions To Ask Yourself First

A lot of the replies are from people renting their homes. A benefit of home ownership is not paying capital gains tax on the place you live 2 out of the last 5 years. In times of normal home appreciation this can be a huge impact. You may want to sell the home to your rental business, and have it assume the mortgage. This gets very tricky and is discussed in the blogs.

Seek professional advice if there are capital gains involved. I will definitely use these tips when I rent my first property. Today is my first visit on biggerpocket. Originally, I was thinking a family might be nice, but the kids would cause a lot of damage. Your article is the most well written one, that I have read on the subject of being a landlord. The only other thing I would put in the lease is the procedure for paying rent.

Your article was extremely informative for this about-to-be first-time landlord. So I need advise! I am in the army and I leave in six days to go to Hawaii for three years. I have good credit, but is it possible for me to buy the house then just rent it out and could I do it if I was away from the house. I currently live in Texas. Thanks for the great information! I currently own and live in a 2BR 1BA condo in a fantastic urban area, and I rent out the 2nd bedroom. It means you need to be more discerning in terms of not only finding someone responsible, but also someone you enjoy living with.

Thanks for the info on renting out ur property, I have double choc mocha with cream and choc sauce incase ur buying: Thanks for ur time! First of all I have rented out my home several times, and as a home owner it is your right to make stipulations. I put no over night guest. Renting out a room is a great way to make some extra cash. I encourage everyone to try it out.

First off, awesome post! I have tenants moving in this Sunday, so your step-by-step guide has been a life saver. The one question that I have is about the lease agreement. When the lease is signed, who keeps the lease agreement? Do I make a copy of the signed document and we both have it, or do I keep it? This has been a fantastic find for me. Pretty much helped me make the decision to find a good property manager instead of doing it myself. Plus, the tools provided to find such a manager will be invaluable.

I will -be moving out of state, so I think I will be best served this way rather than trying to do it all long-distance. Thanks for outlining the rental process. Every business practice will be successful with a good process to follow. I have only one rental property right now and I have been developing the process as time went on. If only I had read this a year ago the last year would have been smoother. Thanks for the model to follow and to all those that have provided me with the great advice along the way.

You hit the nail on the head when you tell us newbies to reach out to the BP network for that free advice. I did exactly that over the winter when my tenant did some interesting work on my property and I received excellent advice from many people. The best part of it was I was able to get advice from so many perspectives that I was able to combine many approaches to create the best solution for me and my situation.

I would also like to note that I expanded my network to a professional investor outside of the US. She provided so much valuable info, and she shared her paperwork with me in a word document so I can wordsmith it to meet my needs. I have two followup questions: Naturally this depends on location but I hear the return can be incredible. What are your thoughts about this? This article is amazing and answered almost all of the questions I had…to the point where I forgot the other questions.

Thank you for this. It is amazingly helpful. I came here looking for information how to rent a house and found how to rent your house. Dependant from which perspective you are looking it may apply to both parties. When they sign their lease, I give them 11 envelopes that are already stamped and addressed. They just have to put a check in and drop it in the mailbox. This makes it more convenient for them to pay and reduces excuses for late payments.

I have owned my first home just at a year now.

Feel free to jump into those forums and start participating! Would that be a reason to deny her application? To combat this, I use one of two techniques:. Thank you so much! Instead, call all the previous landlords for at least the previous five years.

Its perfect for my little family of three. Unexpectedly I have found myself in a pretty epic love story complete with Prince charming and his three children in tow. We plan to live happily ever after. My 3 bedroom villa wont due. What do I do? I came upon your blog and am pretty blown away. It completely answered every question i had and then some. I even took notes. I will still inevitably have a breakdown from it all, but no doubt I live.

Very helpful article, thank you. I just bought my first property — a rental property in Portland. I live out of state so am wondering how to best get things done remotely in terms of finding renters. I saw the lock box idea by some above. Other than the challenge of showing the place — how would I deal with a walk through, signing of the lease and handing over keys? Additionally, once rented — as I am not there to let any maintenance people in when needed, is it best to have the tenant arrange a time with them my contacts of course and be there to let them in?

Any ideas or advice you have around this would be super helpful! Thank you for writing such an excellent piece of content. Exactly what I needed. Is the application fee paid in cash? How is the deposit to Hold calculated? I am advising my parents to start a legal rental contract. This will essure rent is paid on time and avoid any furhter problems. The rental agreemtn was for 3 adultas and a 1 yr old at the time. My uncle has took upon him self to invite the renters from the duplex to move in to the main home, renters that where evited for failure to rent on time.

As a first time investor, this article gave me a little more confidence in managing properties.

I feel that I will be just fine. I highly recommend anyone new to investing to read this article! Thank you for the brief instructional. My wife and I will soon be refinancing our home from VA to conventional so we may make this home a rental. We have enough equity in the home to not need PMI, but not so much that we want to sell. We live in a VERY desirable neighborhood with great schools and not a single home in our neighborhood has been vacant for longer than a week, so an empty house would not be a problem. We just have aesthetic things to take care of at this point, and then lender shopping.

Hopefully we will be rental ready by the summer. This gave me much to think about. But I do have many questions regarding my particular situation.

My husband wants to rent our home because it became to small for our large family. I purchased this home with my ex-husband over a decade ago and have since remarried. The selling market in my area has fallen so we have 2 options, rent or let it go. What is your opinion? If you want to advertise your property online you should give rentberry. Besides, you can sign an agreement online and track and track all of your payments though this service. There was a post by Linval T on another thread and your article was the first one referenced as a must read to get started.

What jumped out was: I did a search for how to rent my house when I was moving out of my primary residence that I had always had the intentions of turning into an investment property. I just closed on my first true investment property, a triplex, and am finding myself coming back for more to help develop my systems as I scale my business. I just wanted to say thank you to BP for providing high quality resources for myself and many other investors.

How to Rent Your House to the Best Tenants

If this is your first taste of BP as it was mine at the time , create an account and get on the forums, and definitely check out the podcasts! I am trying to rent a place currently I am confident my boyfriend and I can afford. Or find a rental that will consider my child support? This article is helpful for me. There are numerous decisions that I made in the past and now I see this writing which is beneficial for me.

I liked the guidelines and somehow it gives me an idea before I rent my house. I need to thank you immensely for this very informative post. I am stepping out there into the rental market with my home. I am very nervous, but also very conscientious when handling business. In the end, things will be just fine.

This article gave just enough information for me to have a basis to go on, which was actually exactly what I needed. Unless they can make my drink with zero lactose, I would have to go with one of their shaken iced teas!

Residental Tenancy Authority

Thanks for the info. I like the idea of not having to deal directly with the renters and having some anonymity. Thanks for the post! My wife and I are purchasing our 2nd Property soon and I needed to be sure I properly studied the process of renting out our 1st Property. I am also an aspiring Agent who needed this information to be sure my property is taken care of myself, but to also be sure I know what to do for my clients in the future.

Thanks for the great article, Brandon. I was debating over selling vs. This gave me some great tips—and the courage to pursue renting out my home. Looking to turn my first property into a rental. I am converting my primary residence into a rental to help finance a new home. I have a few wall painted in varying colors around the house, do any of you recommend I paint the home white? Terrence, Wow what a nice landlord you are. Could end up costing you a lot of money, painting and then repainting every year or two.

Brandon, thanks so much. Should have looked at this weeks ago. We want to have our property on the market by July 1. So glad you went to the trouble to outline all of this material. The continued info of others is very helpful, as well. I have much work to do now that I know where to begin. Also, never knew how many ways coffee is served at Starbucks as I make my own at home. May try some combos now that I know what can be made at SB. Thank you so much for posting this article. We are attempting to close on our second property and want to try our hand at self-management.

This information is exactly what we needed! They are now moving out and given proper notice. They had never asked permission of me to perform any of these changes and I had not been aware of most of it and when I was, I assumed it would be returned to its original condition. I have documents with pictures before move in and now. Prepare for hot weather and storm season just around the corner. The latest version of 17b pocket guide is now available online. Real estate agency fined for submitting misleading document.

Give adequate notice and seek permission before entering a home. Reminder to use the correct tenancy agreement in a park. Cairns accommodation director prosecuted for offences against the Act. Tenants should have a choice in how they pay their rent. Penalty notices have increased by per cent compared to previous years. The inclusion of a special term regarding carpet cleaning is not necessary.

Bond disputes are the most common type of tenancy dispute in Queensland. Tenants are urged to contact the RTA to update their details. One of the most commonly asked questions about rental property maintenance. What to do if a noisy dog moves into a rental property next door. What are the rules around charging more rent in a boarding house?

Who's responsible for removal of graffiti on a rental property? It is illegal to take a residents good in lieu of unpaid rent. Where do you stand if your rental property is broken into? Who's responsible if a window in a rental property is accidentally broken? WOP is the last straw for getting rid of troublesome tenants. The rules governing the holding of deposit to secure a rental property. What are the stipulations about security in rooming accommodation?

Unsure how damage and wear to a rental property is defined? Learn how to get your caravan fixed as soon as possible. Ways to take the sting out of high water bills.