Inquiring Minds at Christmas

There is a bit of a tradition here within the mission community to have a Christmas cookie exchange. The person who normally hosts is on furlough, so I decided to host it this year.

Inquiring minds: Is there any Muslim holiday in December similar to Christmas or Hanukkah?

We had a fun time exchanging yummy cookies and playing fun games. Christmas Eve we were invited for an evening of worship, food and fellowship.

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Christmas Day, well the boys woke up extra early and we opened gifts. I order the boys gifts in January to ensure we will receive them before Christmas. The gifts I ordered in January , we received via sea freight in August At lunch we had a family over to celebrate together.

Twelve Days of Christmas for Inquiring Minds

Most of us bring food items with us for the holidays so we can have a taste of home. So we had quite the feast. Our friends brought a Christmas cake which is a tradition in their family , a cranberry jello salad, stuffing, rolls and Christmas cookies. I made a green bean dish, gourmet potatoes, deviled eggs, apple pie bars and a turkey.

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  7. Inquiring minds: What does the Twelve Days of Christmas really mean?.

We were very blessed that in August a French butcher shop opened and they had frozen imported turkeys. Several in the mission community bought his birds for a crazy high price so we could have a wonderful taste of home.

A Truther's Christmas

In the late afternoon, early evening it was time to call family in the States — due to the six and seven hour time difference, we needed to wait until later in the day. As family in the States were preparing for their day of celebration, we had already completed our celebration.

Life With A Side Of Autism

I know there is no place like home for the holidays, but it is apparent you do everything possible to make Christmas a very special occasion. DeAnna — way to think ahead for the boys gifts. And the boys are getting so big! Thanks for the pictures.

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Ian Welch… on Online voting trial for l…. Log in to rate this item. If you need assistance with an order or the publishing process, please contact our support team directly. Christmas Day, well the boys woke up extra early and we opened gifts. Commentary on what interests me, reflecting my personal take on the world.

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In the same relaxed style of the Inquiring Minds series by Candy Kush, Christmas for Inquiring Minds takes a closer look at the feast days. Each week the staff at the Roseville Library answers more than 2, questions on every subject under the sun. Here are some of the most.

The American mercantile spirit may have turned the twelve days of Christmas into an elaborate countdown to the 25th with advertisements reminding us of just how few shopping days remain until Christmas Day; but that was not at all the original idea. The day the Magi arrived is officially known as Epiphany or the Feast of the Three Kings, and it is celebrated on Jan. In some cultures, gifts are given — not on the First Day of Christmas, which is the 25th — but on the Twelfth Day.

Of course, careful mathematicians will notice that there are actually 13 — not 12 — days in the period Dec.

A different 12 Days of Christmas

The discrepancy arises from slight differences in Christian tradition between Roman Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox methods of marking the Christmas period. Bring on the French hens, the turtledoves and the rest of the gang! Do you have a question for the staff at the Roseville Library?

You can call them at or ask your question in person at the Information Desk, Roseville Library, Hamline Ave.

Library hours are 10 a.