Elucidating the Neural Basis of the Self: A Special Issue of Neurocase (Special Issues of Neurocase)

Elucidating the Neural Basis of the Self: A Special Issue of Neurocase

A unique role for the hippocampus in recollecting the past and remembering the future Behavioral and Brain Sciences. Are frontotemporal lobar degeneration, progressive supranuclear palsy and corticobasal degeneration distinct diseases? Differences in mnemonic processing by neurons in the human hippocampus and parahippocampal regions.

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We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. Are frontotemporal lobar degeneration, progressive supranuclear palsy and corticobasal degeneration distinct diseases? Rankin posted by 2 people jmaffei giovanni Abstract Copy My Attachments My Copy Abstract Patients presenting with left-sided FTLD syndromes sometimes develop a new preoccupation with art, greater attention to visual stimuli, and increased visual creativity. Characterizing interneuron and pyramidal cells in the human medial temporal lobe in vivo using extracellular recordings. In adulthood, he suffered a large right perisylvian stroke and developed atypical conduction aphasia with deficits in input and output phonological processing and poor auditory-verbal short-term memory. Is this product missing categories?

Mechanisms of fluid cognition: Relational integration and inhibition Behavioral and Brain Sciences. Dynamic processes within associative memory stores: Piecing together the neural basis of creative cognition Creativity and Reason in Cognitive Development. Relational integration in older adults Thinking and Reasoning.

Hippocampal complex contribution to retention and retrieval of recent and remote episodic and semantic memories: Evidence from behavioral and neuroimaging studies of healthy and brain-damaged people Dynamic Cognitive Processes.

A Special Issue of Neurocase, 1st Edition

Relational integration, inhibition, and analogical reasoning in older adults. Retention systems of the brain: Evidence from neuropsychological patients Behavioral and Brain Sciences. Memory for famous people in patients with unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy and excisions.

Elucidating the Neural Basis of the Self

Remote episodic memory deficits in patients with unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy and excisions. The Journal of Neuroscience: Table of Contents B. Elucidating the Neural Basis of the Self. Chiong, "The Self" in Philosophical Debates. An Emerging View From Neuroimaging.

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Editor s Bio Bruce L. The Bookshelf application offers access: Offline Computer — Download Bookshelf software to your desktop so you can view your eBooks with or without Internet access. The country you have selected will result in the following: Product pricing will be adjusted to match the corresponding currency.

Neuroscientists have recently begun to explore topics, such as the nature of the self, that were previously considered problems for philosophy rather than for science.

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This article aims to provide a starting point for interdisciplinary exchange by reviewing three philosophical debates about the nature of the self in light of contemporary work in cognitive neuroscience. Continental rationalist and British empiricist approaches to the unity of the self are discussed in relation to earlier work on split-brain patients, and to more recent One of the defining characteristics of individuals with autism spectrum disorder ASD is difficulty with social interaction and communication with others, or interpersonal interaction.

Accordingly, the majority of research efforts to date have focused on understanding the brain mechanisms underlying the deficits in social cognition and language associated with ASD. However, recent empirical and theoretical work has begun to reveal increasing evidence for altered self-representation, Patients with neurological disorders are often partially or completely unaware of the deficits caused by their disease.

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This impairment is referred to as anosognosia, and it is very common in neurodegenerative disease, particularly in frontotemporal dementia. Anosognosia has significant impacts on function and quality of life for patients with neurodegenerative disease and their caregivers, but the phenomenon has received little formal study, especially in non-Alzheimer's In adulthood, he suffered a large right perisylvian stroke and developed atypical conduction aphasia with deficits in input and output phonological processing and poor auditory-verbal short-term memory.

Lexical-semantic processing for single words was intact, but he was unable to access meaning in sentence comprehension and Neglect dyslexia is a reading disorder often associated with right-sided brain lesions. In reading single words, errors are mostly substitutions or omissions of letters that occupy the left-sided positions.

Neural Basis of Cognition

Typically, these errors have been thought to depend on a single mechanism. Conversely, we propose that they are due to different mechanisms. In particular, a visuo-spatial mechanism is responsible for omissions and a perceptual integration process for substitution errors.

We measured the performance of six patients with both neglect and neglect dyslexia, Semantic dementia SD is characterized by a dramatic loss of conceptual knowledge about the meaning of words and the identity of objects.

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Previous research has suggested that SD patients' knowledge is differentially influenced by the disease and may decline at different degrees depending on a patient's everyday familiarity with certain items. However, no study has examined a semantic knowledge deterioration and b the potential significance Visual spatial impairment is often an early symptom of neurodegenerative disease; however, this multi-faceted domain of cognition is not well-assessed by most typical dementia evaluations. Neurodegenerative diseases cause circumscribed atrophy in distinct neural networks, and accordingly, they impact visual spatial cognition in different and characteristic ways.

Anatomically-focused visual spatial assessment can assist the clinician in making an early and accurate diagnosis.

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Elucidating the Neural Basis of the Self: A Special Issue of Neurocase - CRC Press Book. Series: Special Issues of Neurocase. Select Format. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Bruce L. Miller, University of California, San Francisco, Elucidating the Neural Basis of the Self: A Special Issue of Neurocase (Special Issues of Neurocase) - Kindle edition by Bruce L. Miller, Indre V. Viskontas. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets.

This article will review Patients without sensory neglect might demonstrate a spatial deviation when drawing. To better understand the mechanism of this deviation, we examined a year-old woman with probable posterior cortical atrophy PCA who on imaging showed right hemisphere atrophy and dysfunction. When drawing a clock she correctly made a circle, but when writing the numbers deviated to the left.

A blindfolded midsagittal plane pointing test revealed that her leftward deviation was action-intentional rather than perceptual-attentional. This action-intentional deviation was made manifest by altering Two years prior to diagnosis of Kennedy's disease KD , a year-old man began experiencing neurological symptoms, including nasal speech, postural tremor, tremor in the upper extremities, and muscle weakness.

Genetic analysis revealed 46 CAG repeats in the androgen receptor gene. The patient's altered social conduct and complaints of forgetfulness led to a neuropsychological assessment. A mild impairment in visuospatial and visuoconstructive abilities, visual short-term memory, and a personality disorder were detected. Although cognition and behaviour in KD are typically normal, our