Bliain An Bhandé - Year of the Goddess: Poems in Irish with English translations (Irish Edition)

Inspirational religious

Selected poems by Gabriel Rosenstock Book 2 editions published in in Irish and held by 94 WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Uttering her name by Gabriel Rosenstock Book 3 editions published between and in English and Faroese and held by 61 WorldCat member libraries worldwide.

Stray birds by Rabindranath Tagore Book 1 edition published in in English and held by 48 WorldCat member libraries worldwide Translated from Bengali to English by the author This is an electronic edition of the complete book complemented by author biography. This book features a table of contents linked to every chapter. The book was designed for optimal navigation on the Kindle, PDA, Smartphone, and other electronic readers. It is formatted to display on all electronic devices including the Kindle, Smartphones and other Mobile Devices with a small display.

Lacertidae by Gabriel Rosenstock 3 editions published between and in Irish and English and held by 45 WorldCat member libraries worldwide Often described as the strangest novella to come out of Ireland, now finally available in English. The wasp in the mug: I met a man The 54 poems in this book provide an overview of Rosenstock's work over the last 25 years, and the English translations by fellow poet Paddy Bushe make the poetry accessible to a whole new audience.

Bliain An Bhandé - Year of the Goddess: Poems in Irish with English translations (Irish Edition)

In the foreword by Robert Welch he describes Rosenstock's poetry as world poetry. He writes; 'Observation here, as Samuel Johnson said, has an 'extensive view' and 'surveys mankind, from China to Peru''. With an emphasis on themes of universal importance, this collection is testament to Rosenstock's status as one of the most insightful poets of our time. She has judged a number of poetry competitions.


Robyn has published non-fiction, journalism, and research papers as well as poetry. She recently retired from her honorary position as Deputy Chair of the Board of the Australian Poetry Centre Robyn will also be giving a workshop from 7pm entitled Landscapes of the Self. For more information click here. Terry McDonagh , www.

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Twelve of his poems have been put to music by German composer, Eberhard Reichel. Mulligan, detective stories set in North Germany, are to be published in He trained there as a journalist, and since then has worked in Sydney as an editor, advertising copywriter, reviewer and buyer for bookshops.

Seasonal Break

His first book of poems, Creekwater Journal , was published in Gray has been a writer-in-residence at Meiji University in Tokyo and at several universities throughout Australia including Geelong College in In he received the Patrick White Award. Nameless Earth is his latest collection of poetry.

Bliain An Bhandé - Year of the Goddess : Poems in Irish with English translations

Dennis Prize for Poetry for Afterimages. Born in , Alison Croggon is one of a generation of Australian poets which emerged in the s.

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She writes in many genres, including criticism, theatre and prose. She is Melbourne theatre critic for the national daily newspaper, The Australian, and keeps a blog of theatre criticism, Theatre Notes, for which she was won the Geraldine Brooks Critic of the Year award. Her poetry has been published widely in anthologies and magazines in Australia and overseas, and her work has been nomiated. Her most recent collection, Theatre , came out last year with Salt Publishing.

Alison Croggon is also the author of the acclaimed young adult fantasy quartet, The Books of Pellinor. Alison has written and had performed nine works for theatre, with operas and plays presented at the Melbourne and Perth International Arts Festivals.

She was one of a thousand Australians invited to Canberra in April for the Australia Summit, where she was a member of the Creative Australia discussion.

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She was poetry editor for Overland Extra , Modern Writing and Voices and is founding editor of the literary arts journal Masthead. For Jazz-Poetry Night evening runs late: You can watch videos of the performance here.

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His lines chime with jive, so Morley teams up with guitarist and composer Si Hayden and drummer Ben Haines to deliver them in style. Epstein, Let it Rock.

These are not finger moves that are taught in school. They are moves with such imagination and independent thinking that they make you feel honored to hear them.

Yiddish-language surnames