When There Is No One There To Love You

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You watch your friends getting into relationships and you end up questioning the world why was it too easy for them to find someone to love them, and too hard for you. That you are completely fine with being single. But most days you just really feel so alone. It is when you learn to love yourself first that someone can learn to love you. Embrace your flaws and turn your weaknesses into strengths. Never put yourself down. You are beautiful and never let any people make you feel otherwise. You are worthy of love.

You are worthy of a true and lasting love, not the kind of love that is temporary. During the day, I am occupied by my busy schedule and my wonderful friends and family. But every night just before I go to sleep, there is a void in my heart that rears its ugly head. So until I fall asleep, all I can think about is why I have never found love and the misery associated with it. My friends tell me I am a great guy, a good listener, a person who one can share anything with and that it is really easy to make friendship and to remain friends with me. I have been asking myself this question for quite some time now and sadly I am yet to find an answer.

In my desperation I have tried and deleted at least half a dozen dating apps because they never seem to work. I have always believed that I should be patient and that there is someone out there for me, but recently I have really started to doubt my belief. The pain only increases when all your friends are dating someone and when sometimes they want to discuss their problems.

Being single well and truly sucks, there is no argument against it. So please whatever problems you are having in your relationship, solve them and keep your loved one close!!!! Even so I have felt unloved and it was when I had a depression in no other moment have I ever felt like that! If you honestly think you don't have a depression, unfortunately the problem is probably yours!

You are who you want to be, and if you want to maintain silence, fall back, not participate, avoid contacting people, fell unloved or despicable, well that is your decision, but don't gripe if you are ignored or people don't care about you How do you get out, well it's different things for different people, but in general you do the following:.

Basically you open up, even be yourself, but you don't hide Mahatma Ghandi said life is a mirror and it will always return what you give it. So go out and give smiles, goodwill, affection, a supporting shoulder, a good listener and even love, and it will be returned to you in the same way! Life is what you want it to be, let go, surrender yourself to life and you will flourish! A matter of self-perception rather a feeling engraved so strong in your mind. You rather meticousuly started to believe that there is no one behind me. I'm kinda waste individual born on this planet, since no one give a shit about me or simply they just don't care.

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Kept aside everything, there will be your family who will love you always, no matter what. Just strive for them. Live to make them smile. Talk to them more often . Valentine's Day comes and you have no one to receive flowers from. You watch There's no greater love than a love that is genuine and true.

You start seating idle in one place busy seeing a fan rotating or the flamboyance of nature outside. You don't talk with others, since you get scare a little. What would happen if she or he also think in a way like others do? Simply, you just dont try. And the path which you think is of sucidial attempt.

Hence, wasting your life as the opinion of others gets more importantly stick in your brain. Without actually knowing your worth, you take the wrong measure. People do have the habit of continuously mocking and which they will never stop untill they die. People will always doubt you, but what matters is your self-belief? And how you indulge toward them.? You have the power which is immeasurable, if you use that in a right way. You could be happy if you are happy with yourself and not giving a fuck of what others say. Feed the food to the poor ones who are hungry, the blessing you would receive will be for life-time.

What is life like when nobody loves you? The first thing that you need to figure out is why you feel so alone in this world. So, lesson number 1 - if you want people to love you, you best learn how to be your true self while engaging with others, idiosyncrasies and all. Lesson number 2 which others have stated, is that for one to be loved, one needs to love themselves.

This is from the environments from which they grew up in or from relationships based on abusive emotionally destructive language being aimed at them. Get in touch with your best attributes as a person which can be things such as:. Whatever those things that you feel good about and then you can move onto putting those aspects of yourself out there in the world.

Dedicated to your stories and ideas.

I am not speaking of partnership, I am only speaking of true friendship. Because, until you learn how to be a great friend, you will be unable to form a healthy partnership. Dawning Visions Hypnosis, Inc. There are another 24 articles on friendship where this one came from. We have to earn love. We need to give others what we want for ourselves. If you want love; start giving it to others first. But that does not promise everyone is going to treat you the same way, but still be nice and humble with everyone.

Similarly others may or may not acknowledge our love but our body and mind will heal for sure. Nobody is going to love you the way you want, simply because no one knows you better than yourself. World is eventually going to make us sad. We ourselves have broken lot of promises and failed giving love and care to our dear ones even though we have promised to love them eternally. We need family and friends but never expect a thing from them.

Less you expect, less you complain. A supportive, caring, loving partner, friends and families may make your life heaven but they cannot promise you comfort and care forever. Nothing is permanent; only change is permanent. We need to live our life knowing this truth. Just remember one thing,you had entered this world all alone and you will leave this world all alone so you had been alone in the past so why to fear to live alone in future. There is lot more fun to live alone, understand better about yourself than others. Ask New Question Sign In. Learn More at try.

You dismissed this ad. The feedback you provide will help us show you more relevant content in the future. Answered Feb 11, A piece from me Life when nobody loves you. Nobody remembers your birthday.

  1. No one has ever been in love with me. What can I do to make it happen?.
  2. The English And Sex!
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  4. Find song by lyrics - www.farmersmarketmusic.com.
  5. Read This If You Feel Like No One Will Ever Love You.
  6. .

No cakes, forget about presents. You become extremely introverted and shy, self doubt will come to you every now and then. You will think numerous times before talking to someone and ultimately end up not talking to them. You will try to find what is wrong with you and even try to rectify it, but all in vain. Whenever a friend so called friend calls to check on me, I wait for them to say that they need a favor or a help from me. Sometimes they are quick, sometimes I have to hear all the fluff before they say it. Music is the escape. Johnny Cash is the drug for me. You will feel connected and come to know that it happens with other people too.

I go alone everywhere.

Dionne Warwick - No one there (to sing me a love song)

I enjoy the bus ride, talk to random strangers and feel a bit good. Most of the times I enjoy my own company. I am not angry at anyone or this life. Just find myself to be unlucky yet. I genuinely feel happy for people when they have someone who genuinely loves them. I like to help strangers and homeless people, I think they are just going through a bad time. Your listening power and patience increases. I speak less and most of the time listen more. You will come to know people in a much better way but you could be wrong sometimes. Elasticsearch Service - Start a day free trial.

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What should I do if nobody loves me? Why does nobody love me? What should I do? What would you do with your life if nobody ever loved you? How do you love yourself when nobody loves you? Answered Mar 4, Life has been a nightmare to me. When I was 6, I lost my best friend. I saw her dying in my arms. She was in pain, she was bleeding, and I could do nothing except watch her taking the last breath.

I was so young that it was difficult for me to understand what was going on. I held her dead body in my arms and she was gone, leaving me all alone. At the age of 12, I was molested by my own uncle. He tried to touch my private parts. When I told my parents about this incident they silenced me and asked not to utter a word about it ever.

Till today, his words are ringing in my ears and I am helpless. Those words haunt me. In class 10th, I fell in love with a guy. It was my first relationship and I gave my best. But later, I found him cheating on me. He was into a friend of mine at the same time he was seeing me. And when I questioned him, he was not at all guilty.

I have a dad who never loved me I guess. Living under the same roof, I have always missed his love and affection. I don't even remember the last time he smiled at me. I tried hard to prove myself an ideal daughter, but he doesn't have time to look at me. He thinks, he just have to bear my necessary expenses, and his job is done. I miss my father. Dear world take my love and pass it on. I want to play this song for my brand new baby boy. I'm looking for a song I herd in a dance club. Had a brief bit in a video clip from inside, but not enough to shazam. Sounds like the words are: I wanted to know a song which it starts like" It talks about his morning walk i guess and finding strangers down the street!

Looking for a song and the only lyrics i can remember are go something like "If i could save you life then i would give you mine" "Because i will never ever let you down" Not much to go i know but heres hoping. Looking for a song i hear and i only know a few lyrics from it not much to go on i know but heres hoping "If i could save your life i would give you mine" "i will never ever let you down".

I have this song and it goes remember i told you to save it its over and ill be alright so hurt me as much as you'd like but i dont know what its called I heard a song.. I love you boy I love you too its and I baby its me and you ain't no matter what they say imma love you every single day I need the full lyrics and the artist. Does anybody know this song? It's driving me crazy i heard it once, it's a fast song and a male voice the lyrics goes something like: Im not sure it's upbeat and good for a party or a workout.

I think there's something with: Refrain had the line "We're looking for reality Need help on finding a song I heard it today on the radio for the first time. I love this song but I don't know the artist It goes like this " owole,y yo dey form semcima,dis kin song I'm doing the singing I'm doing the dancing. I'm looking for a song sung by a male. I heard it on the show New Amsterdam a few weeks ago but no luck when looking through songs featured in the show.

It's a male singer and is very slow and acoustic. The lyric I keep remembering goes something like "And maybe I'm going home again" I feel like I've heard this song on another show a while back - maybe Greys Anatomy or Without a Trace? I am trying to find or figure out the song played in one of the "mary queen of scots" trailers on Hulu. The lyrics I caught are "I'm gonna take over". It's only in ONE trailer. The Song I am looking for is sung by a male and a female singing in the chorus parts I'm not sure if it was really the chorus parts but it must be it went something like this: I want to know what the song is on a recent Blue Moon beer commercial that I saw.

I can't find it anywhere! It's only a 15 second commercial and half of it is the announcer talking.

The lyrics that I can make out are "I know she won't say so, long as I know To me, the voice sounds like Sting The Police , but my boyfriend doesn't agree. Does anyone have a clue what I'm looking for???

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But I don't no the artist likewise the song tittle can someone please help. I'm looking for a song sung by a male. How do I cope? I want to love. Basically you open up, even be yourself, but you don't hide The best friend you thought you had lied to you for months just for the fun of it. Looking at my condition one of my friend who was a spiritualist asked me to meet him when I am sober.

Im looking for a song sung by a male. It goes, "and I'm Leave all your worries, all behind.. Looking for a song I heard on the radio a few weeks ago. This is the chorus. Look at all the pretty people looking back me I've got a million pictures in my head of things I don't want to see I wish I could make you understand just what its like to be me Look at all the pretty people looking back at me.

I'm looking for a song i dont remember the lyrics because i was a kid when i first heard it but in the music video there were two young kids one boy one girl who were skating and dancing? With older kids in a park or something and then they got kicked out because they were young and went to dance somewhere does anyone know a music video like this? I also briefly remember someone crying but im not sure about that one. I'm looking for a song sung by a woman..

I'm sure in the chorus it sings 'that's who we are' then plays some music that sounds a little like the good the bad and the ugly song. Country song or alternative country genre. I can only remember clearly the music video. Theres for guys walking still and whilst they never move like from the spot the backroung occasionally changes.

The occasionally throw they foots around like in linedancing if I remember correctly, I could be wrong. The songs lyrics were kinda dark, sended kinda bad boy wibe. Like they would have been singing something like they are not going to heaven or devil is more of their friend or something in that direction. Looking for a song a guy is singing and i believe it was slow he sings about a woman doing coke refers to it as snow and going with other guys and she might die at the end too. Am looking for a song with lyrics like just give me the way make her believe that's the way I feel.

Hey i'm tryin to find an old song. I downloaded it ages ago titled sin paradise, but I don't think it's the right name. It's reggae ish and there's a child singing in spanish in chorus. I know how it goes but dont remember the words or title and therefore cant find it anywhere! Please respond to this as soon as possible it's a time based question.

Looking for a song, sung by a male with the words: Everyone is gonna hear have lost their hope have felt the fear try to get hold of the moment". Find song by lyrics I'm looking for a song I don't know the name of. Audrey Ramakers 03 December Hi! Abiola 03 December In the song lyrics I can hear will you let me feel the same.

Sophia Parapran 04 December I need to find this song it's kinda of a slow song it's called Girl but I can't find it anywhere it from s although I don't know any lyrics Please help. Anonymous 09 December Girl by the Beatles. Krzysztof 04 December Im looking for a song, performed by woman, it goes like this: Fugme 05 December Hey Krzysztof, Elsia here, I know some more lyrics for that song it goes like this: Annia 09 December Hi Elsia, this is Annia , sorry Elsa and Anna couldn't join us there busy making frozen two, and Olof his dead he coked out, so guess it's just you me and krzysztof, and a whole lot of fantasy violence, Elsia I think the song your looking for is called let's be fun.

Ghaffar 04 December Hi guys! Anon 04 December Guys please help! Lesley Hall 04 December Haai, I'm looking for an electronic pop song, sung by a guy and the song is like a David Guetta song. Anonymous 17 December maybe J. Holiday- Bed or Akon- "Im so Paid". Lena 04 December Hey guys I'm looking for a songs name. Daddy Long leg 06 December Lecrae "I'll find you" your welcome. Anonymous 05 December I can't find this song anywhere. Alyssa Alden 05 December Hey guys, I'm looking for a recent song sung by a male: Anonymous 05 December I'm looking for a song, all I can remember from it is they sing, "so whyyyy are we tryyyy" it's a female song and I think it's only a few years old so it's quite new.

B 05 December I'm looking for a slow indie song song by a girl, about a breakup or argument I think, it has a pattern of "Tears don't fall now, voice don't break now, eyes don't well up, heart don't race" etc. Anonymous 05 December Let then tell you! Anonymous 05 December Well, I found my song but apparently a lot of people sung it! Small Kay 09 December yo hey, there Mick Smith, here are some more lyrics bro! Ahgf 06 December So this rap song that is kind of slow paced and has lyrics that all go together in this order "it's a homicide cause i'm down to ride" but could not find it on here.

Abdul jakul salsalani 06 December What is the name of the song with the lyrics of "You are the sun in my sky, you are the days in my nights baby". Talisa Cooper 06 December So just finished the criminal minds from last night. Anonymous 09 December did you found it?? Laura 09 December Sober by Taps.

No One's Gonna Love You

Melizza 10 December Sober by Taps. Anonymous 10 December Taps - Sober. Aleksandra 10 December Sober by Taps Mugadza.