The Spark: Igniting the Passion, Mystery, and Romance in Your Marriage

The Spark: Igniting the Passion, Mystery and Romance in Your Marriage

This book should be required reading for every married couple! That couple was Jay and Laura Laffoon, and what they shared with several hundred couples that day is now captured in this book--ready to spark great things in your relationship. If you're ready to gain some serious warmth and light in your home, read this book. It will spark as much closeness and caring for you as it did for my wife, Cindy, and me.

The Spark: Igniting the Passion, Mystery and Romance in Your Marriage

Now they've done it in a book. Read this and watch the sparks fly! Not only does this book give practical, biblical advice, it does it with the usual charm, grace, and humor that Jay and Laura bring to their retreats. I highly recommend this book. Life today is hectic and hurried, making it easy to disconnect from those you love.

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The Spark: Igniting the Passion, Mystery, and Romance in Your Marriage

Did you realize that knowing the true purpose of marriage can rekindle the hre in your relationship? In The Spark, the founders of one of the country's. Editorial Reviews. From the Back Cover. You can put the spark back in your marriage. Did you.

Preview — The Spark by Jay Laffoon. Did you realize that knowing the true purpose of marriage can rekindle the hre in your relationship? In The Spark, the founders of one of the country's fastest--growing marriage conferences offer that Jay and Laura Laffoon tackle the biggest obstacles to intimacy in marriage with an irresistible combination of humor and wisdom. While many people think intimacy Did you realize that knowing the true purpose of marriage can rekindle the hre in your relationship?

While many people think intimacy is all about sex, the Laffoons identify five facets that are vital to a healthy marriage. Men and women approach intimacy differently, but understanding the differences can result in greater closeness and a deeper appreciation of each other. The Laffoons fearlessly share their own experiences, as well as informative, real-life stories gleaned from their survey of more than two thousand married couples.

Discussion questions at the end of each chapter help you develop positive action steps to ignite your marriage and keep the flame burning. Whether you're seeking to better understand your spouse or hoping to recapture lost magic, your relationship can reach another level with this practical guide. Paperback , pages. Published April 14th by Bakerbooks first published January 15th To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Spark , please sign up. Lists with This Book.

The Spark: Igniting the Passion, Mystery, and Romance in Your Marriage

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Jay Laffoon, Laura Laffoon. Angie added it Jan 03, Roberto marked it as to-read Aug 14, Donec quis libero ligula, vel faucibus tortor. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Through your passion, you get to express your creativity, love, heart and purpose.

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