QPT Origins - Transformando meninos em HOMENS (Portuguese Edition)

Manfredini apresentou o seguinte caso: Ficou inconsciente durante 4 dias. Pandy, Nonne e Weichbrodt ligeiramente positivas; r. Wassermann negativa com 1 c. Pandy, Nonne e Weichbrodt, positivas; r. Takata-Ara fortemente positiva tipo floculante ; r. Meinicke negativa com 0,4 c.

Steinfeld negativa com 1,5 c. Em dezembro , caindo de um bonde em movimento, sofreu traumatismo craniano. Wasserman negativa com 1 ca, r. Steinfeld negativa com 1 c. Os primeiros sintomas de paralisia geral foram notados em dezembro Pandy, Nonne e Weichbrodt positivas; r. Meinicke fortemente positiva; r. Wassermann fortemente positiva com 0,5 c. G, com 48 anos, lustrador, brasileiro, solteiro, pardo, examinado em novembro , sob n. Sinal de Romberg sensibilizado presente. Marcha em pequenos passos. Wassermann fortemente positiva; r. Em , surgem os primeiros sintomas de tabes dorsalis, que progride e se agrava no fim de um ano.

Esteve duas semanas afastado do trabalho, desorientado, com adormecimento e enfraquecimento em todo o membro superior direito. Em fins de , traumatismo craniofacial, ficando duas semanas desorientado. Em abril , foi diagnosticada paralisia geral progressiva, forma demencial simples.

Reflexos profundos vivos; exaltados os patelares. Meinicke fortemente positiva com 0,4 c.

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Em 2 abril , nova perda do conhecimento, com queda. Os traumas foram violentos: No one has reported such observations". Contudo, o papel precipitante e localizador do trauma merece estudo mais detalhado. Trauma e imunidade do sistema nervoso central. Isto pode indicar que, na lues cerebral, os espiroquetas provenientes das meninges tentam penetrar nos vasos corticais, onde deparam com. Can injury light up a latent process, or intensify one already existent and giving rise to symptoms?

Were injury so to alter intracranial conditions as to allow spirochaetes and their toxins acces to brain tissue by increasing vascular permeability, or in some other mode, its connexion with subsequent events would be undeniable". Os-nato acredita que "the cerebral symptoms of the paretic type develop when something happens to change the permeability of the blood vessels of the brain, thus allowing the spirochetes and their toxins access to brain tissue".

Winkelman e Eckel afirmam que "minute hemorrhages are apt to oc-cur in the less severely injured". Esta ocorre pela soma funesta do ferimento e da anormalidade anterior. Entre elas, figuram os traumatismos. Estes autores aventam as seguintes normas que devem seguir os peritos: The statute prescribes no standard of fitness to which the employee must conform, and compensation is not based on any implied warranty of perfect health, or immunity from latent and unknown tendencies to disease, which may develop into positive ailments, if incited to activity through any cause originating in the performance of the work for which he is hired".

Rua Vitorino Carmilo, , c. Urechia e Mihalescu Michael certamente emprega aqui a palavra trauma em sentido amplo: The influence of a non-specific inflammatory reaction on the development of the chancre. On the localization of syphilitic lesions in inflamed areas. Morphologie und Biologie der Spirochaeta pallida. Julius Springer, Berlim, , p. Nyssen e van Bogaert The Workmen's Compensation Act, the industrial physician and the syphilitic employee.

Gougerot e Clara - Syphilis post-traumatiques. Antonelli - Syphilis et traumatismes oculaires. La Medicine des Accidents du Travail 9: Section of Neurology The Williams and Wilkins Co. Trelles e Davilla Hammerschmidt - Zur Unfallbegutachtung von Syphiliskranken; kritische Betrachtung. Julius Springer, Berlin, , p. Thomas, Springfield, , p. Allgemeine Pathologie, pathologische Anatomie, Serologie der Syphilis, capit.

Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart, Soziale Beurteilung der Tabes dorsalis. Lippmann - Tabes und Unfall. Caso publicado por Tolosa, A. Seix, Barcelona, , p. Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart, , p. Wohlwill - Zur Frage der traumatischen Paralyse. Imprimerie Commerciale et Industrielle. Barth, Leipzig, , p.

Effect of trauma as preeipitating factor in certain neurological diseases. Appleton, New York, Merritt e Solomon Julius Springer, Berlim, Developmental history including mental and physical growth, trauma and convulsions. Mira y Lopez 85 , p. Soziale Beurteilung der progressive Paralyse, p. Klauder e Solomon Maloine, Paris, , p. Octave Doin et fils, Paris, , p. Mira y Lopez, E. El Ateneo, Buenos-Aires, , p. In Injuries of the skull, brain and spinal cord, por Samuel Brock.

Paralisia geral e traumatismo. Rio de Janeiro Rassegna di studi psichiat. Jequier e Bovet Entre las pruebas realizadas se tienen: Al final del estudio, se evaluaron los resultados obtenidos para cada punto de vertido estudiado y luego se analizo la influencia de estos focos sobre la calidad de las aguas crudas del hospital, las cuales descargan en una quebrada localizada al costado noroeste de las instalaciones. Los resultados obtenidos permiten conocer preliminarmente la caracterizacion de la descarga liquida del Hospital Mexico y lo catalogan como una fuente de contaminacion.

El Hospital requiere de una planta de tratamiento biologica para aquellos vertidos biodegradables, y de un sistema de tratamiento quimico para tratar ese tipo de productos, que son utilizados en los procesos propios de cada departamento; ademas se requiere tomar en cuenta medidas de reduccion de contaminacion que disminuyan la cantidad de desechos desde la fuente. A pedagogia libertaria de Carl Rogers: Para isto foram consultados os virios escritos de Rogers: Em todos eles transpare Se plantean dos condiciones de uso: En este segundo caso si durante el dia la temperatura interior del invernadero es mayor que la temperatura del agua en el almacenamiento el funcionamiento del sistema preve que el agua circule a traves de las bolsas colectando energia; durante la noche las mismas bolsas actuan como intercambiadores de calor.

Cuando es indispensable mantener la temperatura en el interior del invernadero dentro de cierto rango, el sistema de calentamiento se combina con un calentador de agua a gas natural. Se describen las instalaciones, se comparan rendimientos instantaneos y globales de los colectores solares para las dos situaciones analizadas y se calcula el coeficiente global de transferencia de calor cuando las bolsas actuan como intercambiadores de calor. Se analiza tambien el comportamiento integral del sistema dentro del invernadero para dos situaciones diferentes.

El empleo de los colectores solares de plastico ha demostrado ser una alternativa valida para el uso de energia a baja temperatura, especialmente para la calefaccion de locales agricolas. Autonomia profissional dos professores. Linear capacity storage devices; Memoires lineaires a condensateurs; Linejnye kondensatornye nakopitel'nye ustrojstva; Dispositivos de almacenamiento de condensador, con caracteristicas lineales. La penthode a une forte resistance interne; il s'ensuit qu'apres le passage de l'impulsion incidente le courant qui traverse la penthode est presque egal a la valeur initiale, et la charge accumulee par le condensateur se trouve maintenue.

La duree de la memoire est limitee par les valeurs de la resistance a la sortie de la generatrice et de la penthode haute frequence. Pour augmenter la duree de la memoire, on peut placer une diode devant le condensateur.

Se describen dos circuitos de almacenamiento de respuesta lineal dentro de una amplia gama de amplitudes de las senales de salida. En uno de los circuitos la senal de error se mide con un amplificador diferencial. Gracias al elevado factor de amplificacion, el aparato funciona con caracteristicas sensiblemente lineales. El otro circuito esta disenado para trabajar con impulsos de una duracion del orden del nanosegundo. Los impulsos de entrada de anchura normal cierran el circuito de un pentodo en cuyo anodo se halla el condensador que actua como ''memoria''.

Como el condensador se carga desde el anodo por medio de un generador, la intensidad de corriente de carga permanece casi constante aunque la tension del condensador varie durante la medicion. El pentodo tiene una gran resistencia interna, de modo que al terminar el impulso de entrada, la corriente que atraviesa el pentodo tiene casi la misma intensidad que al principio, quedando asi almacenada la carga acumulada por el condensador.

Para prolongar la duracion de la ''memoria'' se puede colocar un diodo delante del condensador. Microbiological, physicochemical and sensory evaluation of cabbage and carrot minimally processed salad after radiation treatment intended to immunocompromised patients or with special diets; Avaliacao microbiologica, fisico-quimica e sensorial de salada de repolho com cenoura minimamente processada apos o tratamento por radiacao gama destinado a pacientes imunocomprometidos ou com dietas especiais. During and after the treatment of cancer, people with HIV or transplants, the food intake can offer a well-being to the patient, because the action of eating right helps people to feel strong.

Healthy people have their immune system working properly and can tolerate small amounts of bacteria. However, immunocompromised persons may not be able to and however immunocompromised people cannot fight this small amount of microorganisms and require a diet with very low microbiological count to avoid contact with potentially harmful bacteria. This is called neutropenic diet.

These patients are susceptible to food contamination, so that it's not advisable the ingestion of raw products. The vegetable irradiation with low doses has the purpose of reducing the microbial load. The aim of this study was to obtain data on microbiological, sensorial e physicochemical aspects in minimally processed 'Primavera' salad irradiated with different doses of gamma radiation designed to immunocompromised patients. It were used doses of 1. All results were expressed in Newtons N. For the sensory test of acceptation no difference was found among the samples, however in the triangular test could be found slight differences between samples irradiated with 4.

It can be concluded that for a neutropenic diet the suggested dose is 2. Effect of addition of lignin in physical-chemical properties of a polyesters based on glycerol, phthalic and adipic acids; Efeito da adicao de lignina nas propriedades fisico-quimicas de poliesteres a base de glicerol e acidos ftalico e adipico.

In this paper the study of different addition amounts of lignin in the physicochemical properties of polyesters made from glycerol and different amounts of phthalic and adipic acids have been proposed. The following characterizations were made: The variation in the percentage of adipic and phthalic acids had a direct effect on thermal and morphological properties. The thermal analysis showed that there was miscibility between the polyester and lignin, by means of displacement related to the temperature of thermal degradation events.

In FTIR analysis was noted displacements of characteristic bands of hydrogen bonds and specific carbonyl ester groups. These shifts were more pronounced as it has larger amounts of phthalic acid as monomer and larger amounts of lignin in the compositions. Computerized tomography with X-rays: In this study it is demonstrated the applicability of the Computerized Tomography technique with x-rays to evaluate the reactivity degree between various drilling fluids and argillaceous sediments Shales and Sandstones.

The research has been conducted in the Rock-Fluid Interaction Pressure Simulator RFIPS , where the possible physico-chemical alterations can be observed through successive tomography images, which are obtained during the flow of the fluid through the samples. In addition, it was noticed the formation of mud cake in Berea Sandstones samples in the RFIPS, though the Computerized Tomography with X-rays, when utilizing drilling fluids weighted with the baryte. Microbiological, physico-chemical, and sensorial modifications during the useful life of the shrimps Penaeus brasiliensis e Penaeus Paulensis submitted to gamma radiation.

During the last years, there has been an increase in the consumption of seafood and freshwater fish as a healthier diet option. Shrimps are the most important product in the international trade market. This kind of food easily deteriorates due to autolysis, oxidation and microbial action.

Product description

This research was carried out in order to study the effectiveness of radiation in preserving shrimps. Samples of shrimps Penaeus brasiliensis and P. The microbiological analysis was performed on days O, 2, 4, 7 10 and 14 post processing. The psychotropic population varied from Physical, chemical and radioactive characterization of co-products from titanum dioxide industry for valorization in the cement industry; Caracterizacion fisico-quimica y radiactiva de los sub-productos provenientes de la industria de dioxido de titanio para su valorizacion en la industria del cemento: The present study was conducted to characterize the raw materials ilmenite and slag , waste red gypsum and several co-products sulphate monohydrate and sulphate heptahydrated form the titanum dioxide industry in relation to their elemental composition major, minor and trace elements , granulometry, mineralogy, microscopic morphology, physical composition and radioactive content in order to apply this knowledge in the valorization of the co-products in the fields sucha as construction, civil engineering, etc.

In particular, the main properties of cements produced with different proportions of red gypsum were studied, and the obtained improvements, in relation to Ordinary Portland Cements OPC were evaluated. It was also demonstrated that the levels of pollutants and the radioactive content in the produced RG cements, remain within the regulated safety limits. Physical, chemical and radioactive characterization of co-products from titanium dioxide industry for valorization in the cement industry; Caracterizacion fisico-quimica y radiactiva de los sub-productos provenientes de la industria de dioxido de titanio para su valorizacion en la industria del cemento: The present study was conducted to characterize the raw materials ilmenite and slag , waste red gypsum and several co-products sulphate monohydrate and sulphate heptahydrated form the titanium dioxide industry in relation to their elemental composition major, minor and trace elements , granulometry, mineralogy, microscopic morphology, physical composition and radioactive content in order to apply this knowledge in the valorization of the co-products in the fields such a as construction, civil engineering, etc.

Heat treatment and gamma radiation effects on the physical-chemical, microbiological and sensory stability of pure sugarcane juice or added with fruit juices, stored under refrigeration;Efeitos do processamento termico e da radiacao gama na estabilidade fisico-quimica , microbiologica e sensorial de caldo de cana puro e adicionado de suco de frutas, armazenado sob refrigeracao.

Sugarcane juice is a taste drink, energetic, no alcoholic that conserves all the nutrients in cane sugar. It was very appreciated by the Brazilian population and its production has been shown to be a highly lucrative business. This research had the following objectives: Sugarcane juice market test was evaluated through the application of questionnaires on six Sao Paulo cities. Sugarcane juice stability was evaluated through microbiological psychotropic count, lactic bacteria and yeasts and molds count , physical-chemical pH, color, titratable acidity, soluble solids, ratio and polyphenoloxidase activity and sensory hedonic test parameters.

Centesimal composition was determined analyzing: Sugarcane juice shelf life period was determinate ever 7 days over a period of 42 days stored under refrigeration. The data were submitted to the variance analysis and compared by Tukey's test p Evaluation of the energy potential, biogenesis and essential characteristics of the geothermal submarine systems in Mexico; Evaluacion del potencial, biogenesis y caracteristicas esenciales de los sistemas geotermicos submarinos en Mexico.

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Las fuentes geotermicas no tradicionales incluyen las partes profundas y los limites de los reservorios hidrotermales tradicionales, los sistemas en roca seca o humeda caliente, los yacimientos geopresurizados del Golfo de Mexico y los sistemas submarinos hidrotermales observados principalmente en la costa norte mexicana del Oceano Pacifico. La energia geotermica submarina surge por la existencia de rupturas profundas en el fondo marino, a lo largo de los centros de dispersion oceanicos entre las placas tectonicas.

Estos sistemas tienen una longitud total aproximada de 65, Km. Hay dos tipos basicos de sistemas marinos existentes en el Golfo de California: El calor submarino poco profundo tambien se relaciona con fallas y fracturas en el fondo del mar cerca de algunas costas. El potencial preliminar de la energia contenida en tales reservorios se estima, en promedio, en MWt por cada km3 de roca submarina.

Las caracteristicas quimicas especificas de las aguas hidrotermales encontradas en esos sistemas oceanicos indican que las interacciones agua-roca, ocurren bajo condiciones de presion y temperatura altas. La energia geotermica submarina soporta ricas variedades de comunidades biologicas a profundidades donde las plantas no tienen acceso a la luz solar para realizar la fotosintesis. Hay indicios de que las posibles condiciones para la sintesis de sustancias y elementos quimicos necesaria para el origen de la vida primitiva, pudieron ser los sistemas hidrotermales submarinos.

Los generadores de calentamiento por induccion son puentes inversores con carga resonante, cuya mision es basicamente crear una corriente sinusoidal de gran amplitud sobre la "bobina de caldeo", que forma parte del tanque resonante. En el interior de esta bobina se introduce la pieza que se desea calentar.

EI campo magnetico creado induce corrientes superficiales corrientes de Foucault sobre la pieza, que producen su calentamiento. Los tanques resonantes tambien llamados osciladores utilizados en la actualidad son el resonante serie y el resonante paralelo. Aunque ya desde hace algun tiempo se vienen construyendo generadores de alta potencia basados en estos dos osciladores, el exito nunca ha. Tal y como se explica en la introduccion de esta memoria, los puentes inversores utilizados deben operar sobre una carga inductiva corriente retrasada para evitar el fenomeno de la recuperacion inversa de sus diodos y la consiguiente ruptura de los transistores.

De la restriccion topologica anterior se deduce que el generador paralelo debe conmutar a frecuencias inferiores a la resonancia, y el serie a frecuencias superiores. A esta restriccion topologica hay que unir otra que es exclusiva del calentamiento por induccion: La corriente por la bobina de caldeo debe ser sinusoidal. De no ser asi, resultaria imposible disponer toda la potencia de calentamiento sobre la pieza en el espesor requerido por la aplicacion. La conjuncion de las dos restricciones anteriores obligan al inversor paralelo a funcionar a la frecuencia de resonancia del oscilador.

Esto imposibilita un control por variacion de frecuencia, regulandose la potencia desde la. Full Text Available S. O ecologismo dos pobres. O Jardim dos Sonhos. Full Text Available O jardim dos sonhos sempre foi um ideal dos homens. Dos novelas colombianas olvidadas. Full Text Available Publication of two cupae from the ancient territory of Complutum.

Dos estudios de casos. A sociedade dos vivos. Full Text Available A pergunta: Comparison of characteristics of LiF: Mg,Cu,P thermoluminescent dosemeters; Comparacao das caracteristicas dos dosimetros termoluminescentes LiF: Departamento Academicao de Fisica; Schelin, H. The aim of the current study was to compare the thermoluminescent dosimeters LiF: Tests were realized, for this purpose, such as: The results from both dosimeters show that these TLDs attend radiodiagnostic dosimetry criteria, however MCP had more satisfactory results.

Influence of coprecipitation and mechanical mixture methods on the characteristics of nickel oxide-alumina composites; Influencia dos metodos de coprecipitacao e mistura mecanica nas caracteristicas de compositos oxido de niquel-alumina. Centro de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Materiais. Alumina-supported nickel catalysts are currently used in the reforming process due to low cost and high activity for hydrogen production from alcohols.

In this work, the effect of preparation methods on nickel oxide-alumina based materials has been investigated. Ceramic powders were obtained by coprecipitation in ammonia medium and mechanical mixture. Coprecipitated materials were calcined in air at deg C to obtain the corresponding oxides. Materials obtained by mechanical mixture were prepared by wet milling of nickel oxide and alumina powders, both synthesized by precipitation and calcination in air at and deg C, respectively.

Powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction, nitrogen gas sorption by applying the BET method, laser diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, electrophoretic mobility measurements for zeta potential determination and infrared spectroscopy. Methodology for determination of the operational limits in a atmospheric oven as a function of the load characteristics; Metodologia para determinacao dos limites operacionais de um forno atmosferico em funcao das caracteristicas da carga.

The necessity of increasing the crude processing with operation periods even greater, are resulting in Atmospheric Distillation Units in severe conditions, requiring even more rigorous operational procedures. The crude fired heaters are the critical equipment in this context, because they are the most susceptible to failures, if some determined limits are exceeded. During this analysis, it was verified that the operational limit of a fired heater cannot be determined only by its design thermal duty, it must be also taken into account the influence of the crude composition.

This will determine, due to its film coefficient, the region of the radiation zone of the fired heater where it will begin the crude vaporization and will occur the greater temperatures. The work conclusions resulted on the revision of the Unit operational procedures and definition of new crude processing limits. The fired heater operates with no problems since then. DOS cones along atomic chains. Variations of the local density of states DOS along the chain are investigated.

They are crucial in scanning tunnelling experiments and give important insight into the electron transport mechanism and charge distribution inside chains. It is found that depending on the chain parity the local DOS at the Fermi level can form cone-like structures DOS cones along the chain. The general condition for the local DOS oscillations is obtained and the linear behaviour of the local density function is confirmed analytically.

DOS cones are characterized by a linear decay towards the chain which is in contrast to the propagation properties of charge density waves, end states and Friedel oscillations in one-dimensional systems. We find that DOS cones can appear due to non-resonant electron transport, the spin-orbit scattering or for chains fabricated on a substrate with localized electrons.

It is also shown that for imperfect chains e. We find that DOS cones can appear due to non-resonant electron transport, the spin—orbit scattering or for chains fabricated on a substrate with localized electrons. Dos chalets, en Suecia. However, the guest room and the attic are a kind of second floor within the cupula. This is an experiment, with a view to the possible mass construction of this prototype. The various rooms are grouped in two blocks, one comprising the bedrooms, which are cellular type and of minimum size, and the bathrooms; the other includes the children's room, a living room which extends into the vestibule, and guest room at a higher level.

A principal aim has been to obtain fine views in all directions, and also to take advantage of the ground slope. This house, of original and competent design, includes indoor gardens which add colour and life to the rooms. Las diferentes habitaciones se hallan agrupadas en dos bloques: Change of I-V characteristics of SiC diodes upon reactor irradiation; Modification des caracteristiques I-V de jonctions p-n au SiC du fait d'une irradiation dans un reacteur; Izmeneniya kharakteristik I-V vyrashchennogo v SiC perekhoda tipa p-n posle oblucheniya ego v reaktore; Modificaciones que sufren por irradiacion en un reactor las caracteristicas I-V de uniones p-n en SiC.

In search for semiconductors, which can be used in high-flux reactors in order to measure flux distributions, we irradiated SiC p-n junctions in the Belgium BR-1 reactor. Two types of SiC-diodes of different origin have been irradiated. These junctions are grown in the Lely-furnace. The changes in characteristics are given as well as the result of some annealing experiments.

Deux types de diodes a SiC d'origines differentes ont ete ainsi irradies. Les jonctions en question sont preparees par etirage dans le four Lely. Les auteurs indiquent les modifications subies par les caracteristiques, ainsi que le resultat de certaines experiences de recuit. Irradiaron dos tipos de diodos de SiC de. Hodoscope performance and design; Construction et comportement d'un odoscope; Demonstratsiya i konstruktsiya godoskopa; Diseno y caracteristicas de funcionamiento de un hodoscopio.

The performance and circuitry of a hodoscoped array of counters used on an experiment at Brookhaven is described. The circuitry, transistors, and phototubes all showed remarkable long-term stability. The lifetime of the transistors was 0. A simple set of diagnostic routines checked performance of the apparatus in half an hour. The data was recorded on film, and the film was read with a ''programmed spot'' scanner into the M. One hour is required to read a ft roll of film by this system. A simple modification has been made to the apparatus whereby the data is stored in parallel into a shift register and then read out serially onto magnetic tape.

Such a system writes a bit event on to tape in 1 ms and obviates the necessity for buffer storage. Le circuit, les transistors et les phototubes se sont reveles extremement stables sur une longue periode. Grace a un programme de controle systematique, on a pu verifier le comportement de l'appareil en une demi-heure. Les donnees ont ete enregistrees sur films et le film a l'aide d'un teledecteur a spot programme dans un calculateur M.

Ce systeme permet de lire plus de 1,20 m de pellicule en une heure. On a modifie l'appareil d'une maniere simple qui permet de stocker les donnees en parallele dans un registre a decalage et de les lire, par series, sur une bande magnetique. Ce systeme permet d'ecrire un evenement de chiffres binaires sur la bande en un millieme de seconde et d'eviter de recourir a la memoire intermediaire. Voltage stability analysis considering the load dynamic characteristics and the voltage control devices; Analisis de estabilidad de voltaje considerando las caracteristicas dinamicas de la carga y dispositivos de control de voltaje.

Finally, the application of the proposed methods of study to the analysis of voltage stability in an electrical network derived from the Mexican Peninsular system is presented. The influence of voltage control devices in the stability phenomenon is discussed and a comparison with the results obtained by means of other analysis techniques are presented, specifically, the study of the Q-V curves and the modal analysis of the power flow equations.

Mas concretamente, se define y estudia un tipo de modelo de carga con caracteristicas deseables para el estudio de la estabilidad de voltaje; los modelos genericos de carga derivados de pruebas de campo o de la aplicacion de tecnicas de identificacion y se analiza la influencia de la aplicacion de dispositivos de control para mejorar los margenes de estabilidad del sistema. Se estudian, asimismo, alternativas al modelado de sistemas de potencia para el estudio de la estabilidad de voltaje en sistemas complejos.

Se presenta, en primer lugar, un analisis fundamental de las caracteristicas de estabilidad de voltaje en un sistema simplificado de potencia y se introduce el metodo de analisis adoptado. Se muestra que el fenomeno de inestabilidad se manifiesta como una bifurcacion tipo singular inducida del modo critico de voltaje cuando se opera el sistema bajo condiciones de estres. A continuacion, se analiza la contribucion de la accion de dispositivos de control al margen de estabilidad y se deducen criterios de analisis de estabilidad basados en el estudio de dicho modo.

Se propone, a continuacion, un modelo lineal del sistema de potencia con caracteristicas deseables para el estudio de la estabilidad de voltaje. Remessas de recursos dos imigrantes. What are the consequences of the dollars sent by the migrants to the people, families, and organizations that receive them in the cities of origin? These are the key questions that recent studies have raised.

According to some authors "migration is inevitable and has the potential to be quite positive in terms of development and reduction of poverty. The policies that have their origins in this principle will be more successful than those that attempt to oppose, intransigently, both globalization and the migration of people in space".

Do current international migrations produce positive local development effects? The main objective of this article is to contribute to this discussion through an empirical study of the Brazilian case, which takes remittances as its focus. Thus, we identify who the immigrants are who send remittances from the United States to Brazil, to what ends the remittances are directed, who the beneficiaries are, and how the remittances. Demand curves of electric energy in domestic sector in two regions of Mexico; Curvas de demanda de energia electrica en sector domestico de dos regiones de Mexico.

In this work, is presented the analysis of residential consumption, regarding the temperature of two areas and types of electrical appliances. A shape characteristic of the load of the electrical energy is obtained for two geographical areas in Mexico. The consumption information was obtained from measurements in residential consumers and from the Mexican Utility. It is also shown the demand profile of the main residential appliances, obtained from smart metering equipment to separate the residential users' load profiles.

It is shown the effect of the different variables analyzed on the electrical power consumption, mainly the type of equipment, the geographical localization, the weather temperature, humidity and vegetation type. With the results attained, the definition of effective energy-saving programs and its effectiveness can be obtained.

Services on Demand

Se obtiene una forma caracteristica de la carga de energia electrica de dos areas geograficas de Mexico. La informacion sobre el consumo se obtuvo de mediciones en consumidores residenciales y de una empresa electrica mexicana. Tambien se muestra el perfil de demanda de los principales aparatos residenciales, derivado de equipos de medicion inteligentes para separar los perfiles de carga de usuarios residenciales.

Se muestra el efecto de diferentes variables analizadas en el consumo de energia electrica, principalmente el tipo de equipo, la localizacion geografica, el clima temperatura, humedad y tipo de vegetacion. Con los resultados alcanzados pueden definirse programas de ahorro de energia efectivos y lograr implantarlos. Mineralogical and micro-thermometric features of the Los Humeros geothermal reservoir, Pue.

Studies on many topics have been undertaken during the exploratory and exploitation stages of the development of Los Humeros geothermal field. From a geochemical and mineralogical view-including hydrothermal mineralogy and fluid-inclusion micro-thermometry, features have been reported differing from those observed in other geothermal fields. Sometimes this has led to ambiguous conclusions. Studies of fluid-inclusion micro-thermometry have shown low-salinity and high-temperature fluids, suggesting a slight temperature decrease in the deepest portion associated with a boiling process rather than a cooling process.

In , Arellano et al. Mineralogical data from wells drilled at the Colapso Central zone tend to support this idea. However wells drilled in the zone known as Corredor Mastaloya seemingly show evidence of a single reservoir. Desde el punto de vista geoquimico y mineralogico mineralogia hidrotermal y microtermometria de inclusiones fluidas se han reportado comportamientos diferentes a los observados en otros campos del mundo, los que en ocasiones han llevado a conclusiones imprecisas.

La microtermometria de inclusiones fluidas ha mostrado fluidos poco salinos de alta temperatura, asi como una ligera disminucion de temperatura en la parte profunda la cual se asocia a un proceso de ebullicion mas que a un enfriamiento del sistema.

Portuguese: A Reference Manual

En Arellano et al realizaron un estudio multidisciplinario proponiendo la existencia de al menos dos reservorios. La informacion mineralogica de pozos perforados en la zona del Colapso Central fortalece esta propuesta. Sin embargo, para pozos localizados en la zona conocida como Corredor Mastaloya se tiene evidencia de lo que parece ser un solo yacimiento. Os Fungos no Funcionamento dos Ecossistemas Florestais.

Os fungos no funcionamento dos ecossistemas Florestais: Dos generaciones de nativos digitales. A su vez, dividimos a los ND 2. Self-regulating the effortful "social dos ". In the current research, we explored differences in the self-regulation of the personal dos i.

In 6 studies, we examined whether the same trait self-control abilities that predict task persistence on personal dos would also predict task persistence on social dos. That is, would the same behavior, such as persisting through a tedious and attentionally demanding task, show different associations with trait self-control when it is framed as benefitting the self versus someone else? In Studies , we directly compared the personal and social dos and found that trait self-control predicted self-reported and behavioral personal dos but not social dos , even when the behaviors were identical and when the incentives were matched.

Instead, trait agreeableness--a trait linked to successful self-regulation within the social domain--predicted the social dos. Trait self-control did not predict the social dos even when task difficulty increased Study 4 , but it did predict the social don'ts, consistent with past research Studies The current studies provide support for the importance of distinguishing different domains of self-regulated behaviors and suggest that social dos can be successfully performed through routes other than traditional self-control abilities.

Some Aspects of Operation; Le compteur proportionnel. Ses caracteristiques de fonctionnement; Proportsional'nyj schetchik. Nekotorye aspekty raboty; El contador proportional. Sus caracteristicas de funcionamiento. El mismo sistema de recuento se ha empleado para investigar una posible captura M en estos dos isotopos.

Recuento de bajas actividades de fondo. El funcionamiento es de por si muy satisfactorio, pero algunos problemas practicos, tales como el mantenimiento del gas al estado puro durante uen tiempo largo, son dificiles de resolver. Estudios sobre acumulacion de electrones. Electrical characteristics of sphere-plane type spark counters; Caracteristiques electriques de compteurs a etincelles du type sphere-plan; Ehlektricheskie kharakteristiki iskrovykh schetchikov tipa shar-ploskost'; Caracteristicas electricas de los contadores de chispas del tipo esfera-plano.

Las caracteristicas de contaje son semejantes a las de los detectores de anodo de alambre, de tipo Rosenblum. No obstante, el contador de esfera presenta, con respecto a dicho contador Rosenblum, cierto numero de ventajas derivadas de su geometria: Ehti schetchiki rabotayut v rezhime ''kol'tsevogo'' yavleniya ''korony'' v vozdukhe pri atmosfernom davlenii. Schetnye kharakteristiki blizki k kharakteristikam schetchikov Rozenblyuma s anodnym provodom.

Sharovoj schetchik imeet, odnako, nekotorye preimushchestva po sravneniyu so schetchikom Rozenblyuma, chto svyazano s ego geometriej: Poskol'ku ego sobstvennaya emkost' ochen' mala, schetchik daet bolee bystryj otvet. Provides an introduction to DOS commands and strategies for the effective organization and use of hard disks. Functions discussed include the creation of directories and subdirectories, enhanced copying, the assignment of disk drives, and backing up the hard disk.

Un estudio longitudinal en una empresa industrial Estudo longitudinal dos resultados da melhora continua em uma empresa industrial. Full Text Available Las empresas han utilizado diversas herramientas que permiten que los operarios contribuyan al proceso de mejora continua. Ambos programas han demostrado ser provechosos para la empresa, aunque las posibilidades de los sistemas de grupo parecen ser significativamente mayores. As empresas tem utilizado diversas ferramentas que permitem que os operarios comtribuam ao processo de melhora continua.

Entre as ferramentas mas usadas podemos destacar os sistemas de sugestoes tanto individual como em grupo.

Qual dos dois sistemas beneficia mais a empresa? Que problemas surgem durante o funcionamento destes programas? Ambos programas demonstraram ser aproveitados para a empresa, ainda que as possibilidades dos sistemas de grupo se mostram significativamente maiores. Dentre os principais gastos que contribuem para o aumento dos custos da qualidade destacam-se a sucata e retrabalho de p O legado dos desenhadores da guerra. Full Text Available Avaliou-se a atuacao da casca de arroz e da palhada de soja como substrato para compostagem de carcaca de frangos de corte, observando a degradacao dos dois substratos e das carcacas pelo monitoramento da temperatura, peso das carcacas e dos substratos e analise fisicoquimica do produto final.

As camaras foram montadas com carcacas de 10 aves recem abatidas, com quatro repeticoes no tempo. Instalou-se em cada camara um termopar para registro da temperatura. O substrato e as carcacas foram pesadas separadamente, no inicio, aos 15 e aos 30 dias de compostagem. Ao final de cada periodo, foram realizadas analises fisico-quimica de amostras de cada camara, avaliando-se o pH e os teores de materia seca, cinzas, P, N, K, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe e carbono organico. A casca de arroz, da mesma forma, pode ser utilizada na compostagem de carcacas de aves, porem reutilizada por maior numero de vezes.

The performance of rice husks and of soy straw were evaluated as substrate for on-farm poultry carcass composting, observing the degradation of the two substrate and of the carcasses through monitoring the temperature, weight of the carcasses and of the substrate and physiochemical analysis of the final product.

The piles were arranged with carcasses of 10 recently slaughtered birds, with four repetitions in time. A thermo pair was installed in each pile to register the temperature. The substrate and the carcasses were weighed separately, in the beginning, day 15 and day 30 of composting. At the end of each period, the physiochemical analysis of samples were made from each pile, evaluating the pH, the dry material, ashes, P, N. A Teoria dos Conjuntos de Cantor. Solubilidade e disponibilidade dos micronutrientes em fertilizantes.

Full Text Available In this paper, we analyse Juazeiro do Norte particularly considering the belief that the End do the World is about to happen and the need of having their sins forgiven, Man, pilgrim in this world, takes advantage of the weapons offered by the Holy Writ and by the Compassion Books to fight against the eternal enemy. Defesa dos direitos humanos: The text underlines the institutional character acquired by the main systems to promote Human Rights in the twentieth century.

Taking the Universal Human Rigths Declaration, of , as the basis for analysis, the author brings up three different approaches to promote these rights: The evolution of each of them is described using its procedure as a basic reference. Besides, an analogical analysis, brings to the fore singularities, without ignoring reciprocal influences dictated by particular contexts, though. The author stresses the importance of the International Penal Court, as a means to establish ecumenical justice.

At the same time, he reminds the reader of the risks implicit in the possible non-ratification of the IPC by United States. A segunda alma do partido dos trabalhadores. Lula's presidency seem to have blended PT's two apparently contradictory "souls". By implementing policies that favor capital while at the same time foster the social inclusion of the poor, and that have also improved working class citizens' life standards, Lula has been able, as a president, to preserve the ideals that animated the party's foundation and the more pragmatic programme for government set out in Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center.

These elementary activities cover only the DOS commands necessary to…. Camponeses e esquecimento na Antiguidade Tardia: Full Text Available http: Dentre os principais gastos que contribuem para o aumento dos custos da qualidade destacam-se a sucata e retrabalho de produtos durante o processo produtivo. Por uma carta dos bens fundamentais. AbstractThis article addresses the question of whether the stipulation of fundamental rights and obligations and prohibitions related to them is sufficient to properly ensure the needs and vital interests, especially those from collective interest.

Fundamental goods are those whose access is guaranteed to each and every one since they are the object of fundamental rights, excluded from the logic of the market. The warranty for new goods and basic goods in the bottom of civilization requires a political decision to submit the right market relations.

Thus, to the international charters and conventions and fundamental constitutional rights should be added Charters and international charter of basic goods. Hence the need for a new dimension of the constitutionally guaranteed: The mafic swarm comprises diabases, metadiabases and amphibolites.

Metadiabases originated from uralitization of diabases. These rocks have tholeiitic affinity and predominant basaltic composition. Some samples are andesi-basalts. Geochemical data indicate that the compositional variation of diabases and metadiadases is due to fractional crystallization of evolved tholeiitic magmas. The origin of the basaltic magmas is related to a heterogeneous mantle source. Characteristics of charcoal fines obtained by rapid pyrolysis process of elephant grass in fluidized bed in different operation conditions; Caracteristicas dos finos de carvao vegetal obtido pelo processo de pirolise rapida de capim elefante em leito fluidizado em diferentes condicoes de operacao.

Nucleo Interdisciplinar de Planejamento Energetico. This paper presents a study about the effect of excess air and the inert fixed bed height upon the characteristics of fine charcoal particles and the main reactor parameters. The pyrolysis process is considered as a method to concentrate carbon in fine charcoal particles and a method to reduce oxygen content in the biomass.

The value of the concentration x of the element dope Cu varies between 0,1 and 0,5 mols. It intends evaluate that form the synthesis method influences in the physical structural characteristics of this material. Nano catalysts obtained by the method Pechini presents crystallinity larger deg, according with patterns of ray-X. Thus, it was concluded that synthesis employee method the kind in the methodology, as well as the value of the concentration of the element dope has influence on the final structural characteristics of the developed material.

O impacto dos sintetizadores no processo composicional. A Tutela Penal dos Direitos Humanos. Lugares dos mortos na cristandade ocidental. Full Text Available Resumo. The original command structure of GAMANAL, and its algorithms were kept unchanged; the facilities to read spectra from different multichannel analyzer formats were added.

The operation and performance of the PC version of GAMANAL was compared with some commercial software, in respect to peak sensitivity, multiplet resolution, and accuracy of area determination.

Services on Demand

Contabilidade criativa e responsabilidade dos auditores. In the national and international contexts of professional accounting, the auditor has played a fundamental role. The professional activity of the independent auditor has both helped to encourage market development and contributed to the establishment of a global socio-economic order. From the point of view of the external users of accounting information and the clients themselves, the professional activity of the auditor is a synonym of trust and credibility.

In the last few months, the wave of financial scandals involving large auditing companies, some of which were even convicted for their demonstrated - direct and indirect - intervention in. Equinococosis humana quiste hidatidico: The author describes two cases of hepatic echinococcosis demonstrating again, as correa henao and bojanini have done before, that this parasitosis exists in Colombia and is probably more common than usually believed. The pathology, morphology, life cycle, epidemiology, symptomatology and diagnosis are briefly reviewed.

O Paradoxo da Porta dos Desesperados. E faz a derradeira pergunta: Preliminary analysis in a clayey mass aimed at ceramic blocks production: The physical, chemical and mineralogical characterization of the clayey mass are important in determining its properties, allowing a better knowledge of the raw material used in the manufacture of ceramic products. This work aims to characterize the raw material used in the manufacture of ceramic sealing blocks in a ceramic industry.

Thus, it was evaluated by laboratory tests the raw material used in the production of ceramic blocks in a ceramics industry in the region of Carnauba dos Dantas, RN. The methodology used in the tests is the same as the IPT, which consists in carrying out the plasticity testing, particle size, chemical analysis and X-ray diffraction. Results indicate that the sample studied by the physical and mineralogical characteristics, has the potential to be applied in the manufacture of red ceramic products for use in construction.

La larga vida de dos rocas orensanas. We start with their description in Christian texts, and then we observe that their relation with important hillforts forms a localization pattern, and finally we propose to date that relationship in the Iron Age. These analyses are pertinent in the current debate about the chronology of the Galician rock art, and we propose that the use and meaning in the long term is as important as the initial moment of the carving.

Neurobiologia dos transtornos do controle dos impulsos The neurobiology of impulse control disorders. To review the neurobiological substrates of impulse control disorders. Pathological gambling is a main focus of the review in that most biological studies of the formal impulse control disorders have examined this disorder. The medical database Medline from to present was searched to identify relevant articles that were subsequently reviewed to generate this manuscript.

Para uma mesma amostra ambos os valores deveriam coincidir, o que raramente acontece. Agricultural liming materials can have two calcium carbonate equivalents: For one sample, both values should be similar, however, this rarely occurs. Several hypoteses were raised to justify the difference. Results of this research permit to infer that not all calcium and magnesium should be associated to the chemically effective bases, but they are also associated to phosphate, sulphate or other bases of inexpressive strength. It is also possible that, the neutralizing components could be captured inside cristals, like silica for example, which react only after a strong solubilization of the sample.

It is concluded that the chemical evaluation of agricultural liming materials at the present time cannot explain the agronomical behaviour of. Dos escuelas en Daly City California. Both buildings have been well designed. Space and light, the contrasts of volumes, and the power of colouring have been successfully handled.

Os conflitos conjugais na perspectiva dos filhos. Las informaciones fueron grabadas, transcritas y el contenido analizado a partir de los temas emergentes. Se concluye que los sujetos son conscientes de los conflictos conyugales de sus padres y reconocen sus repercusiones.

Reporte de dos casos. Dos celebraciones religiosas en un mundo globalizado. Tres elementos ayudan a explicar esta permanencia: The Department's policy is to provide Fixed-price, labor-hour, and time-and-materials contracts Dos iglesias de Pierre Pinsard, arquitecto Francia. The basic construction is of expossd concrete with metal columns. Consisting of one floor only, it has a main nave with room for , a chapel, catechism rooms, two sacristies, mortuary, presbytery, choir and gardens. The construction is of concrete faced with brick, and metal roof with interior wood lining.

Calidad percibida por dos poblaciones adscritas a dos centros de salud de la provincia de Cuenca. El objetivo del presente trabajo es medir y comparar la calidad percibida por dos poblaciones asignadas a dos centros de salud de la provincia de Cuenca. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal. Se ha hecho un muestreo aleatorio estratificado por cuotas de edad y sexo a partir de la tarjeta sanitaria individual. Se ha medido la calidad percibida con un cuestionario validado y fiable, utilizado anteriormente con fines similares por el Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Se analizan un total de encuestas, a varones y a mujeres.

La media de frecuencias semanales para el Centro de Salud de MP ha sido: El tiempo de espera en el Centro de Salud de MP ha sido: De los dos grupos de usuarios estudiados, los que perciben. Dos traducciones costarricenses de Guy de Maupassant. The diagnosis of MS was based on Poser's et al.

Todas as cenas dos Lobos da saga crepúsculo (HD)

From patients, were included. The mean age onset was Oitenta e cinco eram mulheres. Chemical and isotopic characteristics of rainwater at Los Humeros geothermal field, Puebla, Mexico and surrounding areas; Caracteristicas quimicas e isotopicas del agua de lluvia en el campo geotermico de Los Humeros, Puebla, Mexico y zonas aledanas. A study of chemical and isotopic characteristics of rainwater at Los Humeros geothermal field was undertaken for the second consecutive year. Samples were collected in seven stations-two inside the field and five on the periphery.

In , a total of 99 samples were collected and were collected in Anomalous samples in Perote station were not observed a result that we attribute to the predominant wind direction. The results for the Campamento station are attributed to the thermal inversion phenomena occurring when the samples with negative alkalinity were obtained.

Concentrations of cations in some samples were relatively high, with the maximum concentration of calcium in the Los Humeros station Other significantly high values were found in the Texcal station Another factor affecting these figures could be the presence of block and lime factories in the neighborhood. Although measured concentrations may seem high, reports exist with similar concentrations in nongeothermal areas.

Oxygen and deuterium contents were determined for each stations, mixing anomalous samples. Os resultados mostraram que os sujeitos parecem estar dispostos a participar mais efetivamente desse processo em casa e em parceria com a escola. Estudio de inmunogenicidad para dos vacunas recombinantes contra hepatitis B.

The Electron Energy Loss EEL spectra collected provide an experimental method of probing the bonding within a material. With the extra addition of monochromators, the energy resolution obtainable means that even more information is revealed within the fine structure of the spectra. Interpreting the fine structure can often be aided by simulation.

This comparison between simulation and experiment enables us to explore how changes in the spectrum are related to changes within the sample. Recent developments have resulted in a separate analysis tool, Opta DOS. One of the important aspects of the code is the way in which the DOS is calculated. This is done via linear extrapolation or adaptive smearing, methods which are not currently available within CASTEP or indeed any other code and which allow detailed analysis of spectral properties.

This paper summarises these developments and what they mean for the interpretation of EEL spectra. Perspectivas para a pesquisa em contabilidade: Full Text Available Este artigo analisa o impacto dos instrumentos financeiros derivativos para a pesquisa em contabilidade.