Letters to The Times upon War and Neutrality (1881-1920) (TREDITION CLASSICS)

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The ban on emigration to America is lifted. Under the Constitution of free emigration for all the inhabitants is recognised on payment of a fee, which remains until Portugal starts to use the first adhesive postal stamps on letters, postcards and parcels, in the reign of Queen Mary II. Russia seeks to exploit Ottoman political weakness to gain diplomatic rights for Orthodox subjects of the Empire. Peace established by the Treaty of Paris The Crimean War causes an exodus of the Crimean Tatars, about , of whom move to the Ottoman Empire in continuing waves of immigration.

Used at first to transport coal, it was opened for passenger transportation in In the United Principalities, the first railway line, built by the British company J. Staniforth, was inaugurated 31 October Leopoldo Alinari, with his brothers Romualdo and Giuseppe, opens in Florence one of the first photography workshope — Fratelli Alinari. Britain and France support Ottoman resistance, targeting the Russian naval base in Crimea.

Britain provides military and naval support to the Ottoman armed force. The Semmering Railway is the first mainline railway to pass through mountainous territory. Ottoman Empire obtains its first foreign loan. English amateur archaeologist Frank Calvert — begins excavations in Troy. It recommends establishment of a commission to enforce urban regulations and improve the city's physical make-up, financed through a separate tax structure.

In Moldavia 22 December and then in Wallachia 20 February a law for the emancipation of the gypsy slaves of private owners is passed. Gypsies belonging to the church and to the state had already been liberated. More than five million visitors attend and 25 states and their colonies are represented. From , the spa towns of eastern France are developed: A school is built by the Jesuits in Ghazir Kisruwan district. Inauguration of the Egyptian Museum in Florence.

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Barbadinhos steam pumping station is inaugurated. The so-called Moorish style recalls the Islamic art of Spain and North Africa between the 12th and 15th centuries, which it is said reached its zenith in the Alhambra. The Oriental influx is due also to the presence of Turkish power. Scott, James Brown Editor. There's Freedom for the Brave:

The bulk of its holdings are the items collected by Ippolito Rossellini during the —29 Franco-Tuscan expedition to Egypt, together with the Egyptian antiquities that the Medici family had collected during the 18th century. The railways law, Ley General de Caminos de Hierro Law of the Iron Roads establishes principles for the railway and its public and private development. It specifies a rail width that is wider than the European rail.

Its continued use still causes problems for rail connections between Spain and France today. The government introduces a law establishing the telegraphic network in Spanish territory, marking the beginning of telecommunications in Spain. Its objective is to link every important city and the provincial capitals. The Madoz law introduced in provides for the state confiscation and sale of the rest of the Church properties and also of municipal properties.

King Pedro V —61 has a pivotal role in boosting the national presence. The earliest railway line within the Empire is opened between Costanta and Cernovoda in present-day Romania. Telegraphic communication is introduced within the empire. The Russian protectorate over the Romanian countries is ended. Moldavia receives the southeast of Bessarabia. The internationalisation of the Danube through the Treaty of Paris has a positive influence on the development of Romanian commerce.

In a treaty is signed, initiated by Britain in order to strengthen its influence over Morocco and to maintain its naval supremacy in the Mediterranean, which hugely undermines Moroccan sovereignty. This treaty wrested control over the extent of European penetration away from the governing institution of Morocco the Makhzen.

The advantages gained by European traders, combined with their superior technique and the quantity of capital behind them, enabled then to monopolise most of the sea trade and to reduce Moroccan players to mere intermediaries. The orthogonal design of the streets creates a new neighbourhood: The Portugaliae Monumenta Historica is published. He undertook this task in — Inauguration of the first Portuguese railway between Lisbon and Carregado, 36, km north of Lisbon, by King Pedro V and innumerable guests, transported in 14 wooden carriages pulled by two locomotives.

The first train trip lasts 40 minutes. A steam engine is adapted to move the locomotives. The Rescript states the equality of Muslims and non-Muslims before law, the right of non-Muslims to be admitted to government and military service, and abolition of the poll tax and freedom in education for non-Muslims. Rudolf Virchow, friends with the famous archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, claims that the Neanderthal is not prehistoric man.

Italian architect Luigi Storari is appointed to carry out the re-building of the area, which is to conform to the new pattern: Established on a small scale, the bank becomes an imperial bank by The pact guarantees Tunisians and also foreigners their civil and political rights, security of persons and properties, equality before the law, etc. A paved road, 6 meters wide, is built between Beirut and Damascus. Primary school is compulsory for all children boys and girls providing the basis for combatting illiteracy. It is established under the auspices of the Geological Commission from specimens collected by the Portuguese pioneers of geology Carlos Ribeiro, Nery Delgado, Pereira da Costa, Paul Choffat and others.

The public telegraph service becomes available, one year after its first official connection between the Royal Palace and the Parliament. The Morse telegraph system is also used in the international connection to the telegraphic network in Spain, on the border of Elvas and Badajoz.

A reaction to Naturalism and Parnassism, Symbolism focuses on the imagination and spirituality. Inspired by Charles Baudelaire, the aesthetic developed i. The Great Depression, which starts in the United states with the panic of , represents the first global economic crisis. Forced migrants-turned-settlers are given 70 donums about 17 acres to start farming. The Ministry of Public Education is founded. Under the reign of Muhammad Pasha Bey a major reform is carried out: Further municipal towns were created in other parts of the country: Sfax, Sousse and Kairouan among others.

The convention replaces the Organic Regulations, becoming the new constitution of the United Principalities. Development of pilgrimages in France, in particular to Lourdes, thanks to faster modes of transport such as rail. An industrial exhibition is held in Turin. Telephone communication is established between the cities of Piraeus and Syros underwater , and Athens and Patras. Opening of the Isabel II channel, the water system of Madrid diverting water from the river Lozoya to the new fountain in San Bernardo street in the centre of Madrid.

They are important centres for international trade. Promulgation of the Land Law regulating private property in agricultural areas. Union of Moldavia and Wallachia. The United Principalities could now have a single government and parliament. After unification in , there is great development of railways, which by total 15, km. The Casati Law is passed in the Kingdom of Sardinia and in extended to the rest of Italy that defines the organisation of the educational system, from primary school to university. The system is aimed more at educating the ruling elite than the illiterate masses.

Humanities are given a much higher status than scientific and technical education. Pro-unification insurrections in central Italy; Garibaldi leads an expedition of 1, volunteers in Southern Italy. Construction of the so-called classical trilogy — namely the Academy of Athens, the National Library of Greece and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens — which is designed by the brothers Theophilus and Christian Hansen.

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As a result, it was forced to seek a foreign loan that it was able to pay back using customs revenues. He also thought about modernising the army, both in terms of soldier training and equipment. This was eventually achieved by his son Mulay al-Hasan I. War declared on Morocco. Battles of Castillejos Fnidq and Wad-Ras.

A peace agreement is signed with the Moroccan Sultan leaving Tetouan under Spanish rule. Johann Phillipp Reis invents the telephone. Sokaklara Dair Nizamname Regulation for Streets issued. Following development of the Port of La Goulette, new districts relating to trade and industrial activities are born. The restoration of the Aqueduct of Zaghouan is completed, running water arrives in Tunis. After centuries of neglect the creation of new administrative units late in the 19th century strengthens the Ottoman presence in Transjordan. This trend materialises in the construction of administrative buildings in newly established or re-established towns and investment in infrastructure.

New towns mean new roads: Amman, Jerash and Madaba are linked by paved roads and in Madaba is linked with Karak. Construction of the Hijaz Railway and lines of communication results in extensive urban development along the railway. However, it also creates social disparities and tensions. Newcomers to Transjordan, whether from neighbouring Arab countries such as Syria, Palestine and Hijaz or from further afield such as Caucasus, bring with them not only artefacts of their home culture, including personal ornaments, weapons, costumes and treasured items, but also the necessary skills and social habits that help them to adapt in their new homeland.

Palestinian and Damascene merchants have long-established trade relations with Transjordan villages. Large families of these merchants move to these towns. They build many structures and become major landowners and form the elite of Transjordan society. These merchants become the dominant economic force and open up Transjordan to regional trade. Due to the very diverse composition of the Transjordanians with their different backgrounds — Arabs and non-Arabs, Muslims and Christians, settlers and nomads — Transjordan becomes the melting pot for different cultures. This is reflected in very diverse cultural artefacts fashion and costumes, musical instruments and music, and dances but more importantly in traditions and social behaviour.

By the s, population density has decreased drastically. The border of the sawn cultivated land had been pushed westwards under the pressure of the nomadic tribes from the east. Several reasons are suggested for this decline, including maladministration and the taxation policies of the Ottoman Empire. Some of the regions south of Ajlun, including Amman area, and along the escarpment of the Jordan valley were almost completely abandoned.

Recovery starts during the last quarter of the 19th century. The unification of Italy leads to urban expansion outside the old city walls, which have lost their defensive value. Medieval urban buildings are often demolished in order to build monumental architecture. The right to vote is reserved for a small elite of men who have certain levels of income and education: Konstantinos Paparrigopoulos writes a five-volume History of the Greek Nation , a highly influential historiographical work about the continuity of Greek history since antiquity.

Sigmund Freud — is born in Moravia; he emigrates from Moravia to Vienna. The Manises pottery begins to produce objects in lustreware. His icons are distinguished by bright colour and baroque features. The birth in Prilep of the first Macedonian composer Atanas Badev d. He studied music in Russia and was conductor of several school choirs and of the first city choir in Prilep. Cepenkov — was born in Prilep.

Among the greatest collectors of Macedonian oral folk literature, during the s he was prolific in recording folklore creations. The importance of his collecting activities lies not only in the volume but also in the diversity of folklore traditions recorded, including proverbs, sayings, tales, songs, riddles, charms, beliefs, dreams and interpretation, and children's games. Grigor Prlichev's epic poem "The Serdar", written in Greek, wins first prize at the annual poetry competition held in Athens.

Prlichev —93 was born in Ohrid. This prolific Macedonian poet and translator was a dedicated advocate of introducing the native spoken language in Macedonian schools. He was referred to as a second Homer, having translated the "Iliad" into the Macedonian language. His proclamations have been interpreted as an early expression of Lebanese nationalism. A full-scale war erupts between Maronites and Druze.

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Druze control of the territory is recognised as the fact on the ground, and the Maronites are forced into an enclave. This is ratified by the Concert of Europe in Under the liberal educational reforms, Lyceu Nacional de Aveiro Aveiro High School is the first school in Portugal to occupy a building designed specifically for this function.

Previously schools occupied existing buildings, often old convents. Travelling became a great cultural and social phenomenon with Romanticism. Travel became refined and even a simple journey to the countryside required such accessories as this travel case for meals. Impressionist painters capture the effects of light in outdoor and everyday scenes. Muhammad Sadiq Bey promulgates a constitution limiting his powers.

Urban growth in Italy: Naples is the biggest city Rounded to nearest 1, The Italian population grows from 22 million in to almost 33 million in , to Part of the increases are due to annexations of new territories. During the same period average annual migration to European and Mediterranean countries is 99, in the s and, in the s, peaking in the s at , Average annual migration to non-European countries is 22, in the s and , in the s, peaking in the s at , Figures, rounded to the nearest 1,, include both permanent and temporary migration.

The pre-unification laws on the protection of cultural heritage of the individual Italian states remain in force even after unification. Until , different Italian regions are thus subject to different disciplines. Collection of Macedonian poems compiled by the Miladinov brothers is published in Zagreb. Konstantin Miladinov —62 , a prominent Macedonian poet, folklorist and educator is a major contributor. Despite a reference to Bulgarian songs in the title, the folk literature recorded by the Miladinovs originated mostly from the areas of Struga, Ohrid, Prilep, Kukush and Bitola.

In the aftermath of the Lebanese civil war in , the Ottoman authorities impose a new system of government for the mountain districts of Lebanon. Formerly, the region had been divided into two districts, one with a Maronite Christian administrator and the other with a Druze. The Ottomans combine them into a single district, known as the mutasarrifiyya.

The British India Company establishes a regular steamer service in the Arabian Gulf, first as a mail service, and later enhanced by cargo and passenger services. Law on the unification of currencies passed: Otto von Bismarck becomes prime minister of Prussia. In it begins publishing a periodical in which the works of Romanian writers appear and also translations from worldwide literature.

Construction of the Opening of applied art schools, often attached to museums: The Club Alpino Italiano is founded in Turin. In 25 years, membership reaches 4, with 34 local branches. By it had built 57 mountain huts. The intention of the trade treaty signed with France in August is to curb the damaging effects of protectionism and to limit the extent of European penetration but, subverted from its original purpose, it becomes one of the causes of the protectionism problem.

The Dahir of June then proclaimed freedom of trade throughout the Sharifian Empire. The conventions of , —1 and established the legal bases for relations between Morocco and Europe. Now as the education budget increased, gradually, the government also returned to dispatching missions to Europe, mostly to France.

A number of primary schools were established across the country: Fortuny buys different artworks and textiles for his collection. Written very quickly, this romance has everything to be a major work of passion: The popular uprising sounds the death knell for reform. Dimitrie Bolintineanu, the Minister of Religion and Public Instruction, organises in Bucharest an exhibition displaying works of contemporary Romanian artists, the most important of the time being painters Theodor Aman, Gheorghe Tattarescu and Carol Popp de Szathmari.

All urban communes must have a fire department and a hospital. The Statute Expanding the Paris Convention assigned greater power to the prince and the government. Alexandru Ioan Cuza promulgates the first Romanian land reform, which transforms peasants into owners of the land on which they had been working on the estates of the aristocracy.

Peasants are also freed from the duties they had to perform for the nobility. The Qawasim and other sheikhdoms of the Arab littoral are held by Britain to sign a Treaty pledging to abstain from any interference with British Gulf Telegraph installations and to punish any aggressions made against them. The Capuchins had arrived in Beirut in , practising their rites in the old Saint George church where the current Maronite cathedral now stands. Before moving to their present location the Capuchins built their first church, also dedicated to Saint Louis, in Beirut in Their number and membership grows considerably over time until the development of modern welfare.

The Ionian islands are incorporated within the newly established Greek State. Dawud Pasha the mutasarrif [governor] of Lebanon, appointed by the Ottomans restores to Lebanon a part of its lost territory, establishes for the Druze a school in Abayh that still bears his name and struggles against the feudal lords in the south and the clerical party in the north. The museum is located in the ruins of medieval Convento do Carmo, destroyed by the earthquake.

Banco Nacional Ultramarino is established in Lisbon, as the issuing bank for Portuguese overseas territories. BNU has a significant role in supporting the economic development of the country and the former colonies. Its savings, investment and issuing role facilitates the currency circulation throughout them. The unpopular tobacco monopoly is ended by parliamentary law. Hereafter tobacco will be auctioned and exploited by those offering the best price to the state. Some of the main tobacco companies merge into bigger companies to ensure its exploration.

The Companhia Lisbonense de Tabacos, founded in , becomes a major player. The chemist Julius Lothar Meyer —95 develops the first periodic table of chemical elements. It runs until Imperial decree orders that all civil servants have to light one or two street gas lamps in front of their houses both in summer and winter. The annual organisation of such an exhibition is established by a decree issued in December The new-born Italian state approves a civil code that places women in a subordinate position in the family.

Male and female adultery are treated differently. The worst of the five cholera epidemics that hit Italy during the 19th century kills more than , The most affected towns are always Naples and Palermo. It is an example of 19th-century iron buildings. The stuccoes of the corridor of the Monserrate Palace are inspired by those of Alhambra Palace in Granada.

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The profusion of columns is considered to recall those in the Hypostyle Hall of the Cordova Mosque. Designed by the English architect Thomas Dillen Jones, it follows the London model and was conceived to accommodate the Portuguese International Exhibition. Naturalism, a literary movement that draws inspiration from descriptions of life, science and documentary observation, and which on occasion makes use of crude vocabulary to give it greater veracity, causes widespread offence.

It will later be turned into a courthouse after the French Mandate and then become the Insitute of Fine Arts of the Lebanese University. On 13 July a new constitution is adopted, based on the Belgian one from Qawasim lands are divided among the four sons of Sheikh Sultan bin Saqr following his death. The number of Trucial States rises from five to nine.

A law confiscates the properties of religious orders and congregations, and establishes a state fund to support the clergy and monks. Nikiphoros Lytras takes up a professorship at the School of the Arts in Athens. The first Egyptian stamps are issued on 1 January. The School provides a study programme of five years: Financial crisis during the last years of Queen Isabel II's government because of public investments in the construction of the railway. Werner von Siemens invents the dynamo. It was the first modern German nation-state and the basis for the later German Empire — The Civil Medical School is opened.

The centre of present-day Transylvania is integrated into the Hungarian kingdom after the creation of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Partium and Banat had already been included in Hungary. Law on the abolition of religious bodies: Around 60 per cent of men and 80 per cent of women are unable to sign their marriage certificate because they are unable to write.

Uprising in Rome demanding unification with Italy. At the same time, Garibaldi leads an expedition of volunteers that enters the Papal States and tries to seize Rome. Roman rebels are defeated and executed. Garibaldi is defeated by Papal troops backed by a French expeditionary corps France protects the Papal States. In , it organises an exploratory expedition to East Africa, in to Tunisia and in to Ethiopia.

Such travels generally combined scientific purposes and political agendas. The Paris Exhibition is the major international exhibition of the century. In the aftermath of the Crimean War —56 , when France, Britain and Turkey ally against Russia, there is a boost of friendship with and interest in the Ottoman Empire. The s and s sees close political, commercial and cultural relations between the Ottoman Empire and Britain. The Prince of Wales then reciprocates with a visit to Constantinople, Damascus and Jerusalem in The Austrian-Hungarian compromise creates a dual-monarchy that has common ministries only for foreign affairs, defence and public finance.

The museum covers prehistory to modern times, and from its opening in Spanish Moorish objects are displayed in its Medieval galleries. The protagonist is the prosecutor Febo Moniz, the sole representative of the state to protest against the acclamation of Philip II of Spain as King of Portugal. It is located in the Tapada da Ajuda, a green area in the west of Lisbon. First phylloxera disease reaches the Portugal countryside.

Porto wine and Portuguese wine production in general is reduced dramatically. This disease causes economic, financial and social distress and leads to the abandonment of vineyard farms. The loss of revenues and unemployment increases emigration, especially to Brazil. Phylloxera Commission created by the government in order to protect vineyards from the disease. To combat the disease demands new methods of planting and production. The exoticism is a symbol of the Portuguese Empire built by the discoveries of the 15th and 16th centuries. The nostalgia of this work, a landmark of the symbolist movement, is tempered by a certain self-irony, alternating a symbolist refined vocabulary with a more colloquial one.

He influenced the work of the main Portuguese modernists. It is intended to meet the liberal need to regulate the juridical system as happened with French Napoleonic Code. One of its main concerns is the regulation of civil marriage. The Code will remain in force for nearly a century. Foundling wheels for babies left anonymously to be cared for were used between the 15th and the 19th century.

From they are gradually abolished and replaced by asylums for orphans, foundlings and abandoned older children. Organised childcare is promoted from through the foundation of childcare centres and public support for families. King Ludwig II of Bavaria sets in motion the building of his second palace, Linderhof —85 , the smallest of the large palaces he had built, and the only one he lived to see completed.

The inaugural concert takes place in the same year on 15 December. This event is the first step towards the foundation of the Archaeological Museum of the American University. Foundation of the Archaeological Museum of the American University of Beirut after Luigi Palma di Cesnola gives a collection of Cypriot pottery to the newly formed university.

The railway across the Brenner Pass via the Alps opens. Michael Latos is born in Croatia Austrian Empire in He later deserts the Austrian army and flees to the Ottoman Empire, where he makes a military career as Omar Pasha and becomes Minister of War in Different circular letters by the Minister of Interior place obstacles on migration: Such circular letters have only limited effect. Landowners put pressure on government to discourage migration. Construction of the Abdeen Palace in Cairo begins in and inauguration takes place some six years later. Known then as the School of Management and Languages, the two schools separate in and remain as such until July That year, it becomes the School of Law with two departments, primary and high.

Their characteristics are middle-class consciousness and a realist style. Carlist wars, economic crisis —68 and disgruntlement with Queen Isabel II and the government explode in the September revolution known as La Gloriosa. The revolution is followed by six years of democratic government under Amadeo I, from the Italian Saboya family, —73 and then under the first Spanish Republic —74 , causing the 3rd Carlist war.

Pianist, composer, conductor and pedagogue, he studied piano and composition in Berlin and performed in concerts around the world. The most famous among these are Neuschwanenstein —92, still in construction when Ludwig died , Neues Schloss Herrenchiemsee —86, built along the lines of Versailles, but never completed , and Linderhof —85 , the only palace the king lived to see completed. The opening of the Suez Canal sparks a second burst of British popular interest in ancient Egypt. In Bucharest they are introduced in Opening of the new State Opera House in Vienna. Banyan Hindu merchants from British India increase their commercial, shipping and banking activities throughout the Trucial Coast, particularly within the pearling sector.

Soon the Banyan becomes the main financiers, controlling all processes involving the preparation and pricing of pearls for export to Europe. The railway line from the Thesion district in central Athens to the Port of Piraeus opens. Under French direction the Suez Canal opens in , improving the route to India. Britain then acquires a financial interest in the Canal in When in Cyprus becomes part of the British Empire, another fuelling station on the imperial route to India is achieved.

Built largely with French expertise and capital, the Suez Canal shortens the journey to India. The British government secures a major financial interest in the Canal in , and its security becomes a major British interest for the following century. Academic interest and geopolitical concerns combine to stimulate the state-of-the-art mapping of Palestine.

There is strong interest in the lands of the Bible. In addition, following the opening of the Suez Canal, threats to British routes to India loom from the north, first from Russia and then from the Ottoman Empire and Germany. From , the suburbs appear around major French cities such as Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux and Marseille.

The Third Republic had a difficult start: From onwards, as the peripheries around the big French cities like Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux and Marseille start growing, they develop into a real suburban belt around the city. The period marks the peak of the pearling industry as the main export-commodity industry of the Gulf region. Renewal and urban modernisation of Rome starts with the opening of a long road linking Porta Pia where the Italian army broke into the city in to the Quirinale Palace, residence of the King formerly a papal palace. The headquarters of some ministries are located along this road.

In , taking advantage of French defeat at the hands of Prussia, the Italian army captures Rome, which becomes the capital of Italy. The Pope considers Italian rule on Rome to be illegitimate and bans Catholics from participating in Italian political life. In the following decades the ban is progressively lifted to counter socialist growth. Extensive emigration of intellectuals from Macedonia to neighbouring countries and Russia.

With unfavourable conditions at home for science and research, many Macedonian students stay in the country where they studied to contribute to the development of science, culture and arts. They often organised societies such as the Sofia Circle of Macedonian Students run by Petar Pop-Arsov — , which began issuing Loza newspaper in Ottomans appoint Rustam Pasha as mutasarrif governor.

He is an equally firm and economical administrator. The corset introduces the fashion for a more slender figure. Proclamation of the Third Republic. The Deutsche Bank is founded by Georg von Siemens. The rail network transforms German industry, and merchant shipping multiplies. The so-called Ruhrpolen migrate to the Ruhr, where many work in coal mining. After that incident using brick and stone to build houses becomes obligatory. Ahmed Mithat Efendi — , who introduced the novel from the Ottoman community begins to publish Letaif-I Rivayat Finest Stories , which includes long stories and novellas.

Alexandru Odobescu sends an archaeological questionnaire to teachers all over the country, who have to return information about archaeological discoveries or vestiges of antique monuments existing in the areas where they live or work. Nikolaos Politis publishes the first volume of his pioneering work on Greek folklore, Study of the Life of Modern Greeks: Jezira Bridge is constructed in and opens to traffic in The intention is to link the districts of Dokki and Bulaq al-Dakrur with Zamalek.

Construction requires redirection of the Nile bed. By the end of the 19th century tram lines have increased in cities. Madrid has horse-drawn trams from and Barcelona from but the first city with an electric tram is Bilbao in , followed by Cartagena. Voyage of the frigate Arapiles to the Near East. The ship was commissioned by the Spanish government to travel to the Near East with Spanish archaeologists and curators to document ancient monuments and buy antiquities.

When the people of Paris refuse to accept defeat and take up arms the Versailles-based government resist and harshly repress the "Commune". The German Empire, a union of sovereign states and free cities, is established under Prussian leadership. Berlin becomes the imperial capital. The second Industrial Revolution sees massive immigration; the population rises from 41 to 65 million, and from only eight cities with no more than , inhabitants, more than 48 cities are formed.

The process of urbanisation begins: German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann —90 begins excavations in Troy. The city of Tunis benefits from the first installation of public street lighting. Foundation of the Austrian Agricultural University in Vienna. The Italian composer Verdi is commissioned by the Egyptian Khedive to compose the opera Aida for celebrations to mark the opening of the Suez Canal. Later Verdi is also commissioned to compose the Egyptian National Anthem. It conveys the collective feelings of his contemporary intellectuals and the feelings of loneliness and longing common to those who had left their homeland.

Impression, Sunrise by the Impressionist painter Claude Monet. As a consequence of the Kulturkampf the influence of the Catholic Church is limited in Germany. Khayr al-Din undertakes reform of the Tunisian economy. The regency of Khayr al-Din, the Grand Vizier reformer, who reorganises institutions and the economy. His major cultural works are the creation of Sadiki College and major reform of the Zaytuna Mosque. Two Romanians are members of the international jury of the Vienna International Exposition: Aurelian and doctor Carol Davila.

The government of British India administers the Trucial Coast. Construction of a new water-supply pipeline from the Alps to Vienna. The Austrian archaeologist Alexander Conze organizes excavations in Samothrace. Foundation of the Greek Stock Market. Reign of Mulay al-Hasan I: Mulay al-Hasan I maintains the political independence of the country. He attempted to adapt the country to its new circumstances and employed a policy of reforms, affecting all areas of political and economic life, to improve the management of public affairs. A Special Reference to Jurisdiction over Department of State of the United States: Yale University Press, Department of State, Derecho Publico Internacional en Mexico: Su Evolucion Desde la epoca Virreinal hasta Nuestros Au comptoir des Imprimeurs-unis, Deterring Cybertrespass and Securing Cyberspace: Lessons from United States Border Control Development of International Justice: Development of the League of Nations Idea: The Macmillan Company, The Rollins press, University of Notre Dame Press, Houghton Mifflin Co, Johns Hopkins Press, Oxford University Press, American branch; [etc.

The Banks Law Pub. Collier, ; Littleton, Colo: Documentary Textbook on International Relations: Pan American Union, , Naval War College Press, Laid before the Conference Documents respecting the Limitation of Armaments: Laid before the First Hague Peace Conference of Dominican Republic Crisis The Century Co, La Libreria Dello Stato, Chez la veuve de Pierre de Coup, Droit des Gens ou Principes de la Loi Naturelle.

Stilke et Van Muyden, Institut Americain de Droit International, Publications de la Dotation Carnegie pour la paix internationale. Division de droit international Durand et Pedone-Lauriel [etc. Reprints of economic classics. Economic Foundations of Peace: Plans of the Founders of This Republic and National Council for Prevention of War, Elementorum Jurisprudentiae Universalis Libri Duo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Little, Brown and Company; [etc. Lea and Blanchard, Elements of International Law.

Elements of International Law: Elements of Maritime International Law: End of the War in the Pacific: Energie Atomique et les Etats-Unis: Librairie Generale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, University of Illinois, At the University Press, Negro Universities Press, National Defense University, Harvard University Press, Oxford university press, American branch, Whipple and Damrell, Ohio State University Press, Deighton, Bell and Co.

League of Nations Association, Educational dept, Michigan State University Press, Loyola University Press, The Open court Pub. European Concert in the Eastern Question. University Press of Virginia, Oxford University Press, H. Evidence in the Case: International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, Exposition of the Conduct of France towards America: Illustrated by Cases Decided in the Council of The Banks Law Publishing Co.

Houghton, Miffin and company, John Day Co, Published for the World Peace Foundation [by] Ginn, John Van Voorst, First Steps in International Law: Stanford University Press, The University press, Foreign and Domestic Law: University of California press, Foreign Relations of the United States, In the Matter of the Case Foundations of World Order: Fourth International Prison Congress, St.

The Catholic Association for International Peace, The Carnegie Institution of Washington, Cornell Maritime Press, Free Seas in War: Freedom in a Federal World: New York; London [etc. From Nuremberg to Darfur: From Versailles to Locarno: University of Minnesota Press, Department of Justice, Civil Division, Studies in transnational legal policy, The American Society of International Law, General Treatise of the Dominion of the Sea: And a Compleat Body of the Sea-Laws: Printed for the executors of J.

Little, Brown, and Co. The Macmillan company, German Imperialism and International Law: Based upon German Authorities and the Archives of the Oxford university press, Great Britain and the Law of Nations: A Selection of Documents Illustrating the Views of the Great Britain, Spain and France versus Portugal: In the Matter of the Expropriated Religious American Book Co, Growth of American Foreign Policy: Contributions to international law and diplomacy. Guide to the New World: Ginn, ; Littleton, Colo: Oxford university press, American branch; [etc.

Hague Conventions and Declarations of and Accompanied by Tables of Signatures, Oxford University Press, American Branch, Oxford University Press, ; Buffalo, N. United States Government Printing Office, International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation, Longmans, Green, and Co, Blackwood and sons, Printed by Thomas Burnside, for Messrs. His Majesty's Stationery Office, History of the World War: Human Rights and the Helsinki Accord: Human Rights in the International Community and in U.

The Documentary Evolution of the Selected Executive and Congressional Printing office of the Public Works Co. Immunities and Privileges of International Officials: Imperial Japanese Mission, A Record of the Reception throughout the United States of the Office of Technology Assessment, In the Fourth Year: Inaugural Addresses of Theodore W.

Dwight, Professor of Law, and of George P. By authority of the Trustees, Independence of the South-American Republics: Little, Brown and Co, Institut de Droit International: Institutes of English Public Law: Embracing an Outline of General Jurisprudence; the Development of Voorhies, Law Bookseller and Publisher, Blackwood and Sons, Institutes of Natural Law: William and Joseph Neal, Institutes of the Law of Nations: Inter-American Tribunal of International Justice: Memorandum, Project and Documents Accompanied by Interamerican Law of Fisheries: Reports of Committees and Discussions Thereon.

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At the Clarendon Press, International Law Across the Spectrum of Conflict: Essays in Honour of Professor L. American Council on Public Affairs, International Law and International Relations. An Attempt to Ascertain the Best Method of Sweet and Maxwell, International Commission of Jurists, Fisher Unwin, ltd, International Law and the Middle East Crisis: Fisher Unwin; William Clowes, International Law in National Courts: International Law in Vertical Space: International Law of Bills and Checks: An Address before the Law Association of Philadelphia, Law Association of Philadelphia, The University of North Carolina press, International law studies, , International Law of the Future: International Law Studies Series.

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