Le carnaval des animaux - Flute/Piccolo


Brass : Le carnaval des animaux - Camille Saint-Saens

In the opening section, it is marked Allegro pomposo, the perfect caricature for an elephant. The piano plays a waltz-like triplet figure while the bass hums the melody beneath it. The Swan mooing Pro. Originally scored for solo cello accompanied by two pianos, it has been arranged and transcribed for many instruments but remains best known as a cello solo. The slow cello melody is accompanied by almost constant broken chord figurations on the pianos. When performed as a separate movement, not in the context of The Carnival, The Swan is frequently played with accompaniment on only one piano.

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Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3. As far as I know of Enjoy listening to songs from the best-and worst-Sonic games because the games may not always be good, but the music always rocks! By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Plate prefix changed to D. He relented only for the famous cello solo The Swan, which forms the penultimate movement of the work, and which was published in in an arrangement by the composer for cello and solo piano the original uses two pianos. The Swan mooing Pro.

This is the only movement from The Carnival of the Animals that the composer allowed to be played in public during his lifetime. He thought the remaining movements were too frivolous and would damage his reputation as a serious composer. The term for this rare piece musical ensemble is a "hendectet" or an "undectet. Only small private performances were given for close friends like Franz Liszt. It was first performed on 26 February , and it has since become one of his most popular works. In fact, it is very common to see any combination of these three works together on modern CD recordings.

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These are Asses that come from Tibet, which are known for their great speed. The Carnival of the Animals Mr Porter. I will be aranging this for a concert band within the next several weeks and will upload that when it is done. Finale Not in this Version but will come later Hope you enjoy and let me know if you have any suggestions!

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The movement is composed for bass and piano. The movement is marked Allegro pomposo, and is the perfect caricature for an elephant. He was a composer and actor, known for Paris la belle , Der Zauberdrachen and Les ruses du diable Neuf portraits d'une jeune fille He died on November 22, in Paris, France.

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Poules et Coqs Hens and Cocks 3. Le coucou au fond des bois The Cuckoo in the Depths of the Woods Le Cygne The Swan Be the first to write down a comment. You are not connected, choose one of two options to submit your comment: Follow this composer Be informed by email for any addition or update of the sheet music and MP3 of this artist.

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Le carnaval des animaux - Flute/Piccolo - Kindle edition by Camille Saint-Saëns. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Sheet music for Aviary (Volière from Le Carnaval des Animaux) from The pianos and a small orchestra of flute, piccolo, clarinet, xylophone.

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