Mencken El nacionalismo es una enfermedad infantil. Albert Einstein Nationalism is an infantile sickness.
The governor abused his authority. He returned very late at night. He was stunned and didn't know what to answer. Pero toda mujer que ora o profetiza con la cabeza no cubierta deshonra su cabeza. What's the rate of exchange on the dollar today?
It is the measles of the human race. Finley Peter Dunne The printing press and gunpowder were invented at the same time, and it's a question which has done more for the human race. Don Marquis The bees got their governmental system settled millions of years ago, but the human race is still groping.
Brillat-Savarin The first parents of the human race ruined themselves for an apple-what might they not have done for a truffled turkey? Brillat-Savarin No sobreestime la decencia de la raza humana.
First Prev 3 of 6 Go to page. Random Variable Lifer Jun 7, Aug 10, 10, 0 0. I took Latin in high school. Sep 18, 6, 0 Eres y siempre va ser una pulga retardado que no puede aprender un simple idioma. Que beneficio positivo tu das a la humanidad bendejo, eh?
Tienes que aprender Espanol para la proxima vez que vengo comprar comida de ti que tu me sirves a rodilla en Taco Bell! FleshLight Diamond Member Jun 7, Mar 18, 6, 0 CorCentral Banned Jun 7, Feb 11, 6, 0 0. WolverineGator Slow down kid You are still making neural connections in your brain so learning Spanish or calculus has a benefit beyond the language.
If you learned only what you thought was important you would probably end up retarded like your post or not meet your potential in life. This isn't my opinion, I'm only the messenger. It is well known in the education literature do a PsychInfo search with thousands of studies published over the last 40 years.
Aug 8, 1, 0 0. Being bilingual is a valuable asset in the job market, especially if you live in southern state.
You'll definitely earn more than those who aren't bilingual in the same workplace. Nov 1, 61, 0 RESmonkey I hear this way too much. I'm taking Spanish in High School. I feel I will never use this useless backwater language in any way. I will not use this at work, since I will not work in an environment that encompasses Spanish-speakers who don't speak English.
Why learn this language? Because of the influx of Hispanics?
Buy Próxima Humanidad. (Spanish Edition): Read 1 Kindle Store Reviews - Buy Marte: La próxima frontera (Spanish Edition): Read 1 Kindle Store Reviews De animales a dioses: Una breve historia de la humanidad (Spanish Edition.
That's no reason to learn their linguistics. Y nos franquearon el paso, sin llamada previa.
Sin nadie que te franquee el paso ni te pregunte nada. Fueron innumerables puertas las que hube de franquear hasta llegar al fondo de su deliciosa morada. Hemos llegado al limite que el propio Fidel Castro nos obliga a franquear con su discurso. Continuamos escalando moles gigantescas de piedra y franqueando precipicios con grandes rodeos.
Permite al realizador franquear las barreras que el naturalismo impone. Los manifestantes lograron franquear el ingreso y protestaron golpeando los vidrios, zapatos en mano. What do they call French toast in France? And other similar questions In English, many things are named after a particular country — but have you ever wondered what those things are called in those countries? The origins of dog breed names As their breed names often attest, dogs are a truly international bunch.