My Friends Call Me Moon

Is it weird that my boyfriend calls me Moon?

But then I realized the answer: It hit me like a slap across the face.

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You had better start living your dreams, because you never know how long you have. What are you waiting for? The truth was, I didn't know what I was waiting for. My biggest fear had become my reality — why was I still so afraid to live? So over the next few years I kept putting one foot in front of the other in the direction of my dreams.

Sometimes it was a baby step, other times it was a big leap. As I delved into starting my own business and made joy a priority in both my personal and professional life, it pissed some people off. They accused me of being selfish. Ish means 'more of,' so being selfish is being more of yourself. Don't you want to be more of yourself? Less means less of yourself. Do you want to be less of yourself? Harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, impersonation or misrepresentation, fraud or phishing, show more.

Call Me Moon - "All Out of My Head" (Official Music Video)

Is it weird that my boyfriend calls me Moon? Well we both really enjoy the band GoRadio and our song is Goodnight Moon by GoRadio but do you find it odd he calls me moon? I mean I think it's absolutely adorable but all of my friends tell me it's strange. And that he's weird. Are you sure you want to delete this answer? He's taken the time to have a connection with you to be able to come up with a unique love name. Honey, your friends are jealous that they don't have a love name that their guys cared to take the time to come up with something.

The Inuit people are the most trustworthy source in this discussion, I think, because they do live so far north and would notice a more drastic change than the rest of us. Not only that, but they have been around long enough in that region through the generations to really notice the changes.

I have spoken to several people who have noticed the moon seemed 90 degrees off from its prior position. Also, like others, I have no recollection of supermoons prior to the last few years. I also recall the sun being more yellow and less harsh. Everything seemed to have more of a warm glow rather than a blinding cold colored white. Perhaps if the position or rotation of the earth had changed, the new ANGLE of sunlight rays would cause it to look different. This is probably nothing important, but it still struck me as an amusing contrast at the least: Brilliant observation, Closeted team-E!

That one flew right past me. On another note — Rain and clouds… I distinctly remember that clouds used to clear after a big rainstorm. Now, it seems like the relationship between clouds and rainfall is very different. While I am undecided on the whole chemtrails conspiracy, I noticed a few weeks ago that trails are appearing much more frequently in my neighborhood than they used to.

The trails went from being an occasional sight to appearing multiple times per day every day. A few evenings ago, the sky looked like a bright sheet of royal blue poster board. I was never able to interpret those, but they gave me some intense feeling like nostalgia. It looks like someone took a high-resolution picture and replace it with low-resolution one.

And it has now started to show up in the mainstream media. This guy does a pretty convincing job of proving it is something real I actually thought he was trying to debunk it at first. Please give this video a view if you get time.

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Now a few things 1. This could fit in the sky changes article 3. Any guess on the date of the footage?? This footage could truly fit into a couple of different topics. Just found the dates extremely interesting. Fiona, Your comment on the authors and books, made me laugh! I read some WIDE ranging topics , that are definitely not mainstream media fare. Fiona, Been watching this for a long time. But when the Earth starts getting hit with more geomagnetic storms, an uptick, I should say, as we always are to a degree.

I tend to see patterns of more synchronicity. We will be at a G3 level which are strong Geomagnetic storming levels the scale is G1-G5. Almost forgot, this link will show the scales a bit better. She said yes… I said… how c a n that be seen in a thunderstorm? The lights did not appear close but up in the atmosphere and she just shrugged and said drones? I replied in a thunderstorm??? Until daylight savings time this past weekend, it had stayed dark well past 7am for weeks.

Now with the time change its still 6: For me, there were no chemtrails in the sky growing up. I remember seeing them for the first time shortly after the turn of the century, in fact everyone around me at the time was pretty surprised by them and wondering what they were. It was startling at first, then…. Once we figure out what ME is, anyway lol. In December a friend of mine wanted to sell me his telescope. I brought it home on December 8th and for the next couple weeks we used it mostly , to look at the moon. Both my daughter and I became very familiar with the Lunar surface. So much so, that she could sketch the Moons general appearance from memory.

However, we ended up not buying the thing and on Dec. I went inside and without saying anything about what I wanted them to see, I had my wife and daughter come outside. I was careful not to point anything out to them. I decided NOT to ask my friends and neighbors because it makes me sound delusional to try and articulate my observations. I DID mention it to a close friend and he poo-pooed the notion then asked if my years as a kickboxer may have caught up with me in the form of Pugilista Dementia. Maybe for MY brain…but surely my wife and daughter have a clear and unblemished view.

Thank you for reading. M When you look at any object thru astronomical telescope it gets flipped. From Sky and Telescope:. The view in Newtonian reflectors is also inverted, or rotated at an angle depending on the eyepiece angle with respect to vertical. Straight-through finder scopes also invert the field of view. Using a star chart is difficult; you have to read it from the back, or do the mental gymnastics to flip the image in the eyepiece left to right to match the chart. Porro prisms classical erecting prisms provide correct images while allowing viewing straight through the scope.

They do not work with Newtonian reflectors, however. I have telescopes and scopes and not one of them inverts the moon as it would be rather useless even a basic astro scope one. Hell i even can get decent images via binoculars on the moon, maybe not as high a quality but.. And i am sure the moon has flipped, will flip again at some point. I have only observed the moon with the naked eye. It has flipped, or I should say rotated, without a doubt. More than what is scientifically possible, which is a little bit of tilt in either direction.

I have the dark spots memorized. I remember what it used to always be. In the past year, it has rotated up to degrees, but It keeps changing. Sorry for such a lengthy comment. There are a plethora of YouTube videos by people insisting that the moon is different. I have not recognized our moon in recent years, and have been paying extra attention to it since coming to this site a few months ago and finding others who feel the same.

I realized that when my man is there, I can also see the rabbit that some here have been missing. The face out there online usually outlined so folks can see it is ghoulish. My man in the moon looks friendly and amused. It has what you might call a Mona Lisa smile. I started sketching it that night. The sky has been cloudy here since then. The sun is too bright white and intense instead of warm and yellow. I burn much easier now. Now a few are pretty much always visible. The eastern sky at dawn during the last week of October had Venus, Jupiter, and Mars in a planetary trio any grouping of three planets within a 5 degree circle.

The last one was , next one is You could also see Mercury below them in the same line, if the sky was clear enough. They lined up so perfectly and were incredibly bright, my first thought was of a beacon sorry if this is too speculative and conspiracy theory-ish. After seeing the planetary trio one morning I was intrigued enough to seek out the above info, then wake up before dawn each day to look again. I am curious, as always. Do any of the other posters on here seem to sleep deeper , when there is no moon?? Not sure where to put this question , so here goes.

Since , no matter what time I go to bed I wake up within 2 minutes either side of midnight , and then again within 2 minutes or so either side of 3 am. I get up at am. This happens every night , for the last five or so years. I usually get up , look out my window at the sky, and then go back to bed. Not like I have been asleep , I do dream.

And I do get deep sleep. Mike H, I have chronic insomnia that comes in frequent cycles. I fall asleep then wake between midnight and 3. Hey Mike, my sleep patterns have changed drastically since September, maybe around discovering ME. Anthony, Exactly, not sure if has to do with gravity, and tides or what. Thanks for the reply, Mike H.

I thought people might be interested in this. Another strange photo above Wales. To me , it looks like Emania sp.? Kind of held off on posting this. I know others have. I wracked my brain trying to remember when I first started noticing the orientation and perspective change.

The best I could do was I just do not remember the moon being , as large and horizontal. I have watched the sky my whole life. Taken college level astronomy classes, and things just look so different too me.

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The moons path seems so off also. Higher , then lower than it used to be. Even the face craters , landscape look different. Also , I always thought it was me, but I never remember seeing the moon in daytime as much as we do now. I should preface this post, I have said before, I tie everything to dates , I mean everything. My gut says From what I know of you, through many conversations there, that seems like an anomaly in itself.

It works part of the time, but not always. What if a glitch in the programming becomes more obvious with anomalies — like dual memories, or not being able to recall when a major memory first seemed out-of-place in this reality? Just some idle thoughts, but your comment was a surprise — a break in the pattern, if you will — and raised new-ish questions.

Fiona, Great post , I will be really looking into that link. This really just becomes more and more interesting. This one really bothers me. But I know you understand. Fiona, sorry about that last post please delete if you can. Tried earlier, and lost a post with a lot of ideas. Oh well, I will try again LOL! I like the site layout, just trying to get used to it. That article makes a lot of sense. Except for what ever reason John D. So I might propose an idea. When we meaning us on this site notice a ME, maybe we are close to a doorway, vortices or portal.

Tinnitus, could come into play here also, a form of hearing frequencies connected to a wall, or barrier, near one of these gateways or do I say it , Stargate? This post is missing some of the things I wanted to get out initially in the original post , but I will just assume in some timeline your reading it. Probably shaking your head, hopefully not hitting it on your desk. You see, it actually meshes with one of my leading and hotly disputed long-term theories from ghost hunting: Worse — for those who like convenient explanations, anyway — I doubt that all of those phenomena are actually caused by what we call ghosts.

And, what if, at those time-space locations, the portals or whatever ghost hunters detect with EMF meters etc. I am very excited about this possibility. Is it possible that being near one or more of those portals correlates with a higher incidence of the Mandela Effect? The good news is: Boy-oh-boy, do I know a lot of people who are around haunted places regularly, and sometimes on a daily basis.

And what if tinnitus or variations in it was another way of detecting those time-space access points, just as EMF seems to be? And, going further down the sci-fi path: This could be anything from more people passing through them more readily, to more memories activated as we sense the nearby, familiar reality, to… well, I could be writing this all day. This will sound crazy-as-a-loon to some, but — for me — this is like finding another major piece of a challenging jigsaw puzzle, and seeing that it fits.

Fiona, you have NO idea how much I have to say on this topic. Fiona, Those of us who remember alternate memories could be missing some of the span of time in current reality to compensate for the limited memory space or say neurons that we possess,same as you have to delete some files in a flash drive to accommodate fresh data. What Lorenzo Maccone says is,that you have to lose memory trail to achieve the holy grail of all human endeavor,that is, to decrease entropy.

Suppose we have,say,about 5yrs sum total of alternate memories of all kinds,then assuming that we have lost 5yrs of our timeline somewhen in our life,we can expect 5yrs of entropy decrease,implying that we should be looking 5yrs younger. A mathematical brain teaser that needs more working over.

I immediately thought of the experiments with aged individuals, placing them in an environment that mimicked the world of their prime: And, as I understand it, their biological ages seemed to reverse… only slightly, but it was significant, anyway. So, is it possible that fully recovering earlier memories — not discarded, but perhaps filed elsewhere — and putting more recent memories on the mental external hard drive, could effect this kind of change? The experiment was more of a cosmetic dressing,a botox injection,the physics of the thing is spontaneous and averse to simulation.

After all arrow of time is nothing but sequence of events.

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Yellow Sun grew richer throughout the day. A recent very off-topic example: My man in the moon looks friendly and amused. Blood moon was also a new term to me. We are living in interesting times. Group 7 Created with Sketch. We are not the only ones.

Look up Maccone,you might get your own varied thoughts. I think they would require erasure of the second memory. However, even if those results were achieved, how do we describe those memories: This is an interesting topic, but more of an adjunct to the Mandela Effect, or at least something we can delve into, later. The only thing he knew is that he decided to lease on a month to month because no one lasted longer than 2 or 3 months.

Fiona, I have read, and re-read your post about 20 times in the last day. Crazy-as-a-loon or not , that makes at least two of us. I have almost no doubt that this may in fact be true. Mike H, when you say the moon was too horizontal, are you referring to the shadow on the moon cutting a horizontal line across it? If so, I noticed that last night too. I checked a couple websites last night, and they showed the phase of the moon more or less correct, but they showed the shadow mostly vertical, and last night it was horizontal.

FJ, That is exactly what I am talking about. I just do not remember the horizontal phases? I remember the vertical phases, I have watched those my whole life. It just looks so foreign anymore.

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Last night was really noticeable to me. I always have this nagging feeling that I am in the wrong place. In my above posts ,just to clarify as if I am ANY good at that , lol , I am talking about my memory being fuzzy or blurry. The only thing I can compare it too is anistesia. The 19th it was horizontal, with the bottom of the moon in shadow. Last night it was vertical again, with the left of the moon in shadow.

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  2. The Sun, the Moon, the Stars, and the Sky?
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As far as memories being fuzzy, for me all of is hard to recollect. And even then, the associated memories are very fuzzy. I have no idea what to make of it…but it makes me nervous that I could basically lose a year. Perhaps my primary consciousness was spending time elsewhere, but I have no memories to support that either. Every year since then has really just accelerated my noticing of changes.

Your bring up of that year , does not surprise me at all. For me I knew from the geography , initially , something was not right, or I was going to get committed. Same stages everyone goes through here. And eventually, you end up here. Mike H, The stages you listed are quite accurate. I spent a lot of time in stage 2, too much time doubting myself.

It should be filled with lots of memories, as one of my children was born in late Some of my childhood memories are very clear, but some years are just gone from my memory. However, forgetting most of a more recent year is making me rethink that. I remember and wish i didnt.. Martin, That makes me think: If there is a function to make us forget alternate realities, what if an error caused memories from this timeline to be erased, while we kept the alternate memories that should have been erased?

FJ, Or maybe traumatic events or what we perceive as traumatic , are enough to trigger a defense type mechanism fight-flight response , to cause us to slide over to a different reality? Mike H, That makes sense and ties in nicely with what I was thinking. A protective mechanism of the brain…we already know the brain can forget traumatic events, so taking it a step further maybe it can remove our consciousness from a threatening situation.

If that is true, can we learn to control it? Orbital dynamics are irrelevant to this: I say that, and yet my memory of a horizontally-traveling vertical terminator line persists perhaps Dali knew something? My primary interests are astrophysics w. I must be suffering a rather massive brain fart on this one which would actually be kind of a relief… , and if so, then my bad. The night well, morning, technically before that, we had been talking about it, and he had then recalled it firmly as a vertical line traveling horizontally.

Well, I got that chance the next night. One or both of us switched. This is interesting stuff. I found this question posed online: One person is insisting that the only place to see a horizontal terminal line is near the equator, at the Equinox. For example, a gibbous Moon corresponds to a crescent Earth, a new Moon corresponds to a full Earth, etc. Here is a paper written about the moon tilt illusion where the moon appears to be lit from an impossible angle, facing away from the sun. The math is too technical for me, but perhaps someone else will understand better: I find it frustrating to spend hours researching, only to walk away more confused than when I started!

but my friends call me

Perhaps one of you can shed some light no pun intended on this topic. I have never seen the moon like that. I am so glad you mentioned this.

200 thoughts on “The Sun, the Moon, the Stars, and the Sky”

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more . It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a. I've psychoanalyzed your cat, Mr. Arbuckle He's just fine. Great! It's good to know you're normal, Garfield. My friends call me moon unit.

Must remember to document any odd moon movements I am lucky as i live in the same place for 40 years so i am used to a lot of regular occurances.. I have noticed more moons during the day but that could be i didnt notice them it was more of a U shape than a C shape.. Martin, I think we are saying the same thing. And I understand what you mean, by using the C and U.

He would be looking straight down or up. This moon happens every month , according to all the information I can find. They are subtle changes, but no less still a lot of changes. Also, I have noticed the moon during the daytime much more than I have in the past. The only explanation that makes sense to me is that my position in the universe has changed.