International Handbook of Protestant Education: 6 (International Handbooks of Religion and Education)

International Handbook of Education for Spirituality, Care and Wellbeing
Edited by Ulinka Rublack

The point of incorporating global dimensions is that it demonstrates the vitality of varied traditions, which confronted very different institutional milieux, could significantly challenge political and cultural ideas of mainstream European faiths, and in turn reshape European Protestantisms. The handbook thus aims to be an indispensable guide to reshaping future discussions in the field, to recover the early history of Protestantism as part of our account about a history of the world.

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The Oxford Handbook of Religion and American Education

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Publications Pages Publications Pages. Search within my subject: Home Contact Us Help Free delivery worldwide. Description This Handbook traces and presents the fundamentals of Islam and their history and background, and provides a global and holistic, yet, detailed picture of Islamic education around the world. It introduces the reader to the roots and foundations of Islamic education; the responses of Islamic educational institutions to different changes from precolonial times, through the colonial era up to the contemporary situation.

It discusses interactions between the state, state-run education and Islamic education, and explores the Islamic educational arrangements existing around the world. The book provides in-depth descriptions and analyses, as well as country case studies representing some 25 countries.

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The work reflects the recent series of changes and events with respect to Islam and Muslims that have occurred during the past decades. The globalization of Islam as a religion and an ideology, the migration of Muslims into new areas of the globe, and the increasing contacts between Muslims and non-Muslims reinforce the need for mutual understanding.

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By presenting Islamic education around the world in a comprehensive work, this Handbook contributes to a deeper international understanding of its varieties. The Best Books of Check out the top books of the year on our page Best Books of Product details Format Hardback pages Dimensions x x Looking for beautiful books?

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By presenting Islamic education around the world in a comprehensive work, this Handbook contributes to a deeper international understanding of its varieties. His contributions to religious education can be divided into three areas: He retained an interest in rural life and its impact upon education throughout his career. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion,. One of the more significant contributions to the field of religious education that can be attributed to George Herbert Betts is his insistence that method in religious education and curriculum in the church be based upon empirical evidence and sound scientific method. The theological students who responded to the questionnaire showed even more diversity of theological opinion. The final test of teaching, Betts argues, is whether the learner, as a result of religious instruction, actually lives differently here and now in the home, school, church, and community.

Table of contents Section I. Sharia in a Historical Perspective; Abdullah Saeed.

Jeynes, William

Philosophy of Islamic Education; Mujadad Zaman. Islam and Education in the Modern Era: Islam and the West: Clashes and Co-operations; Azkar Ibrahim. Islam, Sexualities and Education; Mariam Nagi.

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they remain so. This international handbook is the ultimate companion to protestant. International Handbooks of Religion and Education. Free Preview. International Handbooks of Religion and Education addressing Protestant education on all six inhabited continents and featuring the perspectives of leading.

Rust and Carine Allaf. Islamic Education Around the World: