Das Wochenende (detebe) (German Edition)

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Euro und damit das Neunfache des entsprechenden Vorjahreszeitraumes verbucht werden. Euro und entspricht damit — wenn auch teilweise saisonal bedingt negativ - unseren Erwartungen. Euro im Vorjahresquartal auf —2,8 Mio. Euro Der Mittelabfluss im ersten Quartal belief sich auf insgesamt 28,6 Mio. Dieser Mittelabfluss entspricht ungeachtet des positiven Wertes im vierten Quartal unseren Erwartungen. Dabei ist klar, dass wir nicht auf Dauer gegen den allgemein bekannten Druck immun sein werden, der auf unsere bestehenden und potentiellen Kunden einwirkt.

Die Zahlen sind aus meiner Sicht in Ordnung.

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Zumal das Wachstum immer noch beachtlich ist. Die Kooperation mit SAP finde ich weitestgehend gut. Es bleibt aber abzuwarten. Erster Kunde in Russland: Hi there, ist schon erstaunlich mit welchen Volumina der Kurs nach unten geht. Q war in etwa im Rahmen, Ergebnis nicht. Sind dies nur die Spekulanten?

Oder kauft sich jemand ein? Oder steigen neue Fonds ein bzw. Diese Quartalszahlen entsprechen den beim Boersengang im Maerz kommunizierten Geschaeftserwartungen. Die TelesensKSCL AG arbeitet derzeit an einer aktualisierten Planung fuer , die den aktuellen, gegenueber den urspruenglichen Erwartungen veraenderten weltwirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen, insbesondere in der Telekommunikationsbranche, Rechnung tragen soll. Der Vorstand geht aus heutiger Sicht davon aus, dass die urspruengliche Planung hinsichtlich Umsatz- und Ergebniserwartungen nach unten korrigiert werden muss. Somit soll eine umfassende Branchenloesung angeboten werden.

Rechnen wir lieber nicht aus wieviel der daran verdient hat. Solch ausgekochte shorties, die den ganzen spread zwischen 50 und 6,50 mitnehmen, gibt es wohl kaum. Ich bin seit langem eher davon abgewichen. Zwei kleinere Positionen halte ich nach wie vor. Ich glaube nach wie vor an den Wert. Dennoch sollte man m. Trotzdem gut konsequent deinerseits.

Hoffe nur, dass deine entscheidung nicht durch die Schwarz-weiss maler induziert bzw aus Unsicherheit ist, sondern aus deinen eigenen Gedanken und recherchen folgen. Ich erwarte auch noch niedrigere Kurse und warte eine kurzfristige Bodenbildung ab. Abwarten und Gier nach hinten schieben. Dann sehen wir weiter. System providers have long been the butt of abuse, made to respond to 1, page compliance statements on tariffing and billing. Now, they must first understand exactly who their customers are, and who to expect the compliance statements from!

By Richard Brand Head of Product Development TelesensKSCL Prior to the advent of UMTS, when content of different values and bandwidth will be added, along with virtual network operators, the two main types of player in the provision of GSM services are the network operator or wholesaler and the service provider or reseller. Many of the functional requirements of these two are the same, especially if the network operator sells directly to end customers as well. They both usually administer services, send orders to provision and change services - primarily voice, but also some data services, collect and tariff calls, distribute calls, produce bills and chase debt.

Many billing and customer care package systems can be configured to support both. With UMTS, however, several other types of player are expected to emerge. The network operator may well split into two kinds of player - the network access operator, and the backbone operator. The first will provide the radio part, and the second the broadband data highways. They may be the same company, but if not, then complex interconnect settlements will be required. Some service providers will emerge without any network of their own, but often having access to and making use of a diverse number of networks.

A new player which will emerge in the mobile market, is the content provider or value added service provider. These already exist in the Internet world, but with high bandwidth services being accessible via the mobile terminal, these can become major players in the mobile world too.

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They can be anything from news, sports and weather information providers, presenting share prices, publishing pornography, supporting specialist clubs and societies, through to gambling, banking and the whole area of E-commerce or M-commerce. And there will undoubtedly be other players such as service brokers, and service management specialists - who knows what kind of innovative services and combination of services might be created?

So defining the types of players, the kind of billing they require, and their interfaces, will be the first problem; whether single systems or multiple systems will be required is the next. It is likely that flexible systems made up of systems building blocks that can be reconfigured in many ways will be the answer. Fun for the tariffers? Because of the new, diverse types of services available, there will be the opportunity to expand the types of tariffing and billing performed by billing systems.

It will put the fun back into tariffing! For over ten years we have been faced with the rather dull call detail record CDR containing a date, a time and a duration. What you can do with it is rather limited, although it has been spiced up a bit by the marketing men, trying to outdo each other with ever increasing complexities.

The advent of UMTS will give us many more challenges. We already have an enormous increase in the use of short messages as a way of sending data.

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Many existing operators use SMS as a way of providing value-added services such as news, share prices and such like. For example, suppose two content providers offer share price changes via SMS, one does it in near real time, and the other every hour. The former may well be considered much more valuable than the later, so could command a higher tariff. However, tariffing these types of call are still usually via subscription plus a per-call charge, based on the duration of the call, the type of call eg bandwidth , and sometimes the volume of data transferred in the call if this is available from the switch.

The most fundamental change being introduced in the mobile market over the next two years is the use of the packet. This is the first time we move away from the standard CDR. Use of GPRS is not necessarily linked with a start and end time. Or vending machines using GPRS for stock control re-ordering - in effect the machine is connected continually. This raises questions about how the charge will be portrayed on a bill - not individual details at each trigger point but more likely a summary of data sent and retrieved over a month. We may find that mediation devices have extra work to do in aggregating data prior to delivery to the billing systems.

There are interesting issues with roaming and GPRS - currently the GSM Association is advocating the transfer of accounting records no longer than hours after the service started, so this would mean that partial call records would have to be created and distributed. Broadband data When UMTS reaches high bandwidths approaching 2Mbps we could see large volumes of raw data being uploaded and downloaded, especially for corporate use. For example the downloading of rate books and prospects for travelling representatives from a corporate web-site, and uploading of orders.

As with GPRS, it is likely that this kind of usage will be charged by the volume used during the month. But it is starting to move into the realms where the user does not have control of what his usage is. With a telephone call you know you are being charged by time of day, length of call and destination - you have the choice of phoning at off-peak times, or of cutting short you call. But how many travelling salesmen will know the size of a spreadsheet they are about to download? This gets worse when you move into the residential world.

So we probably have to move back to event-based tariffing, charging per video. Or maybe content based - based on the actual video, or on time elapsed between a movie being on general release at cinemas, and being downloaded. So all the current ISP type charges can also apply. There could be charges for special pages visited, or special buttons clicked.

In fact the whole area of Internet charges charge per address, charge for web hosting, charge for premium rate content converge into the mobile area. A major part of the previous point will be ecommerce or mcommerce. If this is done from a mobile, then as well as the users paying for the ecommerce channel to the Network Service Provider, he may also be charged a premium - for example a fixed price per transaction, or even a percentage of the transaction amount.

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Experiments have been carried out where GSM users standing in front of a vending machine dial a premium rate number to get a soft drink can vended, and this billed on his telephone bill - possibilities are endless. These last few points require accounting records produced from many parts of the value chain from switches, and routers, maybe firewalls, right down to the content providers applications themselves.

Each of the services requires different quality of network services, and these split into three main types; bandwidth, error rate, and delay rate. VoD and video-conferencing demand the highest of these in all three categories. Speech requires the small delay and hence small error rates, but not such a high bandwidth. For example a phone call using low bandwidth can be interspersed with small durations of video clips - high bandwidths are not required throughout the whole call.

Certainly lots to think about for the tariffing system, whatever part of the value chain the tariff is applied, re-calculated or amended. The whole question of whether all the charges end up a single bill is a fundamental one. Customers may accept or demand that some products and services purchased via UMTS appear on a single UMTS bill, but there may areas where a separate bill would still be appropriate - for example banking transactions and share dealings.

There may also be questions about the import and export of debt rather than just adding value. For example if a service provider bills for network usage and the charge for a service, say a video, and the customer refuses to pay for the video, can the service provider withhold network services until the bill is paid?

If the customer subscribes in the UK, requests the video in France, from a German content provider, who uses a Dutch server for the download, then just where is the service consumed, and hence what are the tax implications? Someone knows the answer! And it is unclear where standards can and should be applied, and by whom. Initially some countries and networks will be offering full UMTS services while others are either building them or will still be using older technologies. UMTS customers should still be able to roam in these networks but with limited services.

So once a customer becomes happy with his virtual home environment and his quality of service when in some networks, he may find that these are unavailable when he starts roaming into others.

There is scope for real customer confusion as to who he pays for what, and how the charges are calculated. If there are so many options for tariffing and billing as outlined above in a single network, think what the affect of this will be in a roaming environment; will there be lots of volunteers to sit on TADIG committees?! In Nizza findet vom Originally the company focused on the travel, leisure and construction industries. In it took a change of direction when it supplied its first billing system to a mobile service provider. Kingston Telecom was created in and given a local monopoly within the Hull area.

It was owned by the municipal government and remained unaffected by both the nationalisation of telephone companies in and the subsequent privatisation in Following the take-over by Kingston the company started to expand its international operations. In it opened offices in Paris and Munich. In an office was opened in Hong Kong and in a branch was opened in New Delhi. With the break from Kingston the company returned to its roots by moving from Hull to Edinburgh. According to two surveys, also carried out in , the company was confirmed as the largest software development company in Scotland , the 17th largest software house in the UK and the 39th largest in Europe.

During more than 19 million subscribers were billed by KSCL software in some 30 countries world-wide. Merrill Lynch was advising on the form the listing would take. No listing took place, however, and in August it was reported that the company was being sold to Telesens, a German software services group.

The merged operation, it stated, would form the largest independent product house for billing systems in Europe with an annual turnover of around million euros. It would employ around 1, people. KSCL may have been inclined to view the deal in terms of a merger since it was the larger of the two companies both in terms of employees and annual turnover. Given that Telesens was a listed company, however, it was able to use its shares as currency to acquire the larger Scottish company.

On his personal web site Mr Lacey states that he was a member of the Murrayfield Cramond Rotary Club in Edinburgh until pressure of work meant leaving it. The parent, Kingston Communications, retained a A sizeable share was also held by management and employees. Joint Ventures In a strategic business partnership was established with Debis Systemhaus to provide bureau billing solutions. The company itself is the outsourcing arm of Daimler Chrysler. The agreement which focussed upon service provisioning and data mediation software followed on from a number of past collaborations between the two companies.

KSCL Marketing Manager, John Hammond, emphasised that the deal indicated that the company was always prepared to bring in new competencies rather than only using its own developments. Also in July KSCL continued with this policy of enhancing its Jupiter product via the importation of third-party technology through an agreement with Alcatel. The deal involved the integration of Alcatel FMS , a fraud management system for the telecoms industry.

By Jupiter was supporting 2. Also in Elsacom became its first satellite customer. In combining with Telesens the company has increased its capacity to target the potentially vast market for third generation mobile billing. In that the company deals in software and unlike the telecom operators has no need for a physical network, it can easily operate at a global level. Telesens had been quoted on that market since 21 March By the beginning of November their value had reached almost 70 Euros, before declining along with technology shares in general to around 37 Euros by the end of the month.

After the take-over by Telesens the joint company had a world wide work force of approximately KSCL has shown itself to be quite innovative in terms of its employee relations. It has in place a programme called REWARD which includes provisions for flexible working times and the possibility of buying and selling holiday entitlements. The system is now used by around 40 European and Asian telephone companies, with 18 million users served by its software. Research One of the key challenges in the telecoms software market is ensuring that the product remains leading edge and competitive.

KSCL seeks to achieve this by having a large and dedicated Research and Development group whose sole focus is keeping Jupiter a leading-edge product. Convergence of Systems Until recently the company focused upon the mobile sector of the telecoms market. Its first wireline customer was Torch Telecom, part of Kingston Communications, which provides services to corporate and non-residential customers. As part of this convergence approach the company is also working on facilities to allow customers to view and pay their separate bills over the Internet.

As Lacey has stated: Given its specialist market, however, it is unlikely that a lack of public recognition will be any great burden. Undoubtedly many mobile phone users will be billed via its software without ever being aware of the fact. By combining their expertise the companies would be well placed to exploit the technical developments within the industry, not least in the mobile sector where UMTS universal mobile telecommunications system and GPRS general packet radio service are poised to become the dominant standards.

In KSCL we have found a partner with over fifteen years experience in the b illing market. The two companies combined would provide billing software for around million subscribers. Commenting upon the huge sums involved, the FT commented that: It is impossible to prove that the licence winners have overpaid.

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The effect of such high auction prices will be that UMTS services will have to be priced at a higher level. This compounds the risk that the services will not be sufficiently popular for the operators to recoup their investments. As the FT pointed out in mid only one percent of mobile users were then using their mobile devices for data transfer. The UK experience has been repeated in a number of other European countries, with licence costs far exceeding original estimates.

As a company providing billing services to the mobile operators KSCL will naturally suffer if third generation services do not lead to a significant market expansion. Safety and Environmental Issues Just after the UK Government had reaped its windfall from third generation licence fees there was a resurgence in the issue of health risks associated with mobile phone use.

A report headed by Sir William Stewart raised particular concerns about the effect of the phones upon children — an increasingly important segment for the industry. The issues of health, together with environmental impact, could take on a new impetus as the mobile operators start to role out their third generation networks. According to Ericsson, the dominant 3G infrastructure supplier, the new networks will possibly require between three to five times the number of antennas used on the existing digital networks.

This could prove to be a time-consuming headache for the mobile operators who are keen to roll out their advanced networks as quickly as possible. With numerous local planning meetings on the agenda the mobile companies could also face further scrutiny over the social desirability of their operations. The company is fundamentally a provider of support services and is vulnerable to any developments which negatively impact upon its customer base.

This may well be an easy promise to keep so long as the company and the sectors which it serves continue to experience substantial growth. Should there be any downturn in total telecoms usage, however, then the German parent company may see things differently. In another notable case involving UK and German companies in the telecoms sector, that of Vodafone AirTouch and Mannesmann, various commitments were made by the UK group which were later diluted or broken all together.

Warum sollte sich also jetzt jemand neue Software zulegen und wenn man es dann tut, wer wird den Zuschlag bekommen? In der Zwischenzeit wird Telesens weiter Geld verbrennen, wer da an kaufen denkt spielt russisch Roulette! Wem das an Zahlenmaterial nicht ausreicht, der muss sich auf der Homepage weiter informieren.

TelesensKSCL AG: Diskussionstreff nach 1 Börsenjahr - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

Hat sich das Anlegerpublikum von den Telesens-Nebelkerzen beeindrucken lassen? Schaut man auf die Kursreaktion von minus 23 Prozent, so darf man sagen: Vielleicht ist der Neue Markt doch ein bisschen erwachsen geworden. Eines wollte ich Dir noch sagen! Wer redet denn hier von kaufen? Lediglich zwei kleine Positionenhabe ich unter 9 und unter 8 zugelegt, die im Depot alles andere als schmerzen. Ich habe immer versucht, objektive Infos und Diskussionen anzuregen. Von verliebt sein kann also keine Rede sein, Sig. Muss ja nicht immer gleich eine Mittelfristanlage sein. Beim Shorten irrst Du gewaltig.

Ausserdem habe ich nie behauptet, dass der Kurs aufgrund von Shorties in den Keller geht. Siehe abermals die vielen Diskussionen und Quellen weiter unten. Sie aber als ausserordentlich schlecht darzustellen, ist einfach nicht richtig. Viel Spass beim Fussball. Der Kursverfall wurde erst kurz vor Bekanntgabe der Quartalszahlen gestoppt, das Papier fing sich wieder. Bis Ende Juni klafft ein schwarzes Loch vor den Investoren.

Niemand kann diese Frage derzeit beantworten. Hallo Besserweis, also wenn du dich hier rumtreibst ist das kein gutes Zeichen. Hi sig, also von Kaufen redet doch Lassemann schon gar nicht und wie ich ja vorgestern u. Sorry, hier nochmal kurzfristig: Klingt fast wie der Griff nach dem letzten Strohhalm!