Argo Navis (German Edition)

Meaning of "Argo Navis" in the English dictionary

Argo Navis is the only constellation from Ptolemy 's original list of 48 constellations that is no longer officially recognized. Due to its large size, it was split into three constellations by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille: Carina the keel , Puppis the poop deck , and Vela the sails. The Quadrantids meteor shower is still named after this former constellation.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Paris 16 July From the Music of the Spheres to the Conquest of Space. New York, New York: Popular Science Monthly Volume Retrieved 1 April The 88 modern constellations. The 48 constellations listed by Ptolemy after AD. The 41 additional constellations added in the 16th and 17th centuries. Vespucci or Corsalius early 16c: Crux Triangulum Australe Vopel Camelopardalis Columba Monoceros Habrecht Obsolete constellations including Ptolemy's Argo Navis.

Apis Phoenicopterus Serpentarius Xiphias. Constellations created and listed by Dutch celestial cartographers c.

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First systematic mapping of the far southern sky in history of celestial cartography c. Constellations introduced by Johannes Hevelius after Cerberus Mons Maenalus Triangulum Minus.

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Sir Isaac Newton devoted much attention to the famous craft, fixing the date of its building about B. It also was Equus Neptunias ; indeed Ptolemy asserted that it was known as a Horse by the inhabitants of Azania, the modern Ajan, on the northeastern coast of Africa, south of Cape Gardafui. The Arabians called it Al Safinah , a Ship, and Markab , something to ride upon, that two or three centuries ago in Europe were transcribed Alsephina and Merkeb.

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Grotius mentioned Cautel as a title for Puppis, "from the Tables," but he added Hoc quid s it nescio. Indeed in the 17th century the Ark seems to have been its popular title.

"Argo" German translation

Argo Navis (German Edition) - Kindle edition by Marta Hey. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like. London, Die vierzehnjährige Emma verdient sich ihren Lebensunterhalt als Küchenmädchen. Eines Tages findet sie ein seltsames Objekt, das sie.

He gives the latter's title as Sata Vaesa , the One Hundred Creators; all these imagined as forming a great cross in the sky. The differing Persian conception of this appears in the remarks on Regulus , — alpha Leonis. The Chinese asterism Tien Meaou probably was formed from some components of Argo. The constellation is noticeable in lower latitudes not only from its great extent and the splendor of Canopus, but also from possessing the remarkable variable eta eta Carina, Foramen and its inclosing nebula.

English-German translation for "Argo"

Near the star s' Carinae appeared, between March 5 and April 8, , a nova with a spectrum similar to those of the recent novae in Auriga and Norma. Hevelius, Firmamentum , The Ship is said to be moving stern-forward. Clues to the meaning of this celestial feature 2.

The fixed stars in this constellation 3. Clues to the meaning of this celestial feature. Johann Rost, Atlas portatalis coelestis , 1. Identification function, tour function, each with preselection to object types Mount errors: Compensation of errors like geometric error cone or flexure Atmospheric refraction: Commerce shop software [1.

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