Hattuscha: Auf der Suche nach dem sagenhaften Großreich der Hethiter (German Edition)

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Auf der Suche nach verlorenen Schätzen, 02. Uria, der Hethiter

Nine years later, in , the Czech lin- guist Friedrich Hrozny deciphered the Hittite language, thus identifying the earliest attested Indo-European language. The book that is under review here is written by the cur- rent director of the excavations, Andreas Schachner, and offers a synthesis of more than a century of scholarship on Hattusa. Schachner presents the latest discussions and insights on the origins and position of Hattusa in the Hittite world in an accessible and succinct way, introducing Hattusa not only as a creation of the Hittite state, but also as a monument to human settlement pitched against the limits of the harsh natural environment of Central Anatolia.

Translation of «Hethitologin» into 25 languages

These early settlements were a rather modest affair; con- sisting of a small number of rectangular structures, usually situated close to perennial streams. The exact extent of the intensive exploita- Anatolian Hieroglyphic script that was widely in use during tion of the natural environment has only recently been real- the Hittite Empire period cf.

Assyrian influ- copper smelting facilities. Whilst relatively modest structures dating to this period to the Hittite era is difficult to pinpoint. In view of often associated with Hittite domestic and monumental these finds, Schachner argues, it now seems possible that architecture.

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Die Hauptstadt der Hethiter: Auf der Suche nach dem sagenhaften Großreich Kindle Edition Start reading Hattuscha on your Kindle in under a minute. ); Language: German; ISBN ; ISBN Hattuscha: auf der Suche nach dem sagenhaften. Großreich der Hethiter. Andreas Schachner has been the director of the German Archaeological language in three volumes in hand-copy, photograph, transliteration and translation.

Kings, including a certain Pamba, King of Hatti. He notes on p. As a I, and his successors.

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Again, as political instability rivalry between royal factions , and natural geography played a significant role in the shaping of environmental change droughts must have played a part in the new quarter of the city. US; a building that was used Although Hittite styles and techniques in, for example, pot- for mortuary rituals. There is no indication that the expan- tery production did not disappear overnight, there was a sion of Hattusa towards the south and the inclusion of the remarkable reversion to Middle and even Early Bronze Age Oberstadt was the direct result of, or resulted in, a significant traditions and techniques.

During the 9th century BC, living standards importance as evidenced by the various granaries and water appear to have risen and domestic architecture became more reservoirs in the city; cf.


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