Faith - The Currency of Heaven

Trusting in the money system is trusting in a system that the spirit of Mammon created to replace The Blessing of the Lord that makes rich so it can control you and steal your dignity. Trusting in money, a natural source will keep you from all supernatural financial miracles. Faith fixes any problem.

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Faith provides you with what you need or gets to you what is needed to produce what you need. The money system makes one think you have to work for your provision but not faith. Peter toiled all night in his fishing business and caught nothing but once he applied his faith to Jesus words to cast in the nets He pulled in a boat sinking load of fish. The money system makes Christians despise to use their faith.

They think faith is harder then working for money.

"Your Faith is Your Currency" - Touré Roberts

All we need is a Word from the written Word of God or Word by the Spirit of God and through our obedience and we get the same results Jesus and Peter did of supernatural, supernatural provision. The love of money is the root of all evil. So is it money or faith that you are trusting in? Faith produces without money and without price we found out in Isaiah chapter 55 and verse 1 but yet we have been educated and trained to using money in the Church and not using faith.

Well those days are over.

October 2018

The Church has no more time to trust in money. This is the time we will see the Church living out of the Kingdom of God with supernatural intervention with supernatural provision. Jesus has overcome this world system and deprived it of its power to harm us and has conquered it for us. How did He do that? He brought the Kingdom of God into the earth for us to live out of by faith. Everything we need is in the Kingdom economy.

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The Church not been taught the Kingdom of God operation in the earth and because of that the Spirit of Mammon has hoodwinked the Church into this money thing and jobs and salaries and etc. Just think about it, if we would use faith instead of trusting in money we could experience what these people experienced without money, check it out: Are you tired of laboring for provision, check this out.

As a nation's monetary unit of currency is used to acquire natural goods and services so faith is heaven's unit of currency. Money on it's own is meaningless. Faith-is-the-currency-of-Heavenweb. Leave a Comment Faith Is Meant to Turn God's Promises into Our Realities. May 23, · I Am Filled With the.

On more than one occasion faith produce food to feed the multitudes and enough leftovers to fill twelve baskets. Do you believe God is able to do this for you and your business without toiling for everything? With only faith as their source Jesus sent His disciples out on the mission field without money and they returned saying they lacked for nothing. A little child collected on his giving when he by faith sowed his lunch basket of bread and fish to feed a multitude and came away with a harvest of not just one basket but twelve baskets full of fish and bread.

A woman used her faith in the word of the prophet of God and started her own oil business that created income that wiped out debt in her life and saved her sons from slavery to this world system. That makes me think of the Bible verse that says we are to owe no man and one translation says keep out of debt; so how are we going to avoid debt?

By faith, the currency of Heaven! A married couple ran out of wine at their wedding in Cana and without spending any more money on their wedding Jesus used faith the currency of Heaven that produced the best wine served at the wedding. All of these people would tell us for sure that faith is the currency of Heaven that met their needs.

The Bible is filled with this truth, check it out on your own. God is bringing the Church back to its original mode of operation and that is living by faith in the Kingdom of God. So join me in using your faith every single day. Use your faith to get out of debt to this world system. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account.

Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Voice of Truth Life is the classroom God uses to instruct His children in right living. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: Email required Address never made public. Blog Stats , hits. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here This is the demonic that runs it all. If only we, who have all of these heavenly resources at our disposal, could grab hold of simple faith and hang on until the answer comes! Use standard writing style and punctuation. If Jesus and your mother would not approve of your writing, you should revise your comment before submitting.

This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: By faith Abel brought God a better and more acceptable sacrifice than Cain.

Charisma Magazine

Abel put his faith into the gifts and Cain was just doing his religious duty. There is a big difference. This entry was posted in Daily Teaching and tagged abraham , currency , enoch , faith , God , holy spirit , jesus christ , noah , sarah. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use.

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