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This blog is not for the light-hearted or easily offended. If either one of those descriptions applies to you, i would suggest you start drinking before you read this. Followers, 97 Following, Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Lynn MacDonald (@allfookedup).

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Freakishly small waist for my body ratio.? Answer Questions I had a dream my life would be? If you are a fan of the band All Time Low, the Kardashians, and Trump supporters, don't you suck doodoo? I prefer to spend time reading, cooking, and playing trivia with friends.

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Besides work, I go on the Internet to find information, to shop, especially to find good deals, check email and hear my music on iTunes. I live my life at home with my husband, not on the Internet. I read blogs that I feel some degree of personal connection with. Which usually requires that the blog be somewhat personal in nature no interest in generic informational blogs. You are one of my frequent visitors, so you just made my day, LOL. But you also just summarized why I read here all the time too.

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So many blogs resemble a never-ending, humblebragging stream of fake Christmas letters: I think it is VERY important to know who you are in order for you to know where you will excel the most in an organization. Thanks for reading, and for leaving a comment. Well written, often funny, sometimes somber REAL posts. I think your guide is the best: WHOIS database are provided for information purposes only. Thanks for reading my blog Elisa-Ruth.

Yours is the only blog I read. I have reservations about blogging. But where do they draw that line? Maybe their main reason for blogging helps determine where that line should be. I used to follow the Frog Blog, which was a wonderful trove of visual posts, with occasional references to interesting subjects. But some of the material was evidently too suggestive to someone out there, as the author had to take the blog down to evade a stalker.

To be herself, and blog, is not possible.

All Fooked Up - OnToplist

I think your guide is the best: Crystal from Budgeting In The Fun Stuff says that a big part of blogging success is simply hanging in there. So many bloggers get bored with it and just drift away. If you have something to say and keep saying it, ultimately you can collect a thoughtful group of readers. Grateful for my group! Some bloggers have no boundaries at all. I expect some of the kids whose images and sometimes embarrassing stories are being reported regularly are going to have some serious resentment built up by the time adolescence arrives. Life leads many to have to move on, so just being stubborn is actually a great blogger quality, lol.

Yeah, sharing and oversharing are a fine line. I decided to hang it all out there but that is not the norm and it may not be the best idea ever.

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Donna is better at sharing enough to feel close to her but not every, little detail. And I think your putting it all out there is a good thing, especially as regards entrepreneurship. No one I know works a four-hour workweek. I subscribe to blogs about personal finance. I discovered you on Get Rich Slowly, which is a blog I no longer follow. The content no longer appeals to me. I find it hilarious that personal finance blogs are my favourite, and I have been reading them for years, yet I still am not saving as I should.

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GRS seems to have gone from posting daily to posting about weekly, if that. And a lot of that is revised from earlier posts. Ideas, successes and setbacks — all of these can help others figure out their own plans of attack or, as noted, help us to find things for which to be grateful in their own lives. As for the not-saving-enough, I hope you can find a way to set aside enough to keep yourself safe and comfortable. I forgot to mention that I really appreciate your writing style and your blog.

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Most of the time, I come for the finance but stay for the quality of the writing and the personality of the blogger. Hmmm… I learned something about myself today. I do not like blogs that are interesting only because the bloggers create their own problems. Shadenfreude makes me feel dirty. I do like blogs where people appreciate what they have or if they have problems, they are doing what they can. Some people really do have good lives. I also prefer it when an author is approaching life with an attitude of appreciation rather than victimization.

No matter how bad my problems get, I can generally find multiple people with problems much more serious than mine own, which leads me right back to appreciation for my life. Does it offer me info I cannot or cannot easily get elsewhere? Always looking for new, easy recipes. Is it ineractive to share ideas? Donna, yours is the only blog I read. I have tried others and left. I read your blog because of your conversational style of writing, the very useful frugal research and all the intelligent, thoughtful comments by the group.

Your writing reminds me of Laura Ingalls Wilder.