Pantheons: The Game of the Gods

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Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece. It is said that the entrance of Olympus is a great gate made up of clouds.

Pantheon: The War of the Gods | Board Game | BoardGameGeek

It is a peaceful paradise where there are stretches of cloudless skies, endless sunshine, and where the sound of Apollo's lyre can be heard playing. They believe in rebirth, meaning that there will be countless more universes. Lord Shiva is called the Destroyer and Re-creator, as with each destroyed universe another must be recreated. Once a universe is destroyed, nothing remains but an endless ocean.

On a great swimming snake Ananta, is Lord Vishnu. Growing out of Lord Vishnu's navel is a lotus flower and out of this sprouts his servant, Lord Brahma, the creator of all things.

Brahma divided his own body in two. Out of one, Brahma shaped man; out of the other, woman. The man was called Manu, and he was wise; the woman Shatarupa, and she was mysterious. Today, Hindus consistently worship their creator god Brahman, who is known as the supreme deity. There are countless gods in the Hindu pantheon, all known for their unique traits and mystic abilities. While Kami appear in many forms and usually have human qualities, they are powerful beings who control aspects of nature.

Of the two types of Kami, the heavenly Kami are superior than their earthly counterparts and only reside in heaven, hence, they must use messengers to keep them up to date on earth and in the underworld. The main myths that accompany these religious traditions are that of the creation of the world, the founding of the Japanese Islands, and those of magical creatures, humans, and deities. What created their world view was the mere fact that their primary crop was corn and they had to manage the wet and dry seasons which would predict the timing of the corn cycle.

In the Popol Vuh, which is the Mayan creation story, the creation of the earth and the first human beings focus on the establishment of corn and on the creator deities. The important creator deities consisted of Huracan and Itzamna. In the Popol Vuh, Hun Hunahpu loses a ballgame against the gods of the underworld and they decapitate him.

However, his sons the Hero Twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque, defeat the gods of the underworld and restore the world to its former glory. The ancient Maya worshipped the gods in order to keep the crop cycle going, they also performed sacrificial rituals for the gods in order to make sure their demands would come to fruition.

Before he was slain, the cow Audhumla, who was created with the same materials as Ymir, started to lick the salt off an ice block which in turn created the god Buri, who then immediately produced a son of his own, Borr.

Thor Battles a Pantheon of Ten Thousand Gods

While Ymir fell asleep after drinking the cow's milk, he too bore a son and a daughter out of his armpits and a six headed frost giant grew out of his feet. It was not too long before the frost giants and the gods did not get along with each other; the forces of good and evil were at war.

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One day Borr married the giantess Bestla, who gave them three mighty sons: Odin, Vili, and Ve. The trio decided to join their father, Borr, at defeating the frost giants, which they succeeded by killing the mighty Ymir. Thus, out of Ymir's flesh the Midgard or the earth was created, of his blood the sea, of his bones the hills, and of his hairs the trees.

Greek deities, Hindu deities, and many other mythological beings have been adapted into the Charmed version of them. The Kid Icarus series is loosely based on the Greek Pantheon. One day, however, his son Zeus, a mere god, dethroned Cronus and made himself ruler of all gods. Ironically, the self-declared Gods of Mount Olympus would later force the world to worship them too for many years. To unlock other gods, players must spend Favor. Heaven and earth were referred to as the parents and their children, the Titans. The people felt a close personal connection to their deities and to various heroes, demigods, and tricksters of their mythology.

With his skull the heavens were born and with the scattering of his brain the clouds. Odin, the sky-father, and his sons Loki and Thor, ruled the city of Asgard, home of the gods. Here they defended the advances of the evil frost-giants of Jotun-heim. Aesir, as the Norse gods were called, were full of courage and heroism. Polynesians believed that all things in nature, including humans, contained a sacred and supernatural power called mana.

Mana could be good or evil, and individuals, animals, and objects contained varying amounts of mana. The Polynesians' religion included many gods, local deities as well as the great gods of their pantheon. The people felt a close personal connection to their deities and to various heroes, demigods, and tricksters of their mythology. The most popular character was Maui, a hero-trickster well known throughout Polynesia. This compilation of lists of fictional deities , organized primarily by media type then by title of the fiction work, series, franchise or author.

At the end there is a miscellaneous list. Many deities have appeared in Supernatural , and some other characters have been deified, such as Lucifer. The angel Castiel also became a deity when absorbing the souls of monsters from Purgatory. The gods in the show include:.

List of fictional deities

Greek deities, Hindu deities, and many other mythological beings have been adapted into the Charmed version of them. One example of this would be; thousands of years before the main storyline, the Titans once ruled the world, but were abusive of their powers. Seeking to entomb them, the Elders of that time created the Greek gods by infusing mortals with a mystical power beyond their own. Ironically, the self-declared Gods of Mount Olympus would later force the world to worship them too for many years. The DC Universe simultaneously adapts every aspect of theology into its mythos, from Greek to Norse to even atheism and various fictional religions.

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Examples of gods featured in its narrative include:. The Kid Icarus series is loosely based on the Greek Pantheon. Various characters are described as gods or deities in The Legend of Zelda series. While the three primary gods of Hyrule are its three creator goddesses Din , Farore and Nayru as worshipped by Hylians , Dekus , Gorons and Zoras alike, there are other guardian spirits on Earth such as The Great Deku Tree , Lord Jabu-Jabu or Jabun and Valoo who act in a divine, planetary guardian role and are worshiped as deities. Other characters such as Zephos and Cyclos , while clearly demonstrating godlike abilities, have not had their place in the pantheon of Hylian gods and spirits clearly established.

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GeekGold Bonus for All Supporters at year's end: Please select a support frequency. Tags separate by space: There are no best gods. They are all useful at the right time. To claim that any one god would always be a good buy is naive.