How to write an ebook in 7 days

How to Write an Ebook in 3 Days, Market It & Start Getting Sales within a Week

Very well explained and step by step post. You got me thinking of creating my own ebook. The table of contents idea was great.

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Keep up the great work. I look forward in reading more of your posts. Thank you very much! Thank You for your advice. I was planning to write a e-book on electrical engineering. This will help me alot. Ali, Many thanks for this excellent post. I myself have already written an ebook and am planning on distributing it online for free based on the following strategy: I would be very interested in any feedback from you.

Also, one question I have is: Hurrah for the thinkers! This is a very inspiring project — and a challenge to boot. Thanks for the post.

Step 2: Tell Your Readers

This is a really good post. I have been thinking about creating an ebook for sometime, but had been putting it off thinking that it would be pretty complicated to do the same. However, you have made the whole process seem pretty simple. I am sure to give it a try now. My time broke down like this: Redrafting and editing, inserting all links: Final proof-read and link-checking: Get an Idea You need a clear concept for your ebook.

Step 1: Get an Idea

Write the Outline If you write long blog posts, you might already be in the habit of outlining before you begin. Everyone has different ways of doing this, but one which works well for me is: Spend five minutes mind-mapping: Order the rest in a logical sequence I just jot a number next to each Type or write out the list in order.

These are your subsections or chapters in the ebook. Jot down at least two bullet points for each section, or a couple of sentences: If you think of a great idea for a graphic, or a resource book, blog, etc to recommend, write that down here too. Draft the Content This step is the one which many bloggers find daunting — writing enough words to fill an ebook. And these four tips should help too: Add Any Graphics Once the draft is complete, add any graphics that you want to include in your ebook. The type of graphics you use will depend on the topic of your ebook, but you might want to consider: My process for redrafting and editing is as follows: This will depend on the format of your ebook, but some things you may want to consider are: Using an example, quote, tips box or case study to break up a long section of text Creating a pattern: Edit for Flow and Tone Rewrite any sentences which sound clumsy or which are ambiguous.

Format Your Ebook Now that the text is complete, go through and get everything into the right format. If facts are to believe, the first Amazon Kindle was the hottest selling device that year.

Day 2: Develop outline

For years, I wanted to write and publish a book, but continued to put it off because it just seemed too impossible. Sure, I could write the damn. Well, you can. (Even if that means you need to let go of your rigid blogging schedule.) Here's your 7-day plan to writing an ebook for your.

In fact, it is rumoured to be a total sell out within the first five hours of market launching! The task of writing and selling an eBook can bring big numerous benefits. For many, writing an eBook sounds like a daunting task—but in reality it is definitely not close to daunting. The pathway is simple: To be able to write, and write WELL is the first and most essential first step to overcome, the rest just follows! So, whether you are looking to earn a steady stream of buck or just wanting to make it BIG in your writing career—eBook is the quickest, easy and potentially cheap way to go about it!

Are we kidding you? Here are 7 steps to get you started to write an eBook in 7 days by just spending no more than two hours each day! Well, if you do. Put that aside for the time being. To write an eBook in just one week, you need an idea that is short, absolutely useful to your target audience and specific. An idea that helps you to be clear, concise and fascinating. An idea or topic your readers are desperate to read.

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One way to go about it is to think of questions or problems that rise frequently in your comments section. Stuck for an idea? The internet is full of topics and ideas that needs attention. So, hit Facebook, twitter or any other social media to ask your target audience of topics that interest them the most. You have the topic. That freelance proofreading expert will enable you to sharpen up the text and prepare your book for its digital debut.

The hard part is done…well, almost. Formatting your ebook for Kindle is not that difficult, but it can be a little detail-heavy.

There are plenty of services available online that assist you in the final formatting of your book project, and certainly a content freelancer experienced in this niche is always a great investment. You also want to think beyond the page here…What is the first thing users will encounter: As with the title, you want to make sure the cover is an ambassador for your content.

How to Design And Launch Your eBook in Just 7 Days

In other words, it really needs to sell the heck out of your ebook. This is perhaps one area in which you definitely want to think about hiring a talented graphic arts freelancer to help you create the ultimate book cover. If you intend to distribute to clients and email subscribers, then the marketing component will be a bit easier. Marketing your ebook is really very similar to how you would go about marketing anything else. You have to let people know what you have and what value it will add to their lives.

Create a Facebook page, a website, start an email campaign. Whatever you need to do to get your project out there, do it! Professional freelancers who specialize in ebook marketing can most definitely help you create that necessary buzz around your book. Together, come up with a marketing game plan, and execute! Writing an ebook is a project that virtually anyone can undertake.

The key is to have an overall plan in place and just get started! And with the help of the ultra-talented content writers , editors and graphic designers on Freelancer. Post a project today! It really can be done in just 7 days. Some friendly advice about properly marketing and funding your startup.

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