Filled With The Holy Spirit (Taboo, Christian, Priest, Housewife)

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But that faith has an inner dynamic-namely, the gift of the Holy Spirit. Christ challenged His followers: Why should He expect us to do more than others? Because that is what He had planned. His work, death and resurrection completed a power circuit between Earth and heaven that relied on a new source of life and change: Jesus said, "'Ask, and it will be given to you'" Luke However, He was talking about a specific request: Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not an option; it is essential for authentic Christianity.

Unfortunately, over the centuries the Holy Spirit became little more than a vague, mystical figure referred to in the creed; Holy Spirit truth was replaced with grace truth.

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Priscilla is a good Christian woman, raising her children and being a doting wife to her husband Greg. But she's been feeling a bit left out lately, and while her. Results 1 - 16 of 18 His Forbidden Fruit (A Taboo Man of the House Collection). Oct 5, . Filled With The Holy Spirit (Taboo, Christian, Priest, Housewife).

But Christ's command to ask for the Holy Spirit must be followed if we are to live the lives He intended for us. The Sermon on the Mount and the Great Commission set goals that would be impossible to reach were it not for the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. The apostle Paul said, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil. David had said, "'By my God I can leap over a wall'" 2 Sam. Jesus made the Holy Spirit an urgent requirement but assured us that "'everyone who asks receives'" Luke Astonishingly, while Jesus was on Earth nobody made this request.

John the Baptist, who was "sent from God" John 1: The Gospel of John explains: Previously, God's Spirit had flitted here and there for special occasions, and prophets spoke when the Spirit moved them. For long periods there was no sign of the Spirit. Then Christ ascended to heaven, and the Spirit came for the dispensation of power.

October 2018

What happened 2, years ago on the day of Pentecost happened for me when I was a mere child. As I called on God in a church service, suddenly all heaven seemed to crowd into my small frame. Without realizing what I was doing, I began praising God in tongues I had never learned. Soon after, in a prayer meeting conducted by my father, a force within me became stronger and stronger.

I felt a powerful tingling in my hands and with it came an urge to touch a woman across the church hall. I crept over to her quietly, concerned about my father's disapproving frown. I touched her, a jolt of divine life shook her, and she was healed. I realized even at that young age that although the experience of Spirit baptism is unforgettable, imparting thrills is not God's purpose. The Holy Spirit enters human flesh and blood personally to confer divine potential on those who serve Him. According to the Bible, the Holy Spirit indwells every born-again believer.

Jesus had said, "'He dwells with you and will be in you'" John But the Holy Spirit does not take up residence in us for nothing. Jesus said that this baptism, or anointing, would empower Christians to be His witnesses see Acts 1: It would give them not only the boldness to share their testimonies but also the evidence-signs and wonders- to back them up. I know that for some Christianity is only a perfunctory, mechanical routine. Like the brilliance of old master paintings covered with layers of varnish, it loses its pristine color as layers of religiosity and formality are imposed on it.

But the Holy Spirit makes debates and arguments about miracles unnecessary because He does what people try to deny! Year after year, for weeks at a time, in the teeming multitudes of our campaigns God is at work. We bulldoze vast acres of land to make room for people to stand. Torrents of people pour in and listen breathlessly to the gospel, responding to its call often by the hundreds of thousands. In one meeting more than 1.

The problem with praise dancing

It is beyond anything that has occurred in previous history. The explanation has to be God's Spirit. Along with the conversions, many miracles occur. On one occasion, a mentally deranged man was brought to a campaign service. While I was preaching, he suddenly looked around, restored to his right mind, dementia gone, and asked in bewilderment where he was and why.

Then a pregnant mother came to a mass campaign. She carried in her womb an unborn baby who had been confirmed dead and was to be removed by surgery the next day. During the healing session she screamed-the infant had moved. She came forward to tell us. A healthy son was born a few hours later. A few years ago a far more awesome healing occurred in Nigeria. I was preaching, and a man named Daniel was brought in and laid in an adjoining room.

A medical doctor had certified him dead and a mortician had embalmed him.

Suddenly he began to breathe again! Many of them have had serious personal difficulties before their conversions; a good portion of the movement is really a May-December marriage of conservative religion and the rebellious counterculture, and many of the converts have come to Christ from the fraudulent promises of drugs.

Now they subscribe strictly to the Ten Commandments, rather than to the situation ethics of the "new morality"—although, like St. Paul, they are often tolerant of old failings among new converts.

Charisma Magazine

The Jesus revolution rejects not only the material values of conventional America but the prevailing wisdom of American theology. Success often means an impersonal and despiritualized life that increasingly finds release in sexploration, status, alcohol and conspicuous consumption. Christianity — or at least the brand of it preached in prestige seminaries, pulpits and church offices over recent decades — has emphasized an immanent God of nature and social movement, not the new movement's transcendental, personal God who comes to earth in the person of Jesus, in the lives of individuals, in miracles see box, page The Jesus revolution, in short, is one that denies the virtues of the Secular City and heaps scorn on the message that God was ever dead.

This is the generation that has burned out many of its lights and lives before it is old enough to vote. No wonder Jesus is making a great comeback. Without rules there was no way to say no, and worse, no way to say yes. The search for a "yes" led thousands to the Oriental and the mystical, the occult and even Satanism before they drew once again on familiar roots. One of the nation's successful young evangelists, Richard Hoag, 24, believes that many of his youthful converts see Jesus as a marvellous father figure.

Jesus is what their fathers aren't. Adds Baptist Pastor John Bisagno: The enthusiasm is not universal. By no means a majority of the young, or their elders, are soldiers in the revolution —any more than they were flower children or acid trippers. Some call the Jesus movement a fad or just another bad trip. Is the growing fascination with Jesus a passing, adolescent infatuation? There are obvious fad aspects: Some followers are affecting a Christ couture: There are de rigueur catch phrases: There are signs that the movement is something quite a bit larger than a theological Hula-Hoop, something more lasting than a religious Woodstock.

It cuts across nearly all the social dividing lines, from crew cut to long hair, right to left, rich to poor. It shows considerable staying power: It has been powerful enough to divert many young people from serious drug addiction. Its appeal is ecumenical, attracting Roman Catholics and Jews, Protestants of every persuasion and many with no religion at all. Catholics visit Protestant churches with a new empathy, and Protestants find themselves chatting with nuns and openly enjoying Mass.

Spiritual revivals are, of course, a longstanding American tradition. George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards led the first Great Awakening in the s and there have been others since: The Jesus revolution, like the others, has a flavour peculiarly American.

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Its strong Pentecostalism emphasizes such esoteric spiritual gifts as speaking in tongues and healing by faith. For many, there exists a firm conviction that Jesus' Second Coming is literally at hand. Proclaiming the imminent end of the world and Last Judgment like so many dread guards, some millenarians chart the signs of the Apocalypse with the aid of handbooks like The Late Great Planet Earth. They see smog and pollution prophesied in Isaiah; the taking of Old Jerusalem by the Jews, and the admission of ten nations into the Common Market are signs that the end is near.

The movement is apart from, rather than against, established religion; converts often speak disparagingly of the blandness or hypocrisy of their former churches, but others work comfortably as a supplementary, revitalizing force of change from within. The movement, in fact, is one of considerable flexibility and vitality, drawing from three vigorous spiritual streams that, despite differences in dress, manner and theology, effectively reinforce one another.

Many trace their beginnings to the flower era in San Francisco, but there were almost simultaneous stirrings in other areas. Some, but by no means all, affect the hippie style; others have forsworn it as part of their new lives. Once merely an arm of evangelical Protestantism, they are now more ecumenical—a force almost independent of the churches that spawned them. Most of them are Middle America, campus types: Publicly austere but privately ecstatic in their devotion to the Holy Spirit, they remain loyal to the church but unsettle some in the hierarchy.

In a sense they are following the lead of mainstream Protestant Neo-Pentecostals, who have been leading charismatic renewal movements in their own churches for a decade.

All three movements may number in the hundreds of thousands nationally, but any figure is a guess. The Catholic Pentecostals, often meeting in members' homes, may number 10,, but some observers believe that they could easily be three times that. Those converted by the straight evangelicals generally wind up on established church rolls, but are likely to be in the hundreds of thousands; the evangelistic staff account for more than 5, people.

The Jesus People— many thousands—are the most difficult to count. They often cluster in communes or, as they prefer to call them, "Christian houses"; the Rev. Edward Plowman, historian of the movement, estimates that there are across the U. There is no doubt about their growth: Evangelist David Hoyt moved from San Francisco to Atlanta a year ago and has three communes and a cadre of 70 evangelizing disciples, and centres in three other South-eastern cities.

Much of the movement's strength has been built where it started, along the West Coast. Cronquist was a carpenter until last July, dabbling on the side in ministerial work. Now the moustachioed, goateed Cronquist is pastor of the Grace Fellowship Chapel, a windowless, corrugated shed on a hill in Imperial Beach, Calif. A drab shell, perhaps, but a pearl inside; as one year-old girl put it, "the heaviest place I know to worship. Services include free-form "singing in the spirit," a mighty babble of moans, groans and cries against a background of organ music; "prophecies," in ersatz King James style; and long Cronquist sermons, complete with angels and demons.

Up the beach at Encinitas is a brand of Christianity that is pure California. Ed Wright, 26, owner of the Sunset Surf Shop and principal apostle of the Christian Surfers, tells how Jesus adds a special dimension to the sport. When you are piling out for the next one you just say 'Thank you Lord for being so good to us and for the good waves and the good vibes. Surfer Mike Wonder, a fellow convert, sought Christ after he found the perfect wave in Hawaii and it failed to bring him happiness. CWLF Bible meetings are like an understanding embrace: The hat is passed with a new invitation: Spokane's Voice of Elijah spreads the spirit in large ways and small.

The Jesus People almost lost the crowd when one evangelist told the collegians they should "abstain from sexual immorality, and that means abstain except in marriage. We're finding this is the last area people want to give up. Music, the lingua franca of the young, has become the special medium of the Jesus movement. Godspell, a bright, moving musical written by students and based on the Gospel According to St. Matthew, is a sell-out hit off-Broadway. Go Tell About Jesus. The sounds produced by the rock groups are not always good nor the lyrics always effective evangelism, but the best Jesus-rock music is professionally and theologically solid.

Larry Norman, probably the top solo artist in the field, attacks the occult in his album Upon This Rock: Ross tapes a weekly show that he uses to promote Jesus music on standard stations. A growing number of musical stars, including Johnny Cash and Eric Clapton, are among the Jesus movement converts. Few are more zealous than Pat Boone; he has baptized more than converts in his own swimming pool during the past year. The revolutionary word is also spread by a growing, literally free Jesus press that now numbers some 50 newspapers across the country.

Bushiri’s Virgin Mary Delivers Female Jesus: Judgement Day Is Near As Female Christ Finaly Born

Donations are apparently enough to print 65, copies of Right On! There is much to report, in all parts of the U. Hoag travelled from school to school with his plea, and 11, young people stepped forward at Bisagno's church to declare themselves for Jesus. Now the first few pews at First Baptist are reserved for the youngsters.

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While the rest of the congregation mumble their amens, the kids punctuate Bisagno's sermons with yells of "Outta sight, man, bee-yoo-ti-ful. In Chicago's Grant Park bandshell, Street Evangelist Arthur Blessitt last month warmed up a crowd of nearly 1, with a lusty Jesus cheer, then led them off on a parade through the Loop, gathering people as they went.

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The box came back filled with marijuana, pills and LSD; it was turned over to the flabbergasted cops. This month, Blessitt is really testing Jesus' power. He is in New York City for a three-month blitz among the pimps, prostitutes and porno shops of Times Square for which he hopes to recruit as many as 3, young helpers. So far he has had only one unnerving setback. On a cul-de-sac beach at Corona del Mar, Calif.

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Jesus had said, "'He dwells with you and will be in you'" John Many Jews have also joined, claiming that they are not quitting but fulfilling their Judaism. White non-believer here, but I had the unfortunate honor of being a pallbearer at my friends homegoing, the first I've ever attended. Well I guess the choir at your church is not spirit filled if they have rehearsals or your preacher spirit filled if he plans a sermon. Dance is one of the components of worship like, raising the hands, singing a praise song of adoration, clapping the hands, shouting to the Lord, kneeling or folding the hands, waving hands above the head. I believe it is a god given thing to even be able to get up in front of a lot of people and do anything.

Chuck Smith recently held another of the mass baptisms that have made his Calvary Chapel at Santa Ana famous. Under a setting sun, several hundred converts waded into the cold Pacific, patiently waiting their turn for the rite. On the cliffs above, hundreds more watched. Most of the baptized were young, tanned and casual in cut-off blue jeans, pullovers and even an occasional bikini. A freshly dunked teenager, water streaming from her tie-dyed shirt, threw her arms around a woman and cried, "Mother, I love you! Though none is quite the same as another, they all insist that premarital sex and drugs are out, and many have quite strict rules: Yet they generally are happy places.

The men of the commune work at house painting and construction to meet the bills, but the main business is to order the lives in it around Christ. One of the mothers describes the success of that effort: It turned out that I grew. You are putting a curse on your children and yourself.

Why allow the Sagan to use you? Foolishness at its peak little do I kno abut de Bible bt dere wil Neva b any Jesus Christ apart 4rm de 1 we all know. Only lazy fools believe in these fake prophets. If Jah is by my side whom shall I fear? Is he truly a man of God? That is purely another form of blasphemy committed by this false prophet of Malawi.

Where in the bible is it written that we will have another messiah before the second coming of Christ? God will punish you for not paying heed to what the bible has already stated in its sacred pages. Being ignorant is not an excuse. The bible says in Hosea 4: Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children. The person who wrote this, is a lair.

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He is coming very soon and a reward is prepared for evry work done under the sun. A za kwapula nafuti. Bushiri you have been exposed!!!!! To his followers being lead by a blind man is very dangerous……. No racism but black jesus takwaba,elo futi female. Man of God do what God wants. We are on the lookout for volunteer Writers and content producers looking to get some of their work out there about challenging topics.

We provide you with the latest breaking news and many more!!!! Wednesday, December 19, Time to look up and be ready. The trumpet is about to sound and the king is surely coming. Female Christ …these false prophets awee.