Programming Computer Vision with Python: Tools and algorithms for analyzing images

Programming Computer Vision with Python : Tools and algorithms for analyzing images.

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Programming Computer Vision with Python (Engels)

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Programming a computer and designing algorithms for understanding what is in Chapter 1 Introduces the basic tools for working with images and the central Python processing methods for measuring and analyzing basic shapes. Editorial Reviews. Book Description. Tools and algorithms for analyzing images. About the Author. Jan Erik Solem is a Python enthusiast and a computer vision.

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For me it has been, overall, good. Two things I don't like: Many computer books either come with a CD that has the code examples on it, or gives a link to a website. You have to hand type the code examples which may be 10 to 50 lines. Also the sample images don't seem to be available so you can't replicate the book's results. For a topic like vision, with many sample photos throughout, color would seem to be important. But this book is printed in black and white.

Programming Computer Vision with Python

What's worse, many of the pages seem to have been systematically smudged. I don't know if this is unique to my copy, but many of the pages seem to be marked with a circular smear that seems to have been made while the ink was still damp. There may be several such smears on a single page, some of then smudging the images that are purportedly showing you the result of the latest image manipulation technique.

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To say this reduces the value of the example is an understatement. So I guess I would give the author a 5 best rating and the printer or publisher a 2. Great reference book with code examples for anyone already familiar with the basics. This book covers state-of-the-art stuff with simple but intuitive examples and the text is very well written in short and concise form.

Would be suitable course book for a computer vision course, but probably not perfect for self-studying for someone with no background in computer vision.

Definitely worth to read! It is one of the easy to read books if you have enough background on python and image processing, not a beginner's book though. It has nice examples which explain the concepts very well. This book is clearly written by an advanced expert in Computer Vision programming.

Unfortunately, there are a few nagging elements that detract from the beginner's experience. For example, new terms such as "eigenvectors" are introduced in Chapter 1 without a description of what they mean.

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Checkout Your Cart Price. Description Details Customer Reviews If you want a basic understanding of computer vision's underlying theory and algorithms, this hands-on introduction is the ideal place to start. Jan Erik Solem Format: Electronic book text - Windows Pages: Review This Product No reviews yet - be the first to create one! Subscribe to our newsletter Some error text Name.

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