Film Trilogies: New Critical Approaches

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We appreciate your feedback. February 21, Imprint: You can read this item using any of the following Kobo apps and devices: Naturally, an explicit intervention in the field is signaled in the introduction, but significance is added by the variety of examples, which demonstrate and complicate this approach. Serendipitously, this book is itself part of a trilogy of critical anthologies. Critical Approaches to the Film Sequel 2. So this book might be seen as the third installment, one which both advances and brings a sense of symmetry to the previous collections.

Indeed, the taxonomy for trilogies outlined in this introduction draws its conceptual basis from Film Remakes. Like any good trilogy, there are continuities and innovations in each that contributes towards a larger picture.

Film Trilogies: New Critical Approaches - Google Книги

For many of the chapters in this collection, the underlying argument is similar: This argument is articulated powerfully by cumulative effect, and indeed the collection itself builds a richness and complexity greater than any of the individual contributions. What is at stake in broadly defining the trilogy and considering various kinds of trilogies together in one volume? This anthology reveals a wealth of compelling similarities, differences, intricacies and nuances about the trilogy.

Claire Perkins and Constantine Verevis Eds.

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Drawing on a wide range of examples, this book – the first devoted to the phenomenon of the film trilogy– provides a dynamic investigation of the ways in which. Film Trilogies: New Critical Approaches (): Claire Perkins, Constantine Verevis: Books.

Scary Movie 3, David Zucker, La Vie Moderne, Raymond Depardon Old Boy, Park Chan-wook Critical Approaches to the Film Sequel. Mazdon Remembering, Repeating, and Working Through: Francois Truffaut's 'Trilogy'-- M. Nielsen Book Data Publisher's Summary In contemporary discussions of media serialization, the film trilogy is typically absorbed into larger considerations of remaking, repetition and recycling.

Assoc. Prof. Constantine Verevis

New Critical Approaches is the first book to actively address this preconception by attending to the ways in which the trilogy is practiced and perceived as a distinct form at the levels of industry, textuality and criticism. Acknowledging the trilogy's high level of visibility as a commercial mode, as well as its strong historical connections to discourses of authorship and art cinema, the collection begins from the premise that the classification imparts a level of precision exceeding the categories of 'sequels' and 'series'.

In lively case studies from American, European and Asian contexts, leading film scholars take up this question to investigate the value that the trilogy nomination brings to a set of films. Nielsen Book Data Publication date ISBN hbk. Browse related items Start at call number: