Die Medienwahl. Agenda-Setting Effekte bei der Bundestagswahl 2002 (German Edition)

Political science

Der Vortrag richtet sich an Marktforscher aus Unternehmen und Instituten aber auch an die methodologisch interessierte Fachoeffentlichkeit der Akademia. Der Schwerpunkt des Vortrages ist praxisbezogen: Er moechte Hinweise liefern, - auf welche Punkte bei der Durchfuehrung derartiger Studien zu achten ist, aber auch - welche Referenzquellen zur Validierung der Ergebnisse herangezogen werden koennen bzw. Christian Stegbauer, Alexander Rausch Institution: The communication history of internet based discussion groups is often available in the form of an archive, in which all contributions of the participants are recorded.

Data drawn from such archives are discontinuous process data, because the communication process as a whole evolves over time whereas the single communication acts occur discontinuously. Many studies on internet-based communication have focused on networks of accumulated contacts. That means that all ties between the participants have been accumulated over the complete observation period. The main shortcoming of such studies is, that the question, how the structure of internet-based discussion-groups changes over time cannot be answered.

In our contribution we would like to present special kind of positional analysis, which takes the dynamics of the communication process into account.

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On one hand we analyse the occupancy of network positions over time and focus on the exchange of actors between these positions. On the other we show, that network positions are stable, even if the actors occupying this positions may change. Structural change in social networks is interpreted as a result of the changing occupancy of positions. The basic concept of our approach is, that contacts between the mailinglist participants are accumulated only in a small time window, which moves over the observation period.

The window covers a time range of three month and is moved forward in steps of one month. The complete observation period ranges over 30 — 38 months. For each step the network of the ties between the mailinglist participants is built. A tie between two mailinglist participants is said to be present, if they share at least one thread. The strength of tie is defined as the number of shared threads. With this approach we obtain a sequence of networks, each referring to a time interval of three month. For each network a positional analysis is performed.

To simplify matters only two positions are considered: There are different ways to present the development of the complete network over time: First of all we use a transition matrix, in which the positions for each participant in each temporally restricted network are recorded.

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Alternatively we build a time-event-network and illustrate the evolution of the network as a sequence of graphs. Albeit the structural stability of the network, we observed an exchange of the participants belonging to the centre. We found that the number of members in the central position was almost constant. Only leaving central actors were substituted.

TNS Infratest Session Online Evaluation Survey Abstract English: The spread of usage of the online methodology for the collection of market research data is intensively discussed in the consumer area as the switch from offline to online data collection is proceeding more slowly in the consumer area than expected. One major concern of the usage of the online methodology resp.

TNS Infratest is investing a lot of efforts helping closing this gap. This survey is comparing the results of different methodologies using the same questionnaire. As one focus was put on concept testing all relevant methodologies for concept testing were included in the program: Self administered Access Panel via Mail? Self administered Access Panel via Online? Interviewer administered Central Location, via recruitment on the street? In addition to the concept questions some general questions like contentness with ones life etc.

To evaluate the influence of segmentations a segmentation developed by Thomas Gensicke Thomas Gensicke is a employee of the social research department Munich was included in the questionnaire as well. During the session I would like to show some results of this survey and the implications of this.

Nottingham Trent University Session 6: Authors have considered issues such as the impact of contact type on web survey response rates Porter, and the effect of personalisation on response rates Heerwegh et al, Extending such work this talk reports our experience and findings from designing, developing and managing an online survey management tool at Nottingham Trent University, England.

This is used for academic rather than market research surveys, mostly within our social science academic department. Our findings are based on metadata extracted from the question and response databases, and also questioning survey authors post-project. Our custom written tool has been in use since and has grown in popularity. It is currently used for a range of teaching, admin and research purposes. To help researchers we have developed a dataset from around surveys.

We can discern patterns and relationships, for example the relationship between numbers of questions and response rates. Some relationships are surprising, for instance, our very longest surveys have the highest response rates. The reasons for this relate to other factors such as the status and scope of the research. Cobanoglu reported the faster response times of web surveys. We have data which describes the time spread of responses after publication, so we can see how factors such as population demographics and recruitment methods affect the distribution of responses over the lifetime of a survey project.

It is possible to see which kinds of topics or populations produce better response rates. Other factors which can be related to response rates include the proportion of open text questions and closed responses. We continue to develop our survey software and plan to collect more sophisticated metadata with far more detailed analysis of web surveys and their responses. For online researchers the achievable quality of data from web surveys is still an important question. Besides the problems of representativeness potential mode effects may reduce the data quality.

On the one hand this can be an advantage, mainly because it causes a lower effect of social desirability and a higher self-disclosure of respondents. On the other hand one has to doubt about negative effects precisely because of this anonymous situation. Thus it can be presumed that this low social presence leads to a lower normative influence on the respondent. In particular, problems may occur in socially orientated surveys and surveys based on individual aspects like ethical values.

Because systematic errors may be caused further research is needed. Based on these hypotheses we implemented an experiment with subjects. They answered the same questionnaire twice — with an interval of five weeks — using different survey modes web, postal and telephone. The above mentioned critical subject areas were asked. The results will be presented. Vorteil oder Nachteil oder beides? Dies kann sich auf der einen Seite vorteilhaft auswirken, v.

Auf der anderen Seite aber muss hinterfragt werden, ob sich gerade durch die anonyme Befragungssituation nicht auch negative Methodeneffekte ergeben. Zum Einsatz kamen neben der Web-Befragung auch die telefonische und postalische Befragung. Die Ergebnisse dieses Experiments werden vorgestellt. Postersession Type of presentation: Results of a presentation software web survey Abstract English: Today, in many different fields of work, computer based visual presentations, with PowerPoint, Keynote or other similar programs are predominating: They are recognized as a common expected presentation standard in economy and politics, just as to an increasing degree in schools, other educational institutions, science and research.

The picture shown by an analysis of former research is rather disillusioning: There is only little interest in an industrial psychological or customer based view of a daily used application, merely a broad practitioner literature has gained some popularity. The web survey consisted of 57 items concerning demography, general questions towards use and attitudes and a set of open questions. The results contain a description of typical aspects of use and provide data about attitudes especially from the field of usability as well as analysis of typical advantages and disadvantages of such software products.

It is shown that the respondents show a moderate satisfaction with some aspects, and even rejection towards others. Die Ergebnisse umfassen eine Beschreibung typischer Nutzungsaspekte und liefern Einstellungsdaten vor allem aus dem Bereich Usability sowie Analysen typischer Vor- und Nachteile derartiger Softwareprodukte.

Harris Interactive Session 6: In a series of online surveys with U. AAPOR, reported strong response order effects across scale types for vertically ordered scales.

Joschka Fischer Bundestagswahl 2002 Fernsehspot

In this paper, we summarize a series of experiments conducted internationally Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and U. Across experiments, with scales that varied from 4 to 9 categories, and across languages and countries, we replicated strong response order effects for vertically oriented scales. That is, there is a higher endorsement of the most positive response category when it is presented on the top of the scale than when it is presented on the bottom. In many of the studies we also examined the correspondence of the scales with key criteria to determine the possibility of differential validity.

Vertical scales with the negative response category on top generally had higher validity. We will discuss possible reasons for response order effects including satisficing and reading mechanics for visual surveys and examine some implications of response order effects for survey construction. HU Berlin Session Online Groups and E-Democracy Type of presentation: Conditions for online deliberation: Can facilitators enhance inclusiveness?

Despite still small in numbers, there is a steady grow of governments that utilize online discussion forums as a means to engage with the public in deliberation on policy issues. If such deliberation is meant to increase the legitimacy of democratic decision making, it is central to create an arena that is equally accessible to everybody. However, psychologists argue that bringing people together and giving them equal rights to deliberate might not be enough in the face of limited individual capacities and group dynamics that sideline citizens from specific backgrounds.

In practice this concern is echoed when facilitators are assigned to assist groups in deliberation. But can facilitators really enhance the inclusiveness in deliberation? And if so, how is that achieved?

To investigate this question, eleven facilitated and eleven unfacilitated groups from a forum-based online dialogue on town planning issues were analyzed. In combination with socio-demographic data that participants provided upon registration, the discussion protocols were coded for the inclusiveness of deliberation.

Inclusiveness was operationalized by the share participants from traditionally underprivileged backgrounds according to gender, ethnicity, education and income have in the discussion. The protocols were also coded for facilitator styles. Findings suggest that facilitators can increase the inclusiveness of deliberation. Stefan Tuschl , Nadja Morasch Institution: How much individualisation does a conjoint survey need? Conjoint trade-off analysis has become one of the most widely-used quantitative methods in Marketing Research.

It is used to measure the perceived values of specific product features, to learn how demand for a particular product or service is related to price, and to forecast what the likely acceptance of a product would be if brought to market. Rather than directly ask survey respondents what they prefer in a product, or what attributes they find most important, conjoint analysis employs the more realistic context of respondents evaluating potential product profiles.

Each profile includes multiple conjoined product features hence, conjoint analysis. There are different ways to show product profiles. CBC interviews closely mimic the purchase process for products in competitive contexts: With the growing popularity of online research cost efficiency, speed, etc. Even though CBC offers a lot of complexity regarding modelling and designing of surveys, CBC lacks of individualisation, which an other conjoint technique ACA, Adaptive Conjoint Analysis , also applicable in online surveys, offers.

A nowadays frequently discussed methodological question for market researcher is, whether CBC surveys would need some of these individualisation aspects as well in order to improve the measurement of purchase behaviour. Means that, based on the answers in a previous conventional part of the survey, respondents are only shown choice tasks which fit to their interests and requirements. The talk will first outline techniques for individualizing an online full profile conjoint exercise. Sonja Utz , Laura Bijleveld Institution: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Session 9: Does the establishment of virtual communities indeed foster brand loyalty, or do people simply enjoy the interaction with other community members without showing increased loyalty to the brand?

This is the central question of the present paper. Based on social psychological theories and the site brand loyalty model by Holland and Baker it is assumed that motivations of the consumers influence loyalty and social identification with the community, which should in turn result in a more positive attitude towards the brand. To test these predictions, visitors of the website of a large Dutch music channel were surveyed. Everybody can visit the website to get information about the charts, bands, and so on or to download songs or ring tones.

However, it is also possible to register as a member of the community. Community members can engage in discussions in a chat and on various forums, they have their own profile, and they receive additional information and benefits. More than visitors of the website completed the online questionnaire.

The information overload has immensely increased, in particular with the expansion of the WWW, but there is only a limited offer of individual counselling. The existing ideas and offers of web based course guidance, e. However, many others, especially newbies, do not realize their online behavior to be monitored and trust in the illusion of anonymity. Secondly, there is a degree of uncertainty on the part of commissioning companies as to whether and how hitherto offline market research studies can be conducted online in the future. The results support our assumptions. Online Evaluation Survey Abstract English:

Members and non-members of the community as well as low- and high identified community members were compared. People who became a member showed a higher level of social identification with the community, they contributed actively to it, and they were also more willing to pay for extra services.

High identified members showed a more positive attitude towards the music channel, watched more TV, and used the SMS-services more often. Social identification was influenced by the motivation of the participants. Loyalty on the other hand had no influence on these variables. The theoretical and practical implications of the results will be discussed. Rathenau Instituut Session Academic Communication and the Internet Type of presentation: The politics of data-infrastructures Abstract English: The Internet and Web-based technologies are increasingly used for sharing of research data.

This reflects that modern research is becoming increasingly data-intensive in a growing number of fields, also within the social sciences and the humanities. These data infrastructures are complicated socio-technical systems, resulting from a complex process of shaping, and with a variety of first order intended and second order unexpected and unintended consequences. The basic promise of data infrastructures is an increase of data sharing which is efficient, innovative when it enables data exchange between different research specialties — communities of practice , and may lead to new methods and new findings.

However, as infrastructures request large numbers of users, they may result as a second-order effect into research collaborations and programs larger than before. In other words, the infrastructures not only potentially improve data sharing and research collaboration, they also may influence the research agenda and the way research is conducted. In a recently started project, we study the social shaping of data infrastructures in the social sciences and in the field of ecology.

In this paper we will present our theoretical framework and the research design. The first results of two cases will be summarized: Who are the actors involved? How did their interactions take place? What strategies and organizational and technical decisions underlie the shaping of the infrastructures? The aim is to uncover the interests that dominate the process.

We end with discussing and assessing the changes these infrastructures may bring to the research system. Is this the road to go? What socio-technical alternatives are available? Eindhoven University of Technology Session 1: The effect of different kinds of progress bars on online survey compliance and data quality Abstract English: The increasing use of data collection online instead of off line creates a need for research on the factors that affect compliance and data quality in web based surveys.

Intuitively, one would argue that a progress bar is such a motivating factor: Nevertheless, the few studies that have tried to corroborate this hypothesis found mixed results. Both Couper et al. Recent research by Boehme shows no effect of the progress bar on completion, but does find some effects when comparing progress bars that are either degressive or progressive. We continue this line of research, focusing on the length of the survey as an intervening variable. Using a sample of respondents of the Dutch PanelClix online panel, we compare the effects of different kinds of progress bars on survey compliance and data quality.

We indeed find that the length of the survey is an important factor when it comes to determining the usefulness of progress indicators. Web survey design and administration. Public Opinion Quarterly, 65 2 , Social Science Computer Review, 19 2 , Mail and internet surveys: The tailored design method 2nd edition. Are the media the message? The emergence of ICTs Information and Communication Technologies and their use by the scientific community has become the subject of extensive study from various perspectives and within different contexts.

The impact of persuasion strategies on the response rate in online surveys: Incentives, foot-in-the-door-technique or when 'even a penny will help Abstract English: The study was conducted in a non-commercial online access panel with about members. Persuasion strategies can be divided into Alpha and Omega strategies. Alpha strategies promote change by activating the approach forces, thereby increasing the motivation to move toward the goal. An example for Alpha strategies are incentives, e. In contrast, Omega strategies promote change by minimizing the avoidance forces, thereby reducing the motivation to move away from the goal.

This change can be promoted by sidestepping resistance and addressing resistance directly as well as indirectly. Examples for Omega strategies are the foot-in-the-door-technique and the even-a-penny-will-help-technique. Both techniques were used in this study. Regulatory focus can be split into promotion and prevention focus. Subjects with a promotion focus try to achieve positive outcomes.

For example, they try to win a game because they desire to be good. In contrast, subjects with a prevention focus try to avoid failure. They try to win a game because they do not want to be bad. It was investigated if subjects having been induced a promotion focus are more likely to participate in studies if the invitation contains an Alpha strategy and if subjects having been induced a prevention focus are more likely to participate in studies if the invitation contains an Omega strategy.

Incentives, foot-in-the-door-Technik oder wenn "even a penny will help" Abstract Deutsch: Ziel des Experiments war es herauszufinden, ob ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem induzierten Regulatorischen Fokus der Probanden und ihrer Teilnahme an einer Online-Studie, zu der mit einer bestimmten Persuasionsstrategie eingeladen wurde, besteht. Die Untersuchung wurde in einem nicht-kommerziellen Online-Access-Panel mit ca.

Ein Beispiel, das auch in unserer Untersuchung aufgegriffen wurde, ist die Vergabe beziehungsweise Verlosung von Incentives. Omega-Strategien hingegen vermindern die Motivation, an einer Umfrage nicht teilzunehmen. Dies kann durch das Umgehen bzw. Als Omega-Strategien wurden die foot-in-the-door-Technik sowie die even-a-penny-will-help-Technik herangezogen.

Innerhalb des Regulatorischen Fokus kann zwischen einem Promotion- und Prevention-Fokus differenziert werden. Sie streben es beispielsweise an, ein Spiel zu gewinnen, weil sie gut sein wollen. Liegt hingegen bei einer Person ein Prevention-Fokus vor, versucht sie, Misserfolge zu vermeiden. Hier haben die Personen das Ziel, ein Spiel zu gewinnen, weil sie nicht schlecht sein wollen. FHM Bielefeld Session E-Learning I Type of presentation: Web- Based course guidence: Development and evaluation of an online user profile based model Abstract English: Every year the choice of a specific course of studies poses a serious challenge to numerous university applicants in Germany.

Due to their long-time experience the course guidance of the universities, the career counsellors of the Federal Employment Office and private counsellors agree with each other on that problem. The information overload has immensely increased, in particular with the expansion of the WWW, but there is only a limited offer of individual counselling. The high expenditure of time and the required expertise causes great costs for individual counselling.

In this presentation the authors concentrate on research of web based systems for course guidance that feature expert know-how or the ability to learn.

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Counselling can be offered independent of time and place to the user. The automatic operation method of web based course guidance should afford to offer individual counselling services at lower costs and increased availability. The existing ideas and offers of web based course guidance, e. The user affability, the flexibility, the complexity and the development- and maintenance costs of the systems are as important as the relevance, the level of detail and the validity of the recommended course of action.

The results of this market research are included in the development of a model, which analyses in particular the applications and capacity of neural networks during the evaluation of user profile data. Die Studienwahlentscheidung stellt jedes Jahr zahlreiche Studieninteressierte vor erhebliche Probleme. We will present the results of a case study, which was a team involved in scientific collaboration for a European-funded research project.

This team relied heavily on the common emailing list for their communication and coordination emails in total. We gathered data about the media configuration of the team,: How often did they meet and when?

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Furthermore, we analyse patterns of collaboration of the team, such as the presence and handling of conflicts, the co-production of scientific reports, the meeting of deadlines, the processes of decision making, and the overall output of the team from its constitution until its finalization more than three years. The first results suggest that throughout different stages of the collaboration different media were used: We intend to show how in the period of three years different patterns of media use were related to different collaboration stages, and thus understand how the introduction of ICTs has enabled different kinds of scientific collaboration.

Wie kann man Weblogs und Wikis in transnationalen Lehrveranstaltungen einsetzen und nutzen? In diesem Vortrag wird der Versuch unternommen, Antworten auf diese Fragen zu finden. Erfahrungsberichte und erste Forschungsergebnisse dienen als Grundlage des Vortrages. Information Search on the Internet Type of presentation: Online Social Capital and Inequality of Internet Use --an empirical research into informal learning of migrant youth in online socio-cultural networks Abstract English: Against this background, informal learning with and through new media especially the informal learning in virtual space increasingly has been of a great significance.

With the overwhelming increase of Internet penetration into every sector of daily life, the role of Internet as a virtual informal learning space has been getting increasingly important; however, differences between those who can use Internet to develop their life-competence through online informal learning and those who can not, which can be defined as a kind of digital inequality, are also coming up. Against all the background, online socio-cultural networks as online social capital will be applied in this study as a new dimension to analyse the differences of informal learning in virtual space so as to get a further understanding about how digital inequality has come into being, and eventually to reach a conclusion about whether, and to what extent, and how online informal learning could overcome the digital inequality and the educational inequality in real life as well.

Email use in long-distance friendships Abstract Deutsch: Die zentrale Frage in diesem Forschungsprojekt ist, inwieweit sie dabei Email nutzen und welche Faktoren die Emailnutzung beeinflussen. Telefon sollte als reichhaltigeres Medium Email vorgezogen werden, wenn es um das Pflegen von Freundschaften geht. Allerdings zeigte sich, dass Menschen bei der Medienwahl nicht immer rational vorgehen.

Je intensiver die Freundschaft, desto mehr Emails wurden absolut geschrieben. Preconditions of successful motivation management of virtual teams Abstract English: Although small group research focuses primarily on motivation losses in group work e. These motivation gains were obtained in conventional groups as well as in virtual teams, but for both types of cooperation, certain features of the work context must be given.

Moreover, the availability of partner-related performance feedback and anonymity of team partners have proven to be significant factors for motivation. The main objective of our laboratory study was to investigate several triggers of motivation gains in computer-supported virtual teams and to explore potential moderating influences of gender. Cooperating partners worked spatially separated from each other, but were allegedly connected via Intranet.

A significant overall motivation gain for the group work was observed.

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These gains were higher under continuous feedback conditions compared to conditions with one-time performance feedback shortly after having started the group trial. Females showed the expected effect of high indispensability of the own contribution for the team, independently from the anonymity of the partner. In contrast male participants seemed to be primarily motivated by interpersonal competition in coactive conditions. Potential underlying processes and implications for designing virtual team work are discussed.

Motivation gains in computer-mediated work groups. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33, Voraussetzungen erfolgreichen Motivationsmanagements von virtuellen Teams Abstract Deutsch: Insgesamt waren signifikante Motivationsgewinne bei Gruppenarbeit zu beobachten. Andrea Weitz , Walter Niemeier Institution: As a group of users with similar sorts, online bonding networks would be an extension of social closure in real life and inevitably would only transfer similarities among users within this structure.

Consequently, those disadvantaged groups would still be socially excluded and their abilities to use Internet would remain and not be promoted. In contrast, online bridging networks, as a group of heterogeneity of social and ideological characteristics, would enable the reconstruction of socio-cultural networks in online society; therefore, for the disadvantaged young people in social and educational situations, more social support to use Internet or to learn in virtual space would be available.

Based on this, it is assumed in this research that when young people go online, they participate in different online socio-cultural networks. Bridging network, as a group of heterogeneity, is assumed to be more effective than bonding network for informal learning, especially for disadvantaged young people, to promote their life competences. Further, the difference between being connected with online bonding networks and with bridging networks results the inequality of Internet use. Im Rahmen der 8. Queen's University Belfast Session New and old spaces to cheat on your partner: In this empirical research, migrant youth are specially selected because of their special social and ideological background and especially because of their disadvantaged educational position in Germany.

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A questionnaire survey has been accomplished with altogether young people with Turkish and Kurdish background aged from 14 to 21 years old with interview-administered method. Preliminary results and conclusion will be presented in detail. Luc Wilkin, Faccin, Brotvorne Institution: The last decade has witnessed radical changes in information and communication technologies ICTs. Internet and computer usages have prompted numerous studies in the business world. The majority of practitioner and popular articles tend to focus on the virtues of internet-enabled information sources and minimize the difficulties students might have in accessing and processing this information.

With this in mind, the authors present the first results of a research survey based on an extensive structured questionnaire of students in different programs of education: To address whether and to what extent the WWW has become a routine in university student working habits, this study focused on the following questions: Implications are discussed in light of current efforts of educators and universities in general to improve Internet literacy.

University of Wuerzburg Session Motivation gains in internet based virtual group work Abstract English: The indispensability effect has been demonstrated in laboratory studies with group members working in different rooms of the same building e. As a further test of the robustness of the indispensability effect we examined motivations gains in virtual cooperation with inter-net based sequential group work and participants working outside the laboratory under anonymous conditions, using a 2 online vs. Dabei ist vor allem die vom Rezipienten subjektiv wahrgenommene Verwendbarkeit einer Wissenseinheit wichtig, d.

Im unterhaltungsbezogenen Medien-Priming geht es darum, wie stereotype Mediendarstellungen die nachfolgende Wahrnehmung von Personen beeinflussen. Das gewaltbezogene Medien-Priming konzentriert sich auf den Einfluss gewalthaltiger Medieninhalte auf aggressive Kognitionen und aggressives Verhalten. Als Primes werden in dieser Forschungsrichtung aggressive oder gewalthaltige Inhalte, z.

Ausschnitte aus gewalthaltigen Filmen verwendet. Zeitungsartikel, die Aspekte betonen, unter denen der nachfolgende Zielstimulus beurteilt werden kann. Was das Untersuchungsdesign angeht dominieren in den unterhaltungsbezogenen, gewaltbezogenen und persuasiven Medien-Priming-Forschung experimentelle Untersuchungen mit Studierenden als Untersuchungsteilnehmer. Im politischen Medien-Priming dagegen sind die nicht-experimentelle Designs wie z. Die meisten Untersuchungen im politischen MedienPriming haben gezeigt, dass die Medienberichterstattung die allgemeine Bewertung von Politikern beeinflusst.

Einigen dieser Anforderungen gerecht zu werden versucht die unten vorgestellte Untersuchung von Tamir Sheafer und Gabriel Weimann. Intentions, and the Aggregate Results: Es wurden die Parlamentswahlen von , , und untersucht. Medien-Priming - Grundlagen, Befunde und Forschungstendenzen. Politik - Grundlagen und Allgemeines. Soziologie - Medien, Kunst, Musik. Politik - Internationale Politik - Thema: Politik - Politische Systeme - Allgemeines und Vergleiche.

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