Nice Guys Finish Seventh: False Phrases, Spurious Sayings, and Familiar Misquotations

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See "John Paul Jones: Gordon Bowen-Hassell, Dennis M. Conrad, and Mark L.

Some sources, apparently inaccurate, say the speech was delivered in Michigan in The most solid version of his remarks, according to historian and journalist Lloyd Lewis, is this: You can bear this warning voice to generations yet to come. I look upon war with horror, but if it has to come I am here. His words, shortened to 'War is hell,' gradually spread over the world to become one of the most widely known statements by an American.

Where or when he had said it was forgotten. Years later, he could never remember having said it at all; he supposed he might have. It was certainly what he thought; but he guessed it was just a popularization of the phrase he had written during the Civil War struggle: Fighting Prophet" by Lloyd Lewis [; new edition].

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See Wikiquote for all versions. Hall wrote under the pseudonym S.

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Nice guys finish seventh: False phrases, spurious sayings, and familiar misquotations [Ralph Keyes] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Nice guys finish seventh: False phrases, spurious sayings, and familiar misquotations by Ralph Keyes () on *FREE* shipping on.

She said, in later years, that the quote is "a paraphrase of Voltaire's words in the Essay on Tolerance - 'Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so too. Tallentyre [; new edition]. Hoover denied saying any such thing.

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A version of this quotation appeared in a political ad in the New York World in when Hoover was running for president. The comment has deep roots: Henry IV of France once said, "I wish that there would not be a peasant so poor in all my realm who would not have a chicken in his pot every Sunday.

Acton , born John E. Dalberg, an English historian and statesman, actually wrote in in a letter to Mandell Creighton, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. With his use of "tends" Acton is saying the walk can be made. The founders of the U. This statement by Acton may be the wisest one-sentence observation about power since Jesus announced, "You cannot serve both God and money.

The 19th century theorist and revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin wrote, "There is nothing more dangerous for personal morality than the habit of giving orders. There is a corrolary to Acton's Law called Prichard's Law: Acton wrote a number of interesting things; see his page on Wikiquote. See here for a description of a famous psychological study of the corrupting effects of power. The accurate quote is, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Armstrong actually said, on July 21, , what everyone thinks he said: Except, of course, for that part about landing the spacecraft safely.

In his book he tries to re-write history by including the missing "a. Get it from Amazon.


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