New Literacies and the English Curriculum

Literacy across the curriculum

For example, she notes instructions, observation, description and personal recount as genres within the everyday domain, while procedure, report and historical recount feature in the academic domain. What is clear here is that literacy teaching needs to be part of all subjects taught in primary schools and secondary schools.

In these ways, students are required to learn to use language in new ways as they master the registers and text types of the subjects they are learning. Technical language is expert knowledge that goes beyond observable experience. Technical terms are the direct result of the kinds of knowledge scientists, geographers and other specialists are involved in developing as they study, classify and reclassify the world into taxonomies. Common-sense knowledge and understandings are therefore based on observable, everyday criteria while technical knowledge goes beyond the observable.

Technical knowledge and understandings help explain why scientists, geographers, environmentalists, mathematicians and other specialists in their disciplines may be hard to understand.

New Literacies and the English Curriculum

The words they use in their speech and their writing are difficult for someone outside of their field to understand. Literacy development in the middle years draws heavily on increasingly technical language.

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The vocabulary that is needed can either be technical or specialised. Understanding these terms is crucial to students developing competence in comprehension. A common-sense grouping of the three items might be apple, pear fruit because they are sweet versus pumpkin a vegetable. Such common-sense criteria tend to come from directly observable experience: Common-sense knowledge tends to be based on careful observation using the senses and the naked eye.

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In contrast, technical criteria go beyond such directly observable experience. If we asked a biologist to group these items, their criteria for grouping would be whether or not they come from a pollinated flower. Scientists draw on knowledge gained from technology, as well as experiments, to produce a different picture of the world.

Neither view is correct: Each approach sees the same three organic things but they see them differently. For example, some common technical terms used by geographers interested in the climate are: Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway. WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog, helping you find library materials online. Don't have an account? Your Web browser is not enabled for JavaScript. Some features of WorldCat will not be available. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: Search WorldCat Find items in libraries near you.

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Mates in Arms J. Comparing and Composing Digital Re-presentations of Literature: Multimedia Authoring and Meta-communicative Knowlege Part 5: Senior Secondary English and Its Goals: Challenges ofAssessment in the English Curriculum Can Assessment Ever Be the Same?

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The Importance of New Literacy Skills in the 21st Century Classroom

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