Movie Quotes Quiz Book

Movie Quote Trivia Quiz!

You need to try harder next time: Food makes me happy. Thanks for the quix, Cait! Well you are EPIC at deducing then, clearly.

Movie Quotes Trivia Game - 1990's Edition

Aw, I only got eleven right. Still, I found my approach to the quiz really funny because a lot of times I was guessing on the food quotes based on what I knew you liked to read which was not so bad to work with, but then when it turned out there was a book we had apparently both read I would second-guess myself because I would assume we had not both read it and get it wrong.

I actually used a lot of classics, though! I think food is really important for world building. And it can be a good backdrop for interesting conversations…instead of like just having endless dialogue, you can have them sharing a meal in the background. Your quizzes are seriously awesome. I got a Omg, do not ask me mean hard questions.

Okay, but I have a severe weakness for pumpkin lasagna and brownie cheesecake and also cake. Seriously though, what on Earth is Farmer Boy??? Oh, and you were so mean using that Heidi quote… that book sparked my love affair with food, I swear! I seriously hated reading Heidi when I was little because of all the food.

I wanted cheese so bad. Darn you, Heidi, and your delicious goats. Also I just like Katniss a lot. I got 11…but most of those were guesses. Points for November cakes! One day I will print the recipe and bake some. Also, the Farmer Boy one and I probably read that about five times when I was under 12 years. During mealtimes funny things happen, serious things are talked over, announcements are celebrated.

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But it would be nothing without food. The food ought to be described. I think it has a right. Not to mention I recently finished reading The Scorpio Races and have been craving November cakes for the past week. According to your quiz, I am a foodie bookworm. And that panini looks delicious and now, despite it being only about 8: I want all the things.

Is it too early for chocolate cake? September, basically the same thing. OKAY I took this way to seriously. And yes yes, deducing.

I got 16 out of 19, so, Foodie Fanatic. Clearly this means I need to reread the entire series right away. I only got Time to go and eat! She snuck on there twice. And yes, I just had lunch less than two hours ago. And I was making it at 10pm and I still was starving. WOW … and I was so sure I was going to fail miserably. Oh, and books and food go together like honey and toast. Actually I have this thing that I only realized when my family pointed it out to me that in every book I write chocolate chip biscuits are mentioned at least once and often baked throughout the course of the story.

I just make them through Playbuzz! I was working on this for like 2 days. I basically always have a character who eats a lot. I got 13 right. And I had never read any of the ones I got wrong.

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Thanks for making it Cait. Yayyy I eat books. I still think I should have done better, though. I got four wrong! I think this is my favorite quiz of yours yet. Apparently the quiz is quite hard…. I got 13 right!

Sci-Fi Movie Quotes Quiz

Super fun quiz, Cait! This was a super fun quiz! And yes, I love it when books mention food — it makes them more relatable and memorable, because who forgets a description of a delicious or unique meal?

This category in

I probably did make it a little hard!? But a challenge can be cool.

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Brand New Question Movie Quotes Quiz The most popular movie quotes of all time are featured in this fun interactive quiz. Each quote has three possible. The Ultimate Movie Quote Quiz Book: Questions! [Jack Goldstein] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. How well do you know your.

I got 13 correct! Well I only got four wrong! Food is the best. Especially cake and candy. Omg, do you realise the pain I went through googling so much chocolate cake to bring this quiz to you peoples!? Only you would think of a post like this Cait! Anyway, this was so entertaining. I never really think about books in food, but now that you mention it, it is mentioned a ton. You knew I would be happy with you, right? I am here to bring the foodies and bookworms together, basically.

I think food totally helps with world-building and culture. Especially in fantasy worlds! The audience totally gets it. YES it totally does add culture! Plus I feel more kinship to characters who have to eat instead of just fighting million battles with no food or breaks. But OMG those pictures!! Did much better than I expected — I must absorb food descriptions more than I believe I do!

It was super torturous fun to make! Cait, your new design is so lovely! The arrow is especially pretty. But to be honest, I guessed on about 90 percent of them. There were a lot of obscure books in this one though! A lot of classics too. Anyway, apparently I'm a book foodie! Scrolling through all those food pictures. No one is surprised, considering how much I adore food and books and any combination thereof. I especially loved seeing November cakes mentioned!

I especially love fantasy books with wonderful food descriptions as well! What a beautiful foodie book.

I want to make those November Cakes one day. I loved all TGoFaT food descriptions. Well, I got 10 right. But to be perfectly honest, there were some guesses in there. Fine, at least 7 of them were guesses. I like food in books! I also like food out of books, but a book-food combo is especially enticing.

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And even Harry Potter! That is at least mildly impressive, right? According to Wikipedia https: I've stood on the back deck of a blinker bound for the Plutition Camps with sweat in my eyes watching the stars fight on the shoulder of Orion. I've felt wind in my hair, riding test boats off the black galaxies and seen an attack fleet burn like a match and disappear.

Lots of random details, no existential musings or sadness at all! Thank goodness Rutger Hauer had a poetic epiphany and Ridley Scott a generous heart, because obviously the way it was shot was just sublime. Oh, and according to the Daily Script, here's a version of the shooting script I'm not sure whether it's newer or older compared to the other one I already quoted , but it seems an improvement: Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion bright as magnesium I rode on the back deck of a blinker and watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser gate.

Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.

  1. Goldstein, Jack!
  2. Finish the Famous Literature Quote Quiz.
  3. Food, Cuisine and Cultural Competency for Culinary, Hospitality and Nutrition Professionals!
  5. Can you pick the last word to these famous quotes from literature?.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears I kept wondering why I didn't get Star Wars and tried names of the episodes and all. Somehow keep confusing the two even though I know both. As some pedant probably pointed out before, many of these are not science fiction. Fine quiz anyway, though.

They're all science fiction. Some of them are other things on top of being science fiction, too. Science fiction and fantasy are mutually exclusive. Star Wars is fantasy. The Avengers is fantasy. Ghostbuster and Back to the Future are But obviously not serious science fiction as they are both comedies with very silly premises. Blade Runner soliloquy is amazing, but I wish you'd chosen the quote from The Fly that, while far less famous than "Be afraid The Blade Runner soliloquy is perhaps my favorite movie speech of all time.

Not a single mediocre word in it. I watched Aliens yesterday. I watched Predator less than an hour ago. Yet, I managed to miss both It can be both. It's fantasy bad guys Ghosts! Demon god from another dimension! Blast with proton beams from unlicensed nuclear accelerators! Science fiction is fiction that explores the possible real life implications of science or technology in the near or distant future.

If you put laser guns in a movie that is all about wizards and laser sword wielding knights set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away Ghostbusters is a little bit squishy.